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The habit to get rid of - that's what tautology is

We are now considering a rhetorical figure - the repetition of the same or similar words, famous for the Russian definition of "oil buttery," not justified by anything: neither the point of view of logic, nor the emotional or poetic component. Pointless verbiage, a bad habit, from which it is necessary to get rid of, is what a tautology is. And only to poets it is permissible, as, indeed, violations of other literary norms.

What is a tautology, or Superfluous words

Consider a typical example of empty talk and try to find redundant vocabulary with the help of certain techniques. Most often this is one of the neighboring words, the meaning of which either includes the meaning of the second word, or is identical to it. "The dead body of the text was found in the garbage basket of a literary writer, the deceased deceased was honored with the last farewell and respectful word, and the word was a tautology." The word "killed" has the meaning of the word "to death", and each of these words denotes the word "corpse". A literary writer? Well, yes, there is a writer and a technical one, but not in this case. "Almost" and "respectful" - words of the same order: honor, respect. "Last" and "farewell" - too. Verbal excesses such as "going down", "April month", "kick with a foot" have their own term - pleonasm, that is verbosity. If the sentence uses crocheted or adjacent words, this is a tautology in its pure form. Translated from Greek - "say the same thing." Tautology can be attributed to three types:

A) the appearance of an already described object or process;

B) the designation of an action that does not require a description;

C) clarification of circumstances that are explicit from the context.

Tautology very much hinders rhetoric, because the logic of construction is subject to profanity.

Rhetoric - the logic of argumentation

The theory of argumentation in public speeches is rhetoric. Logic and rationality - the definition of rhetoric by the philosopher Losev. Well, logic is the art of reasoning, the science of the correct movement of thought. When working with an audience, persuasive arguments are needed. Try to convince at least one nesmyshlenysha, if you do not know what tautology is and how to deal with it. He will simply fall asleep from boredom, not having listened to your speech. Therefore, knowing for yourself non-resistance to idle talk, try to control every spoken or written phrase, building it without excesses. Then the logic will easily obey you. According to the rules of rhetoric, every persuasive argument concerns a particular case, that is, a "common place", an axiom, such as "honor your parents", "do not steal," "do not kill," etc. This is the main (special case or general place) and a logical chain of rhetorical techniques should be built. For example, through dialogue.

Methods of argumentation

Even if the dialogue without apparent reasoning, the so-called dialectical, still it aims to search for truth, that is, the solution of a certain problem. But the horeistic dialogue from the very beginning involves winning a controversial moment. It would seem that a moral person does not face such a type of conversation. But in modern conditions of information war the lecturer is always right, trying to convey and substantiate the present state of things by any methods. Especially if simultaneously with the victory in the dispute one of the problems facing the audience is solved. Rhetorical ethics presupposes a twofold conduct of argument. The strongest arguments are always on the side of the audience and the most accurately directed are those arguments that will lead to the enemy's difficulty. Arguments of the audience need to be divided, and their own, because a convincing argument is convincing without reasoning. Here is the situation in the hospital: the patient approaches the doctor with a trembling heart and asks a simple question: "Doctor, will I die?" To this doctor starts up a lengthy explanation of the illness and the methods of treatment, leading a lot of pictures and tables, from which, only considering, you can already die from fear. That is, does not convince. A smart doctor will say: "Why are you dying? Do not interfere with work, idiot" - and that's it, a complete victory without any reasoning: the patient is filled with optimism, because the affirmative or negative answer of the doctor seemed not to be present, but in itself The question seems completely stupid.

So what is tautology, and what is its impact on the body

Now there will be a paragraph of the fragment of the text of this letter - a complete and total joke of humor. About what tautology and repetitions are, and also about positively positive influences and actions of presence of tautology and repetitions. Everyone and everyone, amenable to the influence of tautology and repetition, feels and feels significantly and overwhelmingly better than well. A person or an individual who constantly repeats and repeats the same thing as an old song, withers and dulls, that is why it will remain constantly and permanently cheerful and happy.

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