
The drug "Pramistar": reviews, instructions for use, composition and description

"Pramistar" and other nootropic medicines are used to treat diseases of geriatric and pediatric, as well as neurological diseases. The drug is a derivative of piracetam, it normalizes the neurological status of the patient, helps to eliminate depressive states, well influences mental activity and memory, improves concentration of attention.

Toxicity of nootropic agents is low, which allows combining with treatment with other medicines treatment with the drug "Pramistar". Feedback from buyers of a positive nature indicates that the number of side effects is minimal. Healthy people, experts can recommend the reception of "Pramistar" as a way to slow the aging of the brain, improve its functioning due to overwork. The drug can be prescribed with "cover therapy", in the treatment of dependence on drugs and alcohol as a means of normalizing the body, worsened by the appearance of a "withdrawal syndrome". Below is a description of the "Pramistar", instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues and other useful information about this drug.

Composition, form of release

The drug is available in the form of tablets with a content of 600 mg of active substance, which is used as pramiracetam. Additional components include polyethylene glycol 3350 and 400, silicon dioxide (precipitated) and titanium. Among the auxiliary ingredients are hydroxypropyl cellulose, microcrystalline cellulose. Also hydroxypropylmethylcellulose is used in the drug. Ancillary action has also calcium stearate. The effect of using the drug is enhanced by a solution of glucose and crospovidone.


It is known that the activity of neurons improves due to the administration of the drug "Pramistar". Drug reviews show that, thanks to therapy, clarity of consciousness remains, and an increased level of wakefulness is maintained. "Pramistar" has a nootropic effect, antidepressant and anti-asthenic, has an adaptogenic effect, mnemotropic.


The medicine is quickly absorbed from the digestive tract, it is well perceived by the body, its maximum concentration is present on average 2.5 hours after ingestion. The drug is partially excreted within 5 hours. The connection with blood plasma is not observed. Removal of the drug from the body is made mainly by the kidneys. "Pramistar" is displayed unchanged.


With cognitive impairment, problems with the concentration of attention to elderly people are prescribed pills "Pramistar". Reviews the effectiveness of the drug when used in such cases confirm. The medication is indicated for conditions that develop due to changes in the brain (involutional, vascular).


The drug is not used for hypersensitivity to it and severe renal failure. It is not recommended to carry out therapy during the period of gestation, breastfeeding. Treatment is possible only if a woman temporarily stops breastfeeding.

Use of the medicinal product

At the beginning and at the end of the day it is recommended to use the medicine "Pramistar" instruction for use. The price, reviews confirm that it is effective to treat this drug, but not particularly profitable. A single dose is 600 mg. Treatment is carried out by a course, the duration of which corresponds to two to three months, is repeated several times a year. The required frequency of the course is determined by the doctor.

The high efficiency of "Pramistar" in comparison with other means of this type is due to the fact that it is the last derivative, the effect of which is the strongest.

Use of the drug in different cases

  • Psychosomatic pathological conditions. In the treatment of such pathologies, several groups can be used, one of which is nootropic drugs. Since antidepressants are not suitable for elderly patients because of the risk of some side effects, they are replaced with other medications, such as the medicine "Pramistar." Instruction, composition, use, analogues of this tool show a positive effect on the condition of patients. Thanks to the reception of "Pramistar" tablets, it is possible to exclude the use of antidepressants or to reduce their dosage, to reduce the total amount of drugs.
  • Cognitive postoperative dysfunction. The drug, which is taken after surgery, can reduce the severity of dysfunction observed during this period. For prophylaxis, 1 or 2 tablets of a 1-month course are used. Before the operation, the drug is drunk for five days at the same dose.
  • Brain concussion. "Pramistar" is used for one month for complex treatment as a preventive measure. The recommended dose is 1200 mg of the drug in two divided doses. After the use of "Pramistar" as part of complex therapy, working capacity increases, improvement of well-being is noted.

  • Effect on the activity of platelets (aggregation) in patients with diabetes mellitus. Leaving after treatment with the remedy "Pramistar" a tip, those who suffer from diabetes mellitus note that due to taking half of the tablet within 15 days, cognitive functions are improved by suppressing the activity of platelets, which affects the well-being.
  • Problems with cerebral circulation. Because the drug is able to improve blood circulation in the brain, doctors can prescribe it to eliminate problems of this nature.
  • Ischemic circulatory disorders in the brain. After the ischemic stroke, the medicine "Pramistar" improves the state of health and normalizes the manifestation of cognitive functions two months after the therapy. Confirm the advisability of using the medicine "Pramistar" (Pramistar) instruction and feedback. It should be used in the implementation of complex treatment schemes to restore the patient after an ischemic stroke. Tablets help to improve memory, attention. After their application, general stabilization of cognitive productivity is observed, perceptive-gnostic disorders are less pronounced.
  • VSD, chronic fatigue. As the drug improves blood circulation in the brain, the severity of the headache decreases, syncope becomes more rare. Systemic drug safety is confirmed by the lack of influence on extracranial blood flow. Tablets have a positive effect on the overall condition of the central nervous system in the IRR. In people with chronic fatigue after taking the medicine "Pramistar" the response is positive.

Adverse events

During the period of therapy, there may be some changes in the nervous system, negative sensory manifestations are possible - very rarely patients may experience dizziness, anxiety, sleep problems, psychomotor agitation. Sometimes convulsions and trembling of limbs occur, confusion is observed .

The drug "Pramistar" recalls patients is not always positive because of the development of some negative reactions from the gastrointestinal tract. Although this is possible, it is observed in rare cases.

As a result of exceeding the prescribed dose, the following symptoms of an overdose are noted:

  • Restless condition;
  • dizziness;
  • Problems with falling asleep;
  • The appearance of confusion;
  • Psychomotor agitation;
  • Vomiting;
  • Convulsions.

The consequences of an overdose are eliminated by eliminating her symptoms and inhibiting further poisoning of the body. In addition to eliminating symptoms, gastric lavage is performed, the patient is given activated charcoal.

Drug Interactions

The drug enhances the effect of taking some funds. These are the drugs that, while influencing the activity of the central nervous system, stimulate it.

special instructions

With renal failure, which occurs without complications, recommends the treatment with small doses of "Pramistar" medication instructions for use. The price, testimonials show that the drug is difficult to find, but it copes well with the task that needs to be performed during the treatment period. In the instructions and reviews, it is reported that the drug should be taken with caution in carrying out activities where there is a need for increased attention and management of vehicles.

The cost of the drug, reviews, analogues

The drug can be purchased for about 1065-2050 rubles. From analogues, you can choose "Calcium Gopentenate" or "Aminalon". As a substitute, you can apply Piracetam, Pikamilon. You can use the analogues "Cerebrolysin", "Noopeptom", "Neurovin", "Vicerbrol". Other analogues are known: Glycine, Noophen, Cavinton, Phenibut, Quattrex, and Thiocetam. Possible reception of Bifren, Omaron, Nobena, Gamalate B6, Fezama, Cogituma. Doctors can prescribe the means "Lira", "Nootropil" or "Vasavital". Possible treatment with drugs Encephabol, Biotropil, Pantogam, Ceraxon, Neuro-norms. Sometimes treatment is performed by "Fentropil", "Kogumom", "Vinpotropil", "Dendrix".

Before the treatment with "Pramistar", price, reviews are studied by many patients. As the reviews show, the drug has a good effect on memory, thinking, sleep, contributes to the emergence of motivation for activity. Some people claim that after treatment they feel much better, as if they became different people.

Of the side effects, usually a drowsy condition and nausea, but these manifestations are observed only at the beginning of therapy. The drug proved to be quite effective in normalizing cognitive abilities, therapy of craniocerebral injuries. Good results are observed after elderly people use medicine "Pramistar". Reviews, price, description allow you to evaluate the drug and determine the need for its purchase.

To begin treatment it is possible only after appointment of "Pragistar" by the doctor, it should supervise a status of the patient and if necessary to correct the scheme of treatment.

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