
What is a conscious dream?

Everybody dreams. Of course, many, waking up in the morning, can not reproduce a dream in their memory. However, there are people who are very clearly experiencing dreams. Some are able to realize that they are asleep. A conscious dream is a state when Which man understands that he is asleep, and in certain cases is able to influence events in a dream. This phenomenon is not the discovery of modern science. People have learned to control their dreams since ancient times. The first mention of such attempts in the written source dates back to the 8th century. Pioneer in the study of conscious dreams among scientists of the XX century became psychophysiologist S. Laberzh. A conscious dream, he studied watching the movement of the eyeballs sleeping. Subsequently, the possibility of mindfulness in the state of sleep was repeatedly confirmed by other scientists.

Why do people seek consciousness in a dream?

There are many people who manage to periodically realize themselves in a dream. They describe a conscious dream as a wonderful experience, an unforgettable personal experience. Also this topic is very closely engaged in various esoteric schools around the world. They study the possibilities of a person who is able to enter the altered states of consciousness. He is interested in the influence of sleep on a person and psychology. It is believed that, watching his actions in a dream, a person receives invaluable information about his personality. This helps him to better adapt to events in real life. Gives the possibility of the most accurate modeling of their future. A conscious dream can help correct the psyche, rid the person of complexes and phobias. Many dreamers also claim that sleep allows you to acquire skills that they did not have in reality. For example, skills of versification or drawing.

How to enter into a dream?

The experience accumulated by the researchers suggests that the entrance to a conscious dream is possible either from the state of wakefulness or directly from sleep itself. AT In the first case, a person does not lose control over what is happening and becomes a witness of changes in the state of consciousness in the process of falling asleep. In the second case, the actions of the dreamer are aimed at revealing the signs of sleep. He falls asleep in the usual way, setting himself to notice any unusual events in a dream. His attention can attract all: the state of the free flight, unusual surroundings, strange animals or plants. At this moment a person realizes that he is dreaming. Of course, such practices require some preparation. It is necessary to work on your emotional state, to eliminate from life all the factors that lead to mental imbalance. Periodically perform exercises aimed at increasing concentration. It will also be useful to study the literature describing lucid dreams. The technique of entering the sleep and the advice of practitioners is now widely covered in numerous sources. The main thing is to remember that to achieve awareness in a dream is possible for every person!

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