Health, Sleep
Insomnia, or what to do if you can not sleep
Insomnia, no doubt, a very, very unpleasant phenomenon. After a night without sleep, a person feels himself broken all day, his state of health leaves much to be desired, and brains often announce a real strike.
Sleep disturbance can also be triggered by a sliding work schedule. When night shifts alternate with daytime shifts. All these factors, both individually and together, may well cause insomnia. But it's impossible to change the schedule of work spontaneously, except that you can only quit. So what to do? If you can not sleep because of the downed biorhythms, then you can try to "endure" one night. In the future, sleep normalizes on its own.
If you spend without sleep for the third night in a row, it's worth thinking about what to do. If insomnia affects your well-being, then you can try to solve the problem both medically and in the usual way. Let's try to still do without first the services of the pharmacological industry. First, try not to think about what to do if you can not fall asleep. Obsessive thoughts about insomnia do not contribute to its elimination. On the contrary, the more you worry about not sleeping, the less likely it is that you will be able to fall asleep. And the next morning you will not only stand with a heavy head from lack of sleep, but also with nerves completely exhausted from worry about this. In principle, it turns out to be a real vicious circle. You can not sleep, worry about it, and this anxiety does not let you fall into a dream. So what to do if you can not fall asleep, and you can not help thinking about it?
Try to sleep as much as possible in a well-ventilated room. Moreover, the temperature regime can also play a role. It is known that it is simply impossible to fall asleep in a very hot place. If you can hide from the cold under a warm blanket, then the heat in the bedroom can only be defeated by air conditioning.
It would be nice to drink a glass of warm milk before going to bed. Remember childhood. If you ask any grandmother what to do, if you can not fall asleep, then with absolute probability she will say that you need to drink warm milk with honey for the night . And it really helps. Also, a slow walk is conducive to a sound sleep , especially if after it you take a warm bath with flavoring additives.
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