Sports and FitnessWeight loss

Swimming for weight loss

To think about losing weight hardly happens sooner or later. Do not succumb to dubious advertising tricks. Remember that the most stable and effective weight loss is something that comes gradually. We recommend you to try swimming for weight loss. Regular visits to the pool - this is the optimal load for various ailments, and above all - with excess weight. The fact is that when swimming the load on the joints is practically reduced to zero, the spine is unloaded. You can lose weight without hurting your spine with excessive loads, but only with pleasure. If you choose swimming for weight loss, you will find other advantages of this method. For example, you lose up to eight hundred kilocalories per hour - this is a very high rate. At the same time, losing kilocalories, you accumulate muscle mass. Work those muscles that are not active at all during walking or running. Swimming in the pool for weight loss, as, indeed, and swimming for pleasure, very beneficial for the skin. It's no secret that it constantly needs moisture, and it often is not enough. In addition, nowadays more and more often they use gentle methods of water purification in the pool instead of chlorination.

We want to reassure those who have not yet learned how to swim. Most likely, you can easily find such a health group, which provides training in swimming. It turns out that swimming for weight loss will bring you at least a triple benefit: you lose weight, gain new abilities and, of course, enjoy.

If for some reason it is difficult for you to overcome the fear of water, then no one will forbid swimming with an inflatable circle or in a vest. You need to start with half an hour of swimming (no less than half an hour - it's still a training session). Somewhere from the fourth to the fifth session you can safely increase the time to forty-five minutes and then - up to an hour.

You will be very lucky if the lessons in your group will be guided by an experienced coach, but they are not everywhere. Therefore, carefully read what is written below.

Before the session begins, you need to warm up. Everyone does it - even qualified athletes. How to warm up - choose yourself. You can do sit-ups, you can jump. Mash your hands, stretch the joints of the shoulders. After a five-minute warm-up, you can go into the water. In the water, too, for ten minutes it is useful to move vigorously, you can do the same squats and wave your arms. Remember that by doing the same exercises on land and in water, you spend more energy in the water for a quarter. Then, keeping your hands on the inflatable ball, the pool edge or the rope that divides the tracks in the water, and do leg exercises. Preliminary it is necessary to learn a few different exercises in order to use as many muscles as possible. Exercises for the feet in the water are very effective. They allow you to quickly kill fat deposits, give leg strength. The little secret is that you can not stop. If you feel tired, go to another exercise or reduce its intensity. After such an intense warm-up for the feet, it's time to proceed directly to swimming. And again the muscles of the legs work, and with them - the hands, back, abdomen. Sharply increase the distance is not necessary, but it is absolutely necessary. Monitor changes in your heart rate. You will see how your body perceives the load. It is better if the pulse is from 130 to 160 beats per minute. If you have a frequency of shocks in this range, then be sure - the applied load promotes weight loss, and not just enjoyment of swimming.

Thus, if you are determined to fight excess weight, then safely choose to "float" as a "weapon" for weight loss. Feedback about this method is the most positive. Of course, the best thing is if your trainer follows the lessons. He will show the exercises that will suit you, will see to the correctness of their implementation. It is recommended to combine swimming with the intake of biologically active additives selected by the physician. In addition, do not forget to follow the diet, again, consult a nutritionist to achieve success in this difficult matter - losing weight.

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