HealthDiseases and Conditions

The most common diseases of hens

Most of the causes of death of the number of chickens and a decrease in egg production are associated with poor nutrition and unsatisfactory care. However, there are also problems caused by bacteria, viruses or protozoa. We will tell you what diseases are in the chicken, in particular, those that are caused by infection in the body. The most common in laying hens are ascaridosis, coccidiosis and tuberculosis.

Parasitic diseases

Diseases of laying hens, caused by protozoa or parasites, are very common. Ascarids (a fairly large worm-nematode), living in the small intestine of animals (both adults and chickens), causes a slowdown in growth and egg production due to a decrease in appetite and general lethargy. Recognition of the disease is complicated by the fact that in adults it occurs almost asymptomatically. But the diseased birds, especially when violations of the regime of detention, become a source of infection for young individuals.

The simplest coccidia, of which there are nine species, cause a disease with a similar name - coccidiosis. Note that this disease affects a variety of animals and birds (both wild and domestic). Diseases of laying hens caused by coccidia are transmitted from rodents through feed and water. The source of infection may be other species of birds. These protozoa are parasitic in the intestines, causing loss of appetite and fairly typical behavior. The bird, wreathed and wings down, seems to be trying to warm up all the time, looking for a place more sunny. A characteristic symptom in chickens is a greenish diarrhea, quickly replaced by bloody. Before death, paralysis of the wings and paws develops.

Attention: tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is an equally dangerous disease for both birds and humans. Chickens from infected litter are infected. The incubation period in animals proceeds imperceptibly, but then the picture is quite bright: nodular lesion of the skin and mucous membranes, severe swelling of the joints, exhaustion. Diseases of laying hens caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis are absolutely fatal for a bird. But if you have identified characteristic symptoms, you can not wait for a natural end. An infected individual is a threat to people. Therefore, it should immediately be hammered and burned (the meat of the patient with tuberculosis of chicken can not be eaten categorically).

Diseases of chickens and their treatment

Various drugs are used to treat these diseases. For example, coccidiosis is effectively treated with Sulfadimethoxin or Sulfadimezin. The first preparation is applied at the rate of 0.5 grams per liter of water (for 11 days). And the second - only 3 days at the rate of 1 milligram per 1 kg of feed. A variant of treatment is the use of special agents and antibiotics, which are added to premixes. To such preparations carry "Avatek", "Koktsidiovit" and so forth. Askerid worms are destroyed with the help of "Piperazine": 2 days the chickens are given on a quarter, and the adult bird by half a gram. Well, tuberculosis in chickens is incurable.

Many diseases of laying hens are fairly simple to prevent. It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the house, to handle in a timely manner both the premises themselves, as well as dishes and other equipment. Young and adult birds should be separated and kept, not allowing contacts. It is necessary to destroy rodents, do not allow them to feed them. These simple rules are often much more effective than treatment.

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