
The sleep hormone is melatonin. How to increase the level of melatonin?

In this article, you will learn how to get melatonin, which foods contain this hormone, where it comes from and why its level goes down. Also you will be interested to read about its properties and features.

Melatonin is one of the hormones of the epiphysis, responsible for regulating circadian rhythms in the human body. This substance was first discovered by professor-dermatologist Lerner Aaron in 1958. At present, it is accurately determined that melatonin (a sleep hormone, as it is also called) is available in practically all living organisms. They include both protozoa and plants.

The process of hormone production

Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland - epiphysis. The produced hormone enters the bloodstream and spinal cord fluid, and then begins to accumulate in the hypothalamus. In the human body, melatonin production begins after dark. The synthesis of this hormone is due to a signal received from the receptors of the visual organs. Melatonin is produced from tryptophan (aromatic alpha-amino acid), which is initially transformed into serotonin (neurotransmitter). Further, due to the action of the enzyme N-acetyltransferase on it, it becomes a sleep hormone.

In an adult healthy person, the average melatonin production rate is 30 μg per day. At the same time, its amount at night is 30 times higher than the daily concentration.

Importance of melatonin for the human body

Melatonin is a hormone, which is an extremely important compound necessary for the regulation process Some physiological processes in the human body. It has quite a lot of important properties that allow to maintain normal vital activity of the body.

The principle of action of melatonin as a natural preparation with a hypnotic effect has not been fully studied to the present day. According to one version of the scientists, this hormone directly affects the cellular level, slowing the production of other hormones and active substances, the level of concentration of which also depends on the time of day. Still there is an assumption that melatonin actively participates in suppression of the actions connected with a mode of wakefulness of the person.

Antioxidant action of the hormone

The melatonin sleep hormone is able to bind free radicals at the cellular level. These include hydroxyl, which are formed during the oxidation of lipids. High antioxidant activity of melatonin is clearly traced. Thus, the hormone has a protective effect on DNA, protecting it from all kinds of damage, and also acts on lipids and proteins, but to a lesser extent.

Immunostimulatory effect of melatonin

Research scientists have repeatedly confirmed the fact that melatonin actively stimulates the immune system. It is involved in the regulation of the working capacity of the thyroid gland, thymus and increases the activity of phagocytes and T cells. Among other things, melatonin has an antitumor effect. The hormone is able to suppress proliferation (reproduction method Fission) of cells. At the same time the strength of its effect in this process is comparable with many cytostatic medications.

Hormonal sleep: other properties of melatonin

In addition to the fact that melatonin regulates the onset of the moment when a person is immersed in sleep, its duration and depth, it has many other properties. Namely:

1. A hormone can slow the aging process. In this case, the greatest effect of rejuvenation is observed in the human reproductive system.

2. Melatonin stimulates the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, which contributes to the normalization of weight.

3. The sleep hormone lowers the level of myocardial energy expenditure.

4. Melatonin normalizes the work of the intestines and stomach, stabilizes the secretory and motor functions.

5. Regulates the efficiency of the thyroid gland, activates growth hormone.

6. Corrects the pressure indices in the arteries, dilutes the blood, which prevents the occurrence of blood clots.

7. Melatonin prevents the growth of cancer cells.

How to increase the level of melatonin? What should I avoid?

Decrease in the level of concentration of the hormone of sleep in the human body is facilitated by:

1. Work at night. At this time melatonin is produced in smaller quantities.

2. Excessive bedroom lighting. If the rays from the street lamp penetrate into the room, if the computer monitor or TV is active, if the lamp in the room is very bright, then melatonin is slower.

3. "White Nights".

4. A number of medications:

  • "Fluoxetine";
  • "Piracetam";
  • "Dexamethasone";
  • "Reserpine";
  • Anti-inflammatory non-steroid agents;
  • Beta-blockers;
  • A large amount of vitamin B12.

Based on the foregoing, the conclusion suggests: to normalize the level of melatonin, you need to sleep at night (and not work), turn off all appliances and devices in the bedroom, curtain the windows tightly and not use the above medications before bed.

How to replenish the body with natural melatonin?

Does melatonin contain food? It is produced from tryptophan, and therefore, the food that contains this amino acid, or has a hormone in its composition, or contributes to its synthesis in the human body.

Here is the list of products needed to increase the amount of melatonin:

Cherry . These berries are a natural source of the sleep hormone.

Bananas. These fruits do not have melatonin, but actively stimulate its production.

Almonds, bread , made from whole wheat varieties, and cedar nuts . These products occupy a leading position in the list of those that contain the hormone of sleep.

What other foods can contain the sleep hormone?

Oatmeal cooked with natural milk . Due to the increased effect on the process of melatonin synthesis, porridge can soothe the body, satisfy hunger, improve mood.

Baked potatoes . The product does not contain a sleep hormone, but has the ability to adsorb Acid that prevents its production.

Camomile . Not for nothing that a medicinal plant is used as a sedative. Camomile not only helps to overcome insomnia, but it also becomes a wonderful natural relaxing remedy for the body and soul.

Interesting features of melatonin

The sleep hormone stimulates the immune system and increases the protective properties of the body. It is for this reason that after a good sleep in the case of an infection of a viral nature, the patient's well-being significantly improves, sometimes the ailment completely recedes.

Naturally, there is no melatonin in foods with alcohol, coffee and tobacco. Under their influence on the body, the production of the sleep hormone stops. Also negatively affect the functions of the pineal gland in the brain and stressful situations.

The body does not have the ability to accumulate melatonin for future use. Well stimulates the production of the hormone starvation - enough to refuse eating one day for each week. At times the production of melatonin increases after one hour of exercise.

The use of artificial melatonin

With a modern life rhythm, melatonin deficiency, unfortunately, is not uncommon. At a young age, a person still may not feel his deficiency, but after 35 years, his lack clearly affects the overall well-being. For this reason, many doctors recommend using a sleep hormone in addition. Taking medications that are based on melatonin, promotes:

  • Acceleration of the process of going to sleep;
  • Stress management;
  • Normalization of immunity;
  • Slowing down the aging process;
  • The regulation of cellular processes in the brain;
  • Lowering the concentration of cholesterol in the blood;
  • Getting rid of headaches.

It is especially recommended that you use this hormone before you travel on an airplane. Melatonin will help in this case to prevent stress and it is easier to reorganize to a new regime.

Side effects and contraindications

There was not a single case of a side reaction from the human body in cases when a sleep hormone was used. It should be remembered that our body is able to produce this substance on its own, and excessive use of drugs with its content can adversely affect health. Artificially synthesized melatonin is not recommended in some cases:

  • In the period of pregnancy and lactation of the baby (the effect of the hormone on children who have not yet been born, and on infants not studied);
  • With cancerous tumors;
  • In case of allergic reactions in severe form and in autoimmune diseases;
  • With diabetes mellitus;
  • People who are susceptible to depressive conditions, observed a long period.

Even if you do not have any of the above contraindications, you do not need to self-medicate and use melatonin without first consulting a doctor.

Scientific research

What did the scientists find out when they examined the hormone melatonin? Its functions include, among other things, an increase in life expectancy of about 20%. Undoubtedly, the hormone has an antitumor property, but it can not be considered a panacea for oncological diseases. The main thing that you need to do to every person is to provide your body with enough melatonin. Many of its useful properties are vital for the normal functioning of most of our systems and organs.

Medicines with melatonin

Preparations containing melatonin exist. But there are only four of them: Melaxen, Melapur, Melaton, Yukalin. Below you can find their description.

All these preparations have the international name "Melatonin". Drugs are produced in the form of tablets that are coated, or capsules. The drugs have a pharmacological effect similar to the basic functions of natural melatonin: hypnotic, adaptogenic and sedative.

Indications for receiving these funds are:

  • Desynchronosis (disruption of normal daily rhythms, for example, when moving across countries that are in different time zones of our planet);
  • Sleep disorders, fatigue (including in elderly patients);
  • Depressive states.

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