Health, Medicine
General body massage. Types of massage and therapeutic significance
Massage therapy is an old form of restorative medicine, a reference to which can be found even in ancient Chinese manuscripts dating back to the second millennium BC. Various rubbing, tingling and touching restored the tone of muscles and relieved the pain of doctors in ancient Greece and Rome. General body massage was used in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, but this method of therapy became widespread and further developed by the mid-1970s.
The main goal of the massage is to increase the tone of the body, overall well-being by reducing tension in the muscles, improving blood circulation. It is good for soft tissue injuries and muscle pain. General body massage gently stretches the tissues, increases joint mobility, and also helps lower blood pressure and heart rate and improves breathing. The regenerative functions of the massage are explained by the fact that in its process the brain produces endorphins - analgesic chemicals that relax and soothe tissue cells. Another healing and restorative feature of the massage is the nature of the touches, which have a very positive effect on the patient, release the blocked emotions in response to care and participation.
Currently, various types of body massage are widely used. The classical European uses traditional methods based on the well-known theories of anatomy and physiology. Five types of techniques for affecting soft tissues - stroking, kneading, rubbing, tapping and vibration, constitute his technique. Stroking begins and ends with a general body massage. It increases blood flow, warms up muscles. Kneading improves blood circulation and prevents muscle contraction and atrophy. Rubbing often massage around the joints. It increases blood circulation and restores movement. Percussion intensifies the superficial circulation, facilitates the separation of sputum and the excretion of it from the lungs. Vibration is a method for stimulating and relaxing body tissues. It is especially effective on the limbs and fleshy tissues.
Modern European massage methods are developed taking into account the latest knowledge about its impact on the nervous system, emotions, posture and movement. One of them is a role-playing - which combines massage with methods of body-oriented therapy and psychotherapy. The essence of the method is to achieve a therapeutic effect by giving the body the correct vertical position and thereby achieving an ideal ratio of body weight and gravity.
Eastern manual therapy uses acupressure and shiatsu to restore the body's energy system and bring it into a harmonious balanced state.
Widely popular recently acquired stone massage with hot stones, which is based on the alternate use of hot and cold stones, which relax and then tone up the muscles of the body, thereby increasing their defenses.
Speaking about the therapeutic and restorative functions of massage, you need to consider that this type of therapy has sufficient contraindications. Do not conduct treatment sessions without first consulting a doctor who will give the necessary recommendations. Of course, the desired relief and therapeutic effect can only give a professional massage. A good specialist will necessarily study the medical history, learn about its current status and develop a curative program tailored to individual characteristics.
Prophylactic general body massage is a good system for maintaining muscle tone, reducing stress and tension, improving well-being and working capacity. Athletes constantly use it to warm up the muscles before serious physical exertion, as well as to recover from injuries and bruises in complex treatment.
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