Health, Stomatology
Inflammation of the gums: treatment is possible!
It is generally believed that the root cause of inflammation of the gums is careless hygiene and insufficient cleaning of the teeth. This is not quite true. There is no doubt that poor dental care provokes the inflammation process, accelerates the formation of the stone (dental) and the development of bacteria, but some diseases can also provoke inflammation. Diabetes mellitus, hereditary predisposition, infectious or cardiac diseases, abnormal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, hormonal failures or too high dosages of some drugs can lead to the fact that a person, even a careful follower, may develop gum disease. It is recommended to start treatment as quickly as possible. Before treating the inflamed gums, the doctor should establish not only the cause of the inflammation, but also its appearance.
The simplest inflammation of the gums, the treatment of which sometimes consists in changing the diet, is called periodontal disease. Some doctors refuse to consider him a disease, and not without reason. Periodontal disease occurs when a person eats too little solid food and does not give enough teeth to the teeth. To solve the problem, it is enough to change the diet: there are more nuts, hard fruits or vegetables. From such nutrition, the benefits will be multiple: inflammation will disappear, teeth will strengthen, and the body will be enriched with useful substances.
A more complex disease is gingivitis. This inflammation of the gum treatment involves immediate. Gingivitis affects the gums, dental tissue, accompanied by bleeding, putrefactive smell during conversation, swelling, and sometimes the temperature. Some people who are sick try to treat their own gum disease. Treatment with folk remedies, of course, exists, but it must accompany the course of drugs prescribed by a doctor, and not substitute it. Because untreated gingivitis is a direct way to either loss of teeth, or to another, more serious disease - periodontitis.
This is the so-called inflammation of the gums, the treatment of which is prolonged for a long time, and if the patient's appointment is too late, the doctor may not be successful enough. With parodontitis, inflammation is rapidly transmitted from the gums to the tissues of the teeth. Very often, patients with periodontitis lose all their teeth in a short time.
Is it possible to cure inflammation of the gums without medical intervention ? Treatment at home should begin with prevention. Daily thorough hygiene, regular (at least four times a year) visit to a dentist, healthy solid food can prevent the occurrence of inflammation. But, if it started, you can try folk recipes (but only after consulting a doctor!) Only a doctor is able to treat the disease, and folk recipes can only complement the treatment.
You can brew a spoonful of dry camomiles and marigold in a glass of water (like tea), and gently rinse with infusion to rinse your mouth. It is recommended to do this as often as possible.
Strengthen gums, stop bleeding broths of oak bark, sage with soda and salt.
If the teeth are strongly loosened, and bleeding does not stop, you can use a more effective prescription. It is recommended for him to take a bunch of fresh leaves of sorrel, squeeze into a glass bowl of juice (without touching the leaves with metal objects). The resulting juice strain, mix with warm water 1: 1, every hour rinse your mouth. This rinse can be prepared in small doses, just before the procedure: juice in the light quickly loses its properties.
Finally, a solution of peroxide dissolved in water can stop bleeding. But you can use this tool for no more than two days, and rinse do not more than three times a day.
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