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List of rocks alphabetically

Rocks are minerals and their compounds. It is impossible to imagine our planet without the minerals actually forming it.

Classification system

Allocate an enormous number of species of species, subdivided into groups. Genetically distinguish:

  • Sedimentary;
  • Metamorphic;
  • Magmatic.

The latter are divided into three classes:

  • Plutonic;
  • Hypabyssal;
  • Volcanic.

Subgroups can be divided into:

  • Acid;
  • Average;
  • Basic;
  • Ultrabasic.

It is practically impossible to compile a complete list of rocks, considering all species on Earth, so there are many of them. In the framework of this article, we will attempt to structure information on the most interesting and frequently occurring types.

Metamorphic rocks: list

These are formed under the influence of endogenous processes characteristic of the earth's crust. Since the transformations occur when the substances are in the solid phase, they are visually invisible. During the transition, the structure, texture, and composition of the original rock change. For such changes to occur, a successful combination is necessary:

  • Heating;
  • Pressure;
  • Influence of gases, solutions.

There is a metamorphism:

  • regional;
  • Contact;
  • Hydrothermal;
  • Pneumatolytic;
  • Dynamometamorphism.

Here is a list of rocks in alphabetical order for this group of minerals.


These minerals are formed by hornblende and plagioclase. The first is classified as a tape silicate. Visually amphibolites are shales or arrays of flowers from dark green to black. The color depends on the proportion in which the dark-colored components are present in the mineral composition. Secondary minerals of this group are:

  • Garnet;
  • magnetite;
  • titanite;
  • Zoisite.


By its structure, the gneiss is exceptionally close to granite. It is possible to distinguish between these two minerals from each other visually, since the gneiss copies granite and approaches it according to its physical parameters. But the price of gneiss is much lower.

Gneisses are widely available, so they are applicable in construction. Minerals are diverse and aesthetic. Density is high, so you can use stone as a concrete aggregate. With a small porosity and low ability to absorb water, gneisses have an increased resistance to freezing. Since weathering is also small, it is allowed to use the mineral as a facing material.


When composing a list of rocks, it is necessary to mention shale from among the metamorphic rocks. There are such kinds of them as:

  • Clayey;
  • Crystalline;
  • Talcum powder;
  • Chlorite.

Thanks to the unusual structure and aesthetics of this stone, in recent years, slate has become an irreplaceable decorative material used in construction.

Slates - this is a fairly large group, which is composed of rocks. List of names of varieties actively used by mankind for different purposes (mainly in construction, repair, reconstruction):

  • Aleurolite;
  • Zlatalit;
  • Serpentine;
  • Gneiss;
  • And phyllite shales.


This stone is known for its strength, since it is formed by quartz with the addition of impurities. Quartzite is formed from sandstone, when the initial elements of the mineral are replaced by quartz in the regional metamorphism.

In nature, quartzite is found in a continuous layer. Impurities are often:

  • Hematite;
  • Granite;
  • Silicon;
  • Magnetite;
  • Mica.

The richest deposits are found in:

  • USA;
  • India;
  • Russia;
  • Canada.

The main features of the mineral:

  • Resistance to frost, moisture, temperatures;
  • strength;
  • Safety, ecological cleanliness;
  • durability;
  • Resistance to alkalis, acids.


Not the last place in the list of rocks belongs to the phyllites. They occupy an intermediate position between clayey and mica shales. The material is dense and fine-grained. At the same time, the stones are obviously crystalline, they are characterized by pronounced schistosity.

Phyllites have a silky shine. The color scale is black, shades of gray. Minerals split into thin slabs. The structure of phyllites is distinguished by:

  • Mica;
  • Sericite.

There may be grains, crystals:

  • Albite;
  • Andalusite;
  • grenade;
  • Quartz.

The deposits of phyllites are rich in France, England and the USA.

Sedimentary rocks: list

Minerals of this group are located mainly on the surface of the planet. The following conditions must be met for formation:

  • Low temperatures;
  • precipitation.

There are three genetic subspecies:

  • The clastic rocks are rough stones formed during the destruction of the rock;
  • Clay, the origin of which is associated with the transformation of the minerals of the "silicate" and "aluminosilicate" groups;
  • Biochemo-, chemo-, organogenic. Such are formed in the deposition processes in the presence of appropriate solutions. In this take an active part also microscopic and not only organisms, substances of organic origin. Important role of products of vital activity.

From chemogenic isolate:

  • Halide;
  • Sulfate.

The list of rocks of this subgroup:

  • gypsum;
  • Anhydrite;
  • Sylvinite;
  • rock salt;
  • Carnallite.

The most important sedimentary rocks are:

  • Dolomite, like dense limestone.
  • Limestone, consisting of potassium carbonate with an admixture of the same magnesium and a number of inclusions. The parameters of the mineral vary, determined by the composition and structure, as well as the texture of the mineral. A key feature is the increased compressive strength.
  • Sandstone, formed by mineral grains, connected with each other by substances of natural origin. The strength of the stone depends on the impurities and what kind of substance has become a binder.

Volcanic rocks

Must be mentioned volcanic rocks. The list is created, including minerals formed during volcanic eruptions. Thus allocate:

  • Overflowing;
  • Clastic;
  • Volcanic.

The first category, also called effusive rocks, is:

  • andesite;
  • basalt;
  • diabase;
  • Liparite;
  • trachyte.

To pyroclastic, that is clastic, rank:

  • Breccias;
  • Tuff.

Almost complete alphabetical list of volcanic rocks:

  • Anorthosite;
  • granite;
  • Gabbro;
  • diorite;
  • Dunite;
  • Komatitis;
  • Latite;
  • Monzonite;
  • obsidian;
  • pegmatite;
  • Peridotite;
  • Perlite;
  • pumice;
  • Rhyolite;
  • syenite;
  • Tonalite;
  • Felsite;
  • slag.

Organic rocks

From the remains of living beings formed organic rocks, the list of which rightfully starts with the most significant substance - the chalk. These rocks belong to the sedimentary group considered above, and are important not only from the point of view of applicability for solving various human problems, but also as a rich archaeological material.

The most important subspecies of this type of rock is chalk. It is widely known and actively used in everyday life: it is they who are written on boards in schools.

The chalk is formed by calcite, from which the shells of the coccolithophoride that lived in the ancient seas of algae previously consisted. They were microscopic organisms, inhabiting our planet about a hundred million years ago. At that time, algae could swim freely over the vast territories of the warm sea. By killing, microscopic organisms fell to the bottom, forming a dense layer. Some areas are rich in deposits of such deposits, in the thickness of hundreds of meters and more. The most famous Cretaceous hills:

  • The Volga region;
  • French;
  • English.

Studying the Cretaceous rocks, scientists find traces in them:

  • Sea urchins;
  • Shellfish;
  • Sponges.

As a rule, these inclusions are only a few percent of the total volume of the explored chalk, so such components do not affect the parameters of the breed. After studying the Cretaceous deposits, the geologist receives information about:

  • Age of the breed;
  • The thickness of the water that was here before;
  • Special conditions that previously existed in the studied area.

Magmatic rocks

Under magmatism it is customary to understand the totality of phenomena caused by magma and its activity. Magma is a silicate melt, in nature present in a liquid form close to a fire. The magma contains a high percentage of volatile elements. In some cases, there are species:

  • Non-silicate;
  • Low-silicate.

When magma cools and crystallizes, magmatic rocks appear. They are also called igneous.

There are rocks:

  • Intrusive;
  • Effective.

The former are formed at great depth, and the latter - at the eruption, that is, directly on the surface of the planet.

Often in the magma is a variety of rocks, melted and mixed with silicate mass. This is provoked:

  • Increase in temperature in the earth's thickness;
  • Forced pressure;
  • Combination of factors.

A classic variant of magmatic rock is granite. Its very name in Latin - "fire", reflects the fact that the breed in its original state was exceptionally hot. Granite is highly valued not only due to its technical parameters (this material is incredibly durable), but also because of the beauty caused by crystal impregnations.

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