
The tooth moved away from the gums: why is this happening and how to deal with it?

Today, dentists take a lot of patients with different problems. Often a person turns to the doctor, when the tooth has moved away from the gum. This situation is not only very painful, but also dangerous. The fact is that you can lose completely healthy teeth. Symptom of such a pathology is pain, which has a aching character. When eating food or drinks, it becomes stronger.

If the tooth has moved away from the gum, you may get an unpleasant smell from the mouth, the food seems tasteless. In addition, periodically you can observe the blood and sensitivity of the gum tissue. And pathology is visible to the naked eye. Naturally, in this situation the consultation of a specialist is mandatory, as he can accurately diagnose, understand the causes of the disease, and prescribe appropriate effective treatment.

If the tooth has moved away from the gum, it means that you can develop any inflammatory process (periodontitis), or there is not enough good hygiene of the oral cavity. If you eliminate the factors that contribute to the development of the disease (correctly and regularly brush your teeth, try not to allow a raid on the enamel, use special antiseptic rinses, timely eliminate various infections), then you can deal with the situation quickly enough.

If the gum receded from the tooth, treatment should be comprehensive and immediate. To begin with, the pain syndrome should be eliminated. For this at home, you can use decoctions of marigold, chamomile and oak bark, which are good antiseptics and help cure inflammation. However, at the first opportunity, you need to visit a doctor, since only he can prescribe medication. Specialist for the beginning will spend sanation of an oral cavity and a roentgen of a teeth. The fact is that in some cases it is necessary to establish how badly the bone tissue is destroyed .

If the gums go away from the teeth, the treatment provides for such procedures: removal of deposits on the enamel with modern sparing techniques (ultrasound), medical therapy, further prevention of the disease after recovery. After preliminary cleaning of the teeth, the doctor must remove the inflammation with antiseptic gels ("Biotent", "Levomekol").

If the tooth has moved away from the gum sufficiently strongly, then the curettage of the pockets is carried out. For this it is necessary to make an incision on soft tissues. Then part of the gum exfoliates and cleanses. If the operation reveals a significant destruction of bone tissue, the doctor will perform a transplantation of soft bone tissue. To do this, use synthetic materials.

After recovery, you should very well observe oral hygiene and use specialized toothpastes: Parodontax, Lakalut, Green Tea. Naturally, you need to adjust the diet, take a variety of multivitamins that will help you restore the structure of the gums. Be healthy!

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