
Glycine Forte (Evalar)

"Glycine Forte" is a drug produced in the form of sublingual tablets, the main active ingredient in which is glycine. Excipients: magnesium stearate, water-soluble cellulose. The taste of the tablets is sweet, the tablet itself is white in color with a marble tint.

The drug is used :

- with a decrease in mental performance;

- with psychoemotional stress;

- under stresses, arising, for example, in conflict situations or during the examination session;

- with deviant forms of behavior in adolescents and children;

- with various functional and organic diseases of the nervous system, which are accompanied by increased excitability, sleep disturbances, unstable emotions, neuroses;

- with perinatal and other forms of encephalopathy and ischemic stroke.

Doctors also recommend using the drug as a food biologically active supplement - an additional source of vitamins.

The need for a preparation

The main proof of the effectiveness of the drug "Glycine Forte" - reviews of people who have had to apply it. It's no secret that modern life is filled with stress, emotional and mental stress. What is the exam session at the university? A speech at an important conference or a responsible meeting? All this can be safely attributed to the causes of nervous tension and mental fatigue. Let us consider in more detail what happens to a person with a prolonged nervous load.

So, in most cases, a person is affected by the parasympathetic nervous system, and he is in a state of calm. With nervous overload, the balance is disturbed and here the sympathetic nervous system takes over , when a person is in an active state. As a result, the activity that a person uses to solve any problems and problems turns into a chronic overexcitement that can not be controlled and controlled. In this case, concentration of attention is reduced, problems are solved tightly, sleep is disturbed, and a person begins to feel depressed. Agree that it is very difficult to cope with obsessive thoughts, the inability to sleep and relax. Exhaustion of the nervous system - the main indication for the appointment of the drug "Glycine Forte."

The tablet contains a slightly increased amount of the main active substance. This aligns the processes of inhibition and excitation, eliminates depression and irritability, increases efficiency.

The action of glycine is enhanced by a high dosage of B vitamins, which are considered good antidepressants and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, eliminating stress. Thus, vitamin B1 optimizes mental and cognitive activity, B6 promotes the proper functioning of the brain and assimilation of vitamin B12, which in turn restores nervous tissue, reduces irritability, improves memory and concentration, and also takes part in the production of acetylcholine, the main regulator of processes, Related to learning.

Contraindications and side effects

"Glycine Forte" is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance of any of the components of the drug, pregnancy and lactation. Adverse reactions of an allergic nature occur precisely when hypersensitivity to glycine and B vitamins. To avoid the occurrence of such, consult a specialist before starting the drug.

"Glycine Forte" (Evalar): reviews

According to reviews, only two tablets of the drug will help change the emotional mood in a positive way, improve mental performance, overcome excessive stress and cope with insomnia.

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