
What is the danger of lack of sleep?

It's unlikely that there will be a person who has not sacrificed several hours of sleep in order to do more on work, to have more fun and so on. And if you once nedospite, a special effect on the body it will not. And what happens if you do not sleep enough on an ongoing basis? You should not forget that your health is not iron, and the absence of a good sleep can hit him hard.

What leads to a lack of sleep?

Sleep is a process that allows your body and your brain to rest after a day, recharge with energy, which can then be used for the next day. What happens if you do not charge your body enough? Naturally, you begin to feel tired much earlier, your head may begin to hurt, coordination is disturbed, attention falls sharply. Accordingly, your body functions much worse, what can we say about the brain. As a result, you can not do your job, you can not even have fun normally. However, few people think about the fact that lack of sleep also carries a real danger to health. If you think that the lack of a healthy sleep will simply make you more tired or irritable - you are mistaken.

Facts about lack of sleep

Inadequate time, given to sleep, very seriously affects your health. And it affects a variety of aspects of health, up to those that you could not even think of. For example, if you are a man and constantly do not sleep, the amount of sperm in your seminal fluid gradually decreases, which can lead to infertility. In addition, the risk of developing various heart diseases increases significantly, you also have a much higher probability of diabetes. What else grows in the absence of sleep? The probability of cancer, a chance to earn obesity and so on. What to say - the probability that you will get a heart attack, increases at once four times. By the way, you can not concentrate on particulars - nedosyp increases the probability of a sudden death for a variety of reasons.

How will you become?

It's time to switch from various diseases that you may have to specific conditions and feelings that you will experience if you do not sleep enough. For example, it is the lack of sleep that makes you prone to frequent eating - you will constantly feel hunger, which will need to be satisfied. Also your attention will be distracted, because of what the probability of that with you there will be any incident, including on the road, increases. Naturally, you will look much worse outwardly than if you constantly slept the prescribed amount of time or even just fell asleep. Your immunity will become much weaker, which will lead to an increase in colds. Even if you were a tough and stale person who could always control your emotions, the lack of sleep makes everyone equally capricious and emotional. And, of course, lack of sleep affects your brain too - you will start having memory problems, you will be much slower to think, and most importantly - your brain cells that do not recover will die at an accelerated rate.

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