
Which tablets are the most effective for temperature?

Tablets from temperature are the most qualitative method of confronting febrile state and heat. The normal temperature of a person's body in a healthy state should be 36.6 degrees. Tolerances within the range of 35.5 to 37 degrees are considered acceptable. These indicators reflect the degree of the body's ability to thermoregulation. Failures in this system are observed in the development of any diseases, among which the commonest are the common cold and the influenza virus, in the case of which the development of heat is the main sign that indicates the presence of an inflammatory process.

To date, tablets on the temperature should not be used, if the indicators do not exceed 38.5 degrees. As for elderly patients, under condition of presence of diseases of cardiovascular system, and also children, at which temperature increase caused convulsions, it is allowed to use antipyretics at a lower rate.

As a rule, the increase in temperature is only one of the signs that indicate the development of the inflammatory process. Therefore, treatment should include the use of those drugs that are aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease, and only then will the symptoms disappear.

To date, there is such a variety of antipyretic agents that some patients are faced with a choice of which tablets are best suited for their situation. Our task is to characterize the most common of them.

Most often, patients choose "Paracetamol" or other drugs in which this element is an active substance. It is believed that it is most easily tolerated by the body, but this is provided that it is not consumed in larger quantities than indicated in the instructions for use. The toxicity of the drug increases when it is combined with alcohol. If the usual dose does not help, then you can use the "Eferangan Maximum", where the dosage is doubled.

If the temperature rise is insignificant, preparations containing paracetamol should not be used.

As a rule, tablets for children are not very popular because children, and teenagers, prefer those drugs that are pleasant to taste and smell. And these characteristics are peculiar only to syrups. They are convenient to handle, because they are sold together with a measuring spoon or syringe-dispenser in the kit, which allows you to dial the right amount of substance. As for newborns who can not independently consume medicines, it is best to use rectal suppositories that have an antipyretic effect.

To date, very popular are those drugs that have a complex effect. They help to eliminate allergy symptoms, reduce fever, and reduce the common cold.

In general, tablets from the temperature can be divided into several groups:

  1. Paracetamol in its pure form ("Cefekon", "Flutabs" and others).
  2. Paracetamol with ascorbic acid (Teraflu, Koldreks).
  3. Acetylsalicylic acid.
  4. Ibuprofen ("Nurofen", "Ibufen", "Advil").
  5. Metamizol sodium ("Analgin", "Baralgin").

All pills from the temperature affect the centers that are responsible for thermoregulation, very selective. As a result, vasodilation is observed, which helps to develop a greater heat transfer. And this, in turn, stimulates a decrease in body temperature.

Note, if you often have unmotivated temperature rises, especially if such a situation arises in the child, it is necessary to consult a specialist to avoid the development of more serious diseases, which then will be much more difficult to treat.

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