
The preparation "Valparin": instructions for use, composition, synonyms, analogues. Reviews about the drug

Why is the "Valparin" medication necessary? Instructions for use, synonyms and indications of this medication are described in this article.

Form and composition

What form is characteristic of the drug "Valparin"? Tablets - it is in this form that the drug in question can be purchased at a pharmacy. They have a prolonged action, biconvex round shape, and also a shell of white color.

What is the composition of the drug "Valparin"? The instruction says that this remedy contains valproic acid and sodium valproate. It also includes the following excipients: glycerin, colloidal silica dioxide, eudragit E-100, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, polyethylene glycol 1500, ethyl cellulose, sodium saccharin, silica dioxide hydrate, eudragit NE-30D, titanium dioxide and talc.

You can buy the pills in question in strips of 10 pieces and in a cardboard bundle, respectively.

Pharmacological action

How does the drug "Valparin" work? Instructions for use (the composition of the remedy was described above) states that this is an anticonvulsant drug. It contains sodium valproate, which increases the content of GABA in the brain, which contributes to its increase in postsynaptic neurons.

It should also be noted that the component under consideration affects the transport of potassium ions through neuronal membranes. This process suppresses the development and spread of epileptic excitation along nerve fibers.

It should also be said that sodium valproate has an anticonvulsant effect in various types of epilepsy.

The drug "Valparin" does not have sedative and hypnotic effects, and also does not act depressingly on the center of breathing. In addition, its active substance does not adversely affect the heart rate, body temperature of the patient, his blood pressure and kidney function.

Kinetic properties of the drug

What pharmacokinetic features does the drug "Valparin" have? The instruction states that after taking the tablets, the controlled release of its active substance begins immediately, and after 2-8 hours reaches the maximum level in the plasma.

The biological availability of the means under consideration is 100%.

The therapeutic effect of the drug manifests itself only after reaching a concentration of valproic acid in the blood, equal to 45-100 mg / l. It should be noted that the therapeutic and pharmacological actions of this agent with controlled release of the main component do not always depend on its plasma concentration.

The relationship of the drug in question to plasma proteins is about 85-90%. It is metabolized in the liver, and is excreted together with urine. In this case, presystemic metabolism is not observed.

The half-life of this drug is about 9-20 hours. In children, this period is reduced.

Indications for admission

Under what conditions is the most effective drug "Valparin"? Instructions for use, reviews of experienced specialists report that the said medication is made specifically for the treatment of generalized epilepsy, including in the following types of seizures:

  • Myoclonic;
  • Absence;
  • Atonic;
  • Tonic-clonic.

This drug is also prescribed for partial epilepsy, or more precisely, for:

  • Secondary generalized seizures;
  • Combined or simple seizures.

In addition, the tablets under consideration are often used when specific syndromes (Lennox-Gastaut, West) appear.

Prohibitions for the use of tablets

Does the drug "Valparin" have contraindications? According to the instruction, this tool has many prohibitions to use:

  • Period of pregnancy;
  • Severe disorders in the pancreas;
  • Thrombocytopenia;
  • Hepatitis acute or chronic;
  • Porphyria;
  • Cases of active hepatitis (drug origin);
  • Time of breastfeeding;
  • Children under three years of age;
  • Increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, including valproic acid.

Anticonvulsant "Valparin": instructions for use

The dosage of this drug is selected individually, depending on the body weight and age of the patient.

Typically, for adults, the initial dose of the medicine is 600 mg per day. Subsequently, this amount is increased by 200 mg (every three days, until the desired result is achieved).

Multiplicity of reception of the considered means makes 1-2 times a day. The maximum recommended dosage of the drug is 1-2 g per day.

The "Valparin" tablets, the instructions for use of which are discussed in this article, should be swallowed in a general form, washed down with a small amount of warm water.

In the elderly, the dosing regimen of this drug is similar to the dosing regimen in adult patients, but is selected individually.

For babies with a body weight of 20 kg, the initial dosage of the medication is 400 mg per day. This amount should be increased gradually to achieve the desired result (about 20-30 mg / kg per day, in 1-2 divided doses).

A child with a body weight of up to 20 kg should not be prescribed an anticonvulsant medicine.

Side effects

What are the side effects of the "Valparin" tablets? Instruction for use informs that against the background of taking this medication in ill people, there may be undesirable effects:

  • Allergic reactions: Stevens-Johnson syndrome, skin rash, erythema multiforme, itching of the skin, photosensitivity.
  • The digestive system: nausea, hepatitis, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, pancreatitis.
  • Sexual system: amenorrhea secondary, menstrual cycle disorder.
  • CNS: coma, tremor, ataxia, impaired consciousness.
  • The system of hematopoiesis: anemia, inhibition of platelet aggregation, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, neutropenia, decreased fibrinogen content.
  • Others: weight gain, hair loss, creatinineemia, hyperammonemia.

Overdose with an anticonvulsant

What are the symptoms that can occur when taking high doses of "Valparin"? Instructions for use (tablets can be purchased at any pharmacy by prescription) states that to date, it has been extremely rare to report a deliberate or accidental overdose with the drug in question. As a rule, a dysregulation of this medication contributes to the appearance of nausea, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, respiratory depression, coma and hyporeflexia.

To eliminate such conditions, the patient is prescribed gastric lavage and activated charcoal. If necessary, then inpatient treatment in the form of symptomatic therapy and hemodialysis.

Interaction with other medicines

Does the drug "Valparin" come into contact with other drugs? Instructions for use inform patients that sodium valproate is able to enhance the effect of antipsychotic drugs, antidepressants and anticonvulsant drugs.

Unlike other anticonvulsant drugs , the drug in question does not contribute to the induction of liver enzymes, and therefore it does not reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives.

With the parallel intake of "Warfarin" and sodium valproate, the percentage of binding with the plasma proteins of the first decreases.

The active substance of the drug in question is capable of changing the plasma concentrations of lamotrigine and phenytoin. When it is combined with derivatives of acetylsalicylic acid and anticoagulants, antiaggregant action is enhanced.

With the simultaneous use of "Valparin" with ethanol, as well as other drugs that oppress the work of the central nervous system (for example, MAO inhibitors antidepressants tricyclic, antipsychotic drugs), possibly increased CNS depression.

Alcoholic drinks and other hepatotoxic medicines increase the risk of liver damage.

This drug increases the half-life of "Lamotrigine", and also causes a slowdown in its metabolism and suppresses liver enzymes. In this regard, the half-life of the drug may increase to 70 hours in adult patients and up to 45 hours in children.

"Valparin" is able to reduce the clearance of "Zidovudine" by about 40%. However, its half-life does not change in any way.

MAO inhibitors, antidepressants, tricyclics and antipsychotics (neuroleptics), as well as other drugs that reduce the threshold of convulsive readiness, significantly reduce the effectiveness of the drug in question.

Breastfeeding and Pregnancy

According to experts, the appointment of the drug "Valparin" when carrying the fetus is possible only if the expected benefits for the future childbearing significantly exceeds the possible risk for the baby.

When taking medication during pregnancy, it is necessary to carry out specialized prenatal monitoring of the fetus.

The use of medication during lactation is not recommended.

Special Information

Before you start treatment with the drug, you should always consult a doctor.

In the process of taking anticonvulsant medication, regular monitoring of bilirubin content in blood, amylase and platelets, as well as liver transaminase activity (every 3 months) is necessary.

According to experts, valproic acid is able to inhibit the aggregation of platelets. This significantly increases the risk of increased clotting time in bleeding. It is necessary to take into account the probable development of complications that are associated with bleeding in the postoperative time, in people receiving sodium valproate.

With prolonged use of this medication, patients can develop spontaneous bleeding and form hematomas. In this case, the taking of tablets should be stopped immediately.

As mentioned above, sodium valproate often causes drug pancreatitis, and also contributes to impaired liver function (usually in the first 6 months of treatment). In this regard, at the very beginning of therapy, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the pancreas gland's patient, and also to regularly perform liver tests and monitor the level of prothrombin.

Disturbed liver function and liver failure with sodium valproate may be observed in children with epilepsy, with metabolic and degenerative diseases, retarded mental development and organic pathology of the brain tissue.

When observing such symptoms as lethargic state, severe weakness, swelling, jaundice and vomiting, it is necessary to immediately stop using the medication.

When treating "Valparin" the patient should be especially careful when working with dangerous mechanisms. This is due to the fact that this medication is able to reduce the concentration of attention.

Terms and conditions of storage

Anticonvulsant tablets "Valparin" are dispensed in pharmacies only on the prescription. They should be stored in a place inaccessible to children and protected from moisture, and also at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees.

Shelf life of the drug in question is three years (from the date of manufacture).

Medication "Valparin": analogues, synonyms

How can I replace the drug in question? Synonyms and analogues for this tool there is a large number. These include the following medicines: Apeilepsin, Depakin, Acediprol, Depakin Enteric, Depakin Chronosphere, Depakin Chrono, Dipromal, Convulsofin, Convullex, Orphyril, "Enkorat", "Everiden", "Enkorat Chrono."

As in the case of "Valparin", these drugs should be taken only as prescribed by the doctor, in strictly recommended dosages.

Opinion of consumers and specialists

What do doctors say about such a medicine as "Valparin"? The experts' opinions indicate that this preparation is very effective and effective, especially in generalized and partial epilepsy.

As for consumers, most of them agree with the opinion of doctors. Patients argue that taking this medication contributes to a rapid suppression of the development and spread of excitement (epileptic) in neurons. However, it should be noted that the use of this medication often causes side effects. According to consumers' reviews, the most common adverse reactions are: skin allergy, nausea, anemia and weight gain. If such symptoms occur, you should immediately contact your doctor.

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