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The most effective drops for cats during estrus: reviews

Many animal owners do not even suspect that after they bring home a small charming cat, it will take very little time - and it will reach the age of puberty. This means that your pet is ready to bear offspring.

This process is accompanied by a restless behavior of the animal and causes many problems to its owners. So today we will tell you how to help your cat during this period, what to choose drops for cats during estrus.

What is a cat 's estrus?

Estrus (estrus) means that the female organism has changed, it is physically ready for pregnancy and the birth of kittens. What happens at this time in her body? In the ovaries of the cat, follicles mature, which are the signal for the beginning of mating. At this time, the hormonal background, the mental and physical state of the animal changes.

The cat at this time becomes too affectionate or, conversely, aggressive, it publishes uterine crying calls, its gait changes, characteristic (not bloody) discharge appears from the genital organs. The duration of estrus can be from three to fourteen days, with a periodicity of two months to six months.

Preparations for cats, their action

Naturally, owners who do not plan the appearance of kittens are interested in whether there are drops for cats during estrus, capable of helping their pet. Owners of animals need to know - absolutely safe chemical preparations from heat do not exist yet.

Hormonal preparations

Veterinary pharmacies sell hormone drops to calm the cat during estrus. They can be given to a cat no more than twice a year. The fact is that most such agents cause serious malfunctions in the animal's body, which provoke the formation of tumors of the uterus and ovaries. If you later plan to receive offspring from your cat, hormone drugs should not be used.

Vets recommend their reception only during the first heat, after which sterilization should be performed. Below we will present you hormonal drops for cats during estrus, veterinarians' reviews about which are the most positive.


The active substance of this drug is megestrol acetate (20 mg / ml). Excipients - sodium benzoate (0.5 mg / ml) and vegetable refined oil (up to 1 ml).

Effective drops for cats during the estrus "Stop-Intim" are produced in glass or polyethylene bottles with a screwed plastic lid and stopper-dropper. The bottle is packed in a cardboard box.

When is the drug prescribed?

"Stop-Intim" - drops for cats. During the estrus, they reduce the sexual activity of animals and correct their behavior.


The drug is not recommended for use in diseases of the genitourinary system, diabetes, various tumors. Do not use these drops for pregnant or nursing cats.

Application and dosage

Before use, shake the bottle well. Give these drops for cats (during estrus) is necessary two hours before feeding. Using a dropper, apply the remedy to the root of the animal's tongue or a piece of her favorite treat.

The dose of the drug is calculated depending on the type, weight of the animal and the purpose of use:

  1. To delay heat - once a week 4 drops. The course of the drug should not exceed 18 months.
  2. To interrupt heat - when signs of estrus (no later than three days from the beginning), the cat is given nine drops of the drug 5-7 times in 24 hours.

Drops of "Stop-Intim" are compatible with fodder and fodder additives, as well as with medicines.


The composition of this hormonal drug includes:

  • Mepregenol propionate 1.5 mg:
  • Ethinylestadiol 0.015 mg;
  • Flavor additive and auxiliary components.

The preparation is a yellow oil solution having a weak specific odor. Produced in 1.5-ml polymer bottles-droppers, which are packed in cardboard boxes.

It is assigned to cats to reduce sexual activity, to correct changes in the psychophysiological state during sexual hunting, and also to protect against pregnancy.


The preparation is given to the animals by applying the required number of drops on a spout, into the mouth or on a snack at the rate of:

  • For the interruption of estrus (estrus), with an animal weighing up to 5 kg - 4 drops.
  • From 6-10 kg - 5-8 drops.

Soothing drops for cats (during estrus)

To avoid unnecessarily injuring the animal, you can give the cat a light soothing herbal composition for animals: "Bach drops", "Kot-Bayun", "Fospasim" and others. However, according to the owners, they are not as effective as hormones, and not all cats help.

Rescue remedy ("Bach Drops")

Producers argue that this tool will help your pet cope with any emergency situation, which can be attributed and estrus. "Bach Drops" is an excellent remedy for coping with stress. They relieve fears, anxiety, stress.


Another homeopathic drop for cats. During the estrus, which is too stormy, the owners sometimes worry that the cat, being in the active search for a partner, can jump out of the window or from the balcony of the high-rise building. In this case, "Fospasim" will have a beneficial effect.

Initially, this drug was designed to calm easily excitable, nervous animals in anticipation of stress or during stress. For example, experienced breeders begin to give it to the animals a week before the show so that the cat behaved calmly and did not worry at the show.

"Cat Baiyun"

The drug is available in the form of tablets and drops, packaged in bottles of 10 or 16 ml. This remedy can be given to a cat from the age of ten months. "Cat Bajun" is a sterile water infusion of medicinal herbs. There are no preservatives in it, so this is an absolutely safe remedy.

In order to avoid deterioration during the application, the manufacturer recommends that they be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of a week and use the dropper attached to them.

In the herbs used in making the composition, there are biologically active additives and vitamins. Thanks to this "Cat Bajun" is a reliable sedative for cats. It weakens the animals' feelings of fear, has a sedative, antispasmodic and analgesic effect. Drops will help your pet as painlessly as possible to adapt to new conditions, strengthen her body.

How to relieve the condition of a cat without drugs?

Despite all the advantages of these drugs, they can harm your pet. How can you help her without using medicines, and save the household from constant cat shouts?

Owners should know that during this period you can not shout at the animal, close it in a closed room and even more so beat. This will cause a psychological injury to your pet. If your plans do not include mating a cat, the best option is sterilization. In this case, you will save the animal from many serious risks: cancers of genital organs and mammary glands, inflammation of the genitourinary system, diabetes, inflammation of the kidneys and other dangerous ailments.

There are several ways that will facilitate the estrus without sterilization and medicines:

  1. Bathe the cat in a warm bath. For several hours it will calm the animal: it will carefully lick its fur, which will reduce stress and tension a little.
  2. Feed the cat during this period in small portions. This will improve digestion and significantly improve the physical condition of the animal.
  3. Show caring and affection, do not ignore the cat. Iron her on the head, but do not touch the back and croup, as this can provoke stronger sexual activity.
  4. Interested in a cat with some object, a new toy. It will distract her a little. Try not to let your pet sleep in the daytime. Track this is not always possible, but at night the cat will be calmer if you wear it out during the day.

Drops for cats during estrus: reviews of owners

Many owners of cats are well aware of the situation when from the overly intrusive behavior and loud cries of a cat, households do not find their place either day or night. In this case, injections, tablets and drops are used to calm the cat at heat, sometimes without thinking about their harm.

Unfortunately, complications from the use of hormonal drugs can manifest very quickly, and then the owners have to fight them. Therefore, many believe that it is better to sterilize the cat, if you do not plan to receive from her offspring.

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