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Dog Bedlington Terrier. Terrier Bedlington: photo, reviews

Bedlington Terrier has a very unusual appearance - it looks like a fluffy and elegant lamb, such a charming little cloud with lively and expressive eyes and a pink tongue. But do not flatter yourself, behind the appearance of a plush toy lies a fearless fighter and a clever hunter.

History of the breed

Experts argue that the first record of a terrier similar to bedlington, whose name was Starina Flint, owned by squire Trevelyan, refers to the end of the XVIII century.

These animals lived in the Rothbury area in Northumberland, so at first the breed was called robert-terriers. These dogs were taught to hunt rabbits and poison the rats. In addition, they led a normal hunt for otters and badgers. Perhaps crossing them with whippets rewarded these terriers with a curved back and the ability to run fast. A successful combination of the speed of the greyhounds and the endurance of the terriers made these dogs magnificent hunters. The Bedlington Terrier breed was the most common in the vicinity of Bedlington. In 1825, it received its present name.

Terrier Bedlington, known for his courage and hunting aggressiveness, was exposed to fights with foxes and badgers, in which he almost always won.

By the middle of the XIX century, breeders paid attention to this breed, which took up its improvement. As a result of breeding, these dogs lost most of their maliciousness and aggressiveness. They became great companions. In the middle of the XIX century the first standard of the breed was released, and in 1877 the club of fans of these dogs was registered.


Dog Bedlington Terrier is a small animal, at a height not exceeding 40 centimeters. It is muscular, but at the same time very elegant and flexible, having a pear-shaped head, with a narrow, deep and round skull. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is invisible, a straight line must form from the occiput to the nose. Jaws are powerful, with a scissor bite. The ears are in the form of a triangle with rounded tips. They are very thin, low set and adjacent to the cheeks. Eyes are shiny, small in size, round. The look is soft.

According to the standard, the flexible and muscular body of the terrier should be slightly longer than its height at the withers. The back is arched, the chest is deep, the front legs are slightly shorter than the hind legs, paws like the hare have thick pads. The tail is set low. At the base it is thick, and towards the tip - tapering.

Wool and color

Terrier Bedlington has a very unusual coat. It is silky, thick, to the touch resembling cotton wool. On the muzzle and head curled into small rings. On her head she forms an almost snow-white hat. On the ears, it is thin, short and very light. On the tips of the ears are neat brushes.


Many experts say that the terrier bedlington is a dog with the appearance of a lamb and the heart of a lion. It is hardly possible to argue with this statement, because for a long time these animals were used as hunters and fighters. Therefore, today they have not lost their fearlessness.

However, judging by the owners' comments, the dog Bedligton Terrier is a great family companion. They perfectly communicate with children, they are willing to play with them. They can make friends with a cat, but if they know it from childhood. And unfamiliar cats, he will go on the street without malice.

Again, referring to the owners' reviews, we can conclude that bedlington-terrier, a photo of which often shows on the covers of magazines about dogs, is the most complaisant and obedient of its numerous family. He quickly understands and accepts the rules of conduct in the house where he lives. By his own will, he never gets into fights, preferring not to notice provocations aimed at him. But if the attack can not be avoided, he will react lightning fast and furiously, like a real terrier!

Even an adult bedlington terrier likes to play, but if the owner does not have time to do it, he will go to the side and lie down quietly.

Features of Education

Despite the fact that the terrier bedlington is endowed by nature with angelic appearance, it is a serious dog that requires respectful attitude from the person.

We have already mentioned that today's individuals have lost the anger of their ancestors, but they have retained their stubbornness and courage. The members of the family in which they live, they perceive as relatives - they are very fond of all, they are affectionate and playful, very bored when they are left alone.

With animals, the relationship is not so smooth. Bendlington Terrier has a very developed hunting instinct, and therefore can be dangerous for small animals, and with dogs that are prone to domination, bedlington can enter into fierce fights. These dogs "sheep" run very fast, and the owner's task is to teach puppies to return to the call.


Bedlington Terrier, whose photo you see in our article, likes to always get what he wants. That is why he needs to be given the opportunity to use his irrepressible energy, ingenuity, intellect, doing interesting things.

Bedlington Terrier will never be just a doghouse. It is recommended to attend obedience courses with such a pet, participate in agility or join a club of normal dogs.


The terrier bedlington is naturally endowed with strong health. However, like all other animals, he has a predisposition to certain diseases. These dogs have eye diseases - glaucoma, retinal atrophy, eyelid twist, distichiasis. In puppies up to a year, there is often increased tearing, which specialists explain by teething.

There is an increased susceptibility of dogs of this breed to viral infections, so timely vaccination for these animals is especially important. Some breed lines are predisposed to dysplasia of the hip joints, ectopic ureters, epilepsy.

Care and maintenance

Unusual hair of these terriers should not be trimmed. She is sheared twice a year. On the body and head leave a very short coat, and on the limbs - a longer one. To prevent inflammation of the eyes from puppyhood, it is necessary to teach the dog to wash the eyes and clean the hair around them.

To bathe these dogs follows as pollution, and comb out is recommended once a week. Terrier Bedlington needs attention from the owner, he needs active walks and classes that give jobs for a strong body and high intelligence, so they are not suitable for being overly busy or completely inexperienced person.

Education of a puppy

Dogs of breed Bedlington Terrier from the earliest age should be consistently brought up. Their training will require the owner of patience and persistence, because the mind and wit are combined with stubbornness, and sometimes with aggressiveness. Puppies should be more closely acquainted with cats and other small domestic animals. The pet must understand that this is not prey, but a comrade in games. During the day, little bedlington should be busy with something. If such an occupation is not invented by the owner, then the puppy will do it himself, than it is unlikely to give the owner pleasure.

Bedlington very attached to a person, but, more importantly, they are very sensitive to intonation. If they are scolded, they become so unhappy that a rare person will not tremble his heart and there will be no desire to regret the unfortunate animal.

But it is worth the terrier to feel the slack of the master (and they do it masterfully), they turn into stubborn and uncontrollable animals, so the education of the puppy must be firm (not to be confused with cruel) and consistent.

At an early age you need to get rid of the habit of dripping and barking everywhere. This is inherent in children from nature. Not too noticeable in puppyhood, these habits in an adult dog will cause discontent of owners - an endless barking and an overhauled garden will not be enough for anyone. From a young age bedlington must know that the person is the main person in the house, and he will have to obey his commands.

Bedlington Terrier - owner reviews

With regard to this dog, the opinions of dog breeders are divided. Experienced owners are happy that this charming dog appeared in their house. They perfectly understand each other, there are no problems. They had a cheerful and affectionate friend, a wonderful companion.

It is more difficult for beginners in dog breeding. Pampering a small lump that they brought home a few months ago, they often turn him into a domestic tyrant, which they can not deal with later.

This is exactly what we talked about in the article. Burligton is smart, and a solid person with the experience of raising other dogs can do it.

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