Health, Sleep
The phases of human sleep
Sleep - one of the most ordinary and at the same time interesting phenomena in the life of each person. Different phases of sleep, their content and interpretation often had a great impact on the life of all mankind.
Here are some interesting facts.
Ancient Egyptian Thutmose often told of a dream in which one of the gods said that he needed to clear the sculpture of the Sphinx from the sand. Thutmose followed the advice of the deity and soon became a pharaoh. Lomonosov saw in a dream the death of his father, which later turned out to be true. Only in the Old Testament more than 40 dreams are mentioned. About Mendeleyev, who saw in his dream the famous periodic system of chemical elements, is told in school. These are known facts, modern studies of scientists say that about a quarter of the world's population saw prophetic dreams and experienced the phenomenon of déjà vu.
We do not remember our dreams.
Everyone has dreams. Practically 90 percent of dreams are not remembered by people. Most often, just ten minutes after awakening, a person does not remember a dream. At the same time, why it is this or that dream that cuts into memory, is unknown. Some scientific observations show that one of the reasons is the phase of fast sleep, but to the common opinion the scientists have not yet come.
In all dreams there are only people we know.
Despite the fact that in the world there are different stories about how a person first saw a stranger in a dream, and then met him live, the human brain does not know how to come up with faces. For a day, any person meets a lot of people in life: on the street, at work, on television screens and on the Internet. After the information is processed and these same people appear in a dream.
For one night a person sees different dreams.
According to modern research, a person can see from 4 to 7 dreams overnight. In this case, not every dream has a color, sometimes they are black and white. The process itself is divided into phases of sleep, which are repeated throughout the entire sleep. This sequence forms a cycle. Its length is about an hour and a half.
A person makes discoveries in a dream.
All the stories about the discoveries and solutions to problems in a dream are true. Usually, sleep begins with a slow stage of 5-10 minutes. The person's breathing is even, the pulse is slow. At this time the activity of the brain is such that various new ideas and discoveries come to mind. The brain is still working, solving the pressing problems and tasks.
Then comes the second stage. The pulse and breathing slow down even more, but at the same time the hearing is more sensitive. At this moment, it is very easy to wake a person.
The third stage is determined only by the results of electroencephalography and divides the second and fourth phases of sleep.
The fourth stage characterizes the deepest sleep, during which the person is most difficult to wake up. At this stage, the main restoration of the organism takes place.
Blind people see dreams.
Quick sleep is the last stage. At this point, the brain works the same way as during wakefulness. It is at this moment a person sees dreams. It can be seen how eyeballs make rapid movements, despite closed eyelids.
Sometimes, during a fast phase of a person's sleep, sleep paralysis is involved . If you wake up during this paralysis, then at the very beginning there is no sense of possession of the body. After awakening, all movements are slow, there is no way even to move a hand. After a moment, this feeling passes. At the same time, sleep paralysis with a sudden awakening from an alarm clock or other external irritation does not happen.
People who are blind during life, continue to see in a dream different pictures. Those who suffer blindness from birth, instead of pictures feel smells, touches, experience different emotions. They do not have a fast phase of sleep.
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