HealthHealthy Eating

Brussels sprouts: useful properties and eating habits

Cabbage of any sort brings a lot of benefits to our body, not only in raw, but also in stew. As you know, Brussels sprouts, whose useful properties we consider in more detail, is considered a low-calorie product and a vegetable, the use of which reduces the possibility of developing cancerous tumors and diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is very useful to use this cabbage for pregnant women, since it contains almost everything necessary to protect the fetus from the development of birth defects.

If we consider the vitamin picture of the vegetable, it should be noted a high level of vitamin C, as well as vitamins B, A and E. What is useful for Brussels sprouts besides this? First of all, because there is no cholesterol in it, but there is fiber, iron, a lot of phosphorus and potassium. Also, cabbage contains many other minerals useful for maintaining the vital functions of the body, but in less quantity.

Future moms should always eat such a vegetable as Brussels sprouts. Its useful properties are also that it is a natural source of folic acid, which regulates the normal development of the fetal nervous system. A high content of fiber normalizes digestion and reduces the number of constipation.

Brussels sprouts, whose benefits are high for those who suffer from excess weight, in that it has a low calorie content (less than 50 kcal per 100 g). As it turned out, the head of Brussels sprouts contains more vitamins and minerals than white cabbage. Because it has a large percentage of potassium and fiber. If a person has problems with the heart, high blood pressure, and overweight, then Brussels sprouts should not go out of his diet.

According to the doctors, Brussels sprouts, whose useful properties also have an antiseptic direction, stimulate the rapid healing of wounds. Also, carotenes, vitamins of plant origin, which are contained in this vegetable, help the overall health of the body. So, beta-carotene and vitamin C, in addition to the above, have properties that prevent oxidation. As a rule, the main benefit in the prevention of diseases concerns the digestive system, lungs and heart.

It turns out that not only the fruits of Brussels sprouts, but also its juice, are of great benefit. So juice is used as a means of preventing the development of bronchial asthma, cancers (especially breast cancer, cervix and rectum), as well as intestinal flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, respiratory system diseases, cardiovascular diseases, etc. In particular, if a person has already diagnosed bronchial asthma, it is recommended to drink juice not only from Brussels sprouts, but also add carrot juice, fresh celery juice and radish. The correct dosage is prescribed by the doctor according to the degree of complication of the disease.

Not everyone knows that Brussels sprouts are used for food in the form of small fruits, the sizes of which do not exceed 5-6 cm in diameter. Brussels sprouts, the beneficial properties of which have already been described above, are used for food both raw and in boiled, yet kochanchiki it can be used as an ingredient for salads, all kinds of soups and frozen mixtures of vegetables. Also, this cabbage can be stewed and even fried. As an option, Brussels sprouts are used to decorate many dishes before serving, and also it is added to various dishes for special connoisseurs of gustatory subtleties. It is also dried to preserve the maximum of useful properties and to use it for cooking all year round. Therefore, the real connoisseurs of the Brussels cabbage try to use the most useful properties.

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