
Causes of caries, prevention and treatment

Caries (decay) is a pathological slowly developing process in the hard tissues of the teeth, which occurs when a combination of unfavorable factors, namely demineralization of the enamel, which leads to the destruction of enamel, dentin and can lead to inflammation of the pulp.

Everyone knows that tooth decay is one of the most common dental diseases, especially among children. One of the main causes of caries is plaque, which contains cariogenic bacteria. When forming plaque and demineralization of the enamel, acid-forming streptococci are involved, which cause anaerobic fermentation. Immediately after the person takes carbohydrates, the pH balance decreases from 6 to 4. And in the oral cavity, during fermentation of carbohydrates, milk, oil, formic and propionic acid are formed and others. A very important anti-caries and buffer effect has saliva, which neutralizes acids found in the oral cavity.

Therefore, dentists do not recommend eating carbohydrates and sweet often and in large quantities, as this negatively affects the condition of the teeth. Sweet and acidic drinks are better to drink through the tube, and also refuse to absorb sugar candies. And also rinse the mouth or brush your teeth after eating, in order to prevent the appearance of caries. In addition, you need to eat foods containing calcium and fluoride. Such products include dairy products that are rich in calcium and fish products are rich in fluoride. With a large deficit of these minerals, you can take a mineral complex.

Well, if you still have tooth decay, go to a dental clinic, where dentists will provide you with qualified help. At the initial stage of caries it is not required to drill the tooth tissue, but it is achieved by application, mineralization or electrophoresis with a 1% solution of sodium fluoride or patented mineralizing preparations. At later stages, excision of affected tooth tissues is required, with the subsequent restoration of the tooth shape and its function. Excision of the tooth is made using dental burrs of different shapes. Carious cavity is filled with a seal, among which are cement, polymer and others. All this complex of procedures is aimed at preventing further tooth decay. The main thing is not to start caries, as it can develop into pulpitis and can lead to tooth extraction. Caries can be divided conditionally into superficial and deep caries.

Superficial caries is formed on the surface of the tooth in the form of a pigmented spot due to a change in the structure of the enamel. Sometimes a patient feels pain from hot cold and chemical irritants. With a superficial caries, only the enamel layer is affected, with an average can suffer dentin.

Deep caries is characterized by a significant change in the dentin, which is caused by severe pain from external stimuli. When examining the patient, a deep carious cavity is found. Caries, getting inside the tooth develops 2 times faster than the enamel, because the dentin is more prone to destruction. Therefore, it is extremely not recommended to delay with the reference to the dentist. Do not be afraid of going to the doctor, for today with the use of new drugs for anesthesia, caries tooth treatment is virtually painless and fast enough.

Observe the rules of oral hygiene, do not abuse sweet, consume plenty of vegetables, fruits and dairy products and your teeth will be healthy and strong.

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