Food and drink, Recipes
The Recipe for Blankets
In Russia, many hold fast. The reasons for the fast are many, for each individual person it is purely personal, its own. But what unites the fact that each of them is interested in how you can diversify the lean menu. It is not rare to hear the question of how to cook lean pancakes? In Russian cuisine, a lot of different recipes for pancakes, including lean. Previously, pancakes were baked from dough prepared on yeast, flour used different. From buckwheat flour, baked, sweet or boiled buckwheat pancakes were baked . Wheat flour was used for pancakes with baking, royal, red pancakes. Oats, millet, barley, pea pancakes were no less popular. To make pancakes tasty, it is important to use a literate recipe for lean pancakes. Now we will try to figure out how to make a dough for delicious lenten pancakes, since every recipe for lean pancakes is based on a single baking technology, and the preparation of the dough is different. It is recommended to bake pancakes on vegetable oil, evenly frying them from two sides.
To begin with, we describe a non-yeast recipe for lean pancakes:
The following ingredients are needed for the test: water, flour, vegetable oil, granulated sugar, soda and salt. In the water, we dissolve the sugar and salt, then add the sifted flour and mix so as not to leave the lumps. The dough should be homogeneous. We add soda to it, which should be drained beforehand, pour in the vegetable oil and again thoroughly mix the dough. From the thus obtained ready-made dough, you can bake pancakes.
Now consider how to prepare lean pancakes by leaps and bounds.
For the test, you need to prepare the following: water, yeast, flour, vegetable oil, granulated sugar and salt. In warm water we breed salt, sugar, flour and leave for a quarter of an hour. This is necessary in order to make the dough strong and smooth, since it will develop gluten. During this time in a separate container with warm water we brew yeast with a small amount of sugar and leave it until the foam is formed. The foaming spoon is poured into our dough and mixed thoroughly. We set aside the pan with the test again and wait until the bubbles appear on the surface. Then we pour in vegetable oil into the dough, mix it and start baking pancakes.
For the sake of diversity, a recipe for lenton pancakes, prepared from buckwheat flour, should be voiced.
The following ingredients are needed for the test: hot and cold water, buckwheat flour, yeast, vegetable oil, granulated sugar and salt. Buckwheat flour can be obtained from buckwheat groats, finely grinding it in a coffee grinder. Cold water in a proportion of 1: 1 is diluted with buckwheat flour. Then the resulting mixture is boiled with boiling water (1: 2). Everything is thoroughly mixed, slightly cooled. Next, enter the yeast. We stir the dough again and let it come. As soon as the dough has approached, it is necessary to add buckwheat flour. Flour add as much as thick we want to bake pancakes. Consistency for thin pancakes should be more liquid, and for thicker - more dense. Simultaneously with flour add sugar to the taste. We knead it and let it come back up again. The final stage is baking.
In conclusion - wheat lean pancakes.
For the test, you need to prepare the following: water, millet, yeast, wheat flour, buckwheat flour, vegetable oil, granulated sugar and salt. Millet before the preparation is recommended to wash several times in boiling water, then pour the clean rump with water and weld not a thick slurry so that the millet is well boiled, cool. In the ready, chilled gruel, add wheat flour and yeast, mix it and let it come. Next we add buckwheat flour, salt and sugar to the dough. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The dough is not left again for a long time, so that it can come up. Dilute the practically ready dough with hot water to the required consistency. We wait 15 minutes, and we start baking.
Bon Appetit.
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