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What is a souchek? Meaning of the word

The article tells about what a souchek is, for what this room serves in a barn, and the alleged origin of the word is considered.


Probably, the developed oral speech is one of the aspects that played an important role in the evolution of man and the development of human society as a whole. After all, without it, it would be impossible to cooperate, communicate and simply interact. Virtually all living beings in the process of evolution have developed some or other communication skills. Of course, they are far from as perfect as the oral speech of a person, and some of them may seem frankly strange, but they are.

And over time, in any human language, new words are gradually emerging or old ones are out of use. This process is natural, and it is found in absolutely all languages and dialects. For example, in Russian not so long ago there were many words that are now partially outdated and practically out of use, they can be found in old books, sayings or other historical materials. And one of these words is "susek". So what is a souchek and what is it for? In this we will understand.


To begin with, consider the origin of this word. There is no unified opinion on this score. For example, Dahl believed that it has eastern roots, while similar words with a similar meaning are found in a number of other Slavic languages. So what is a souchek?

Susek is a special fenced place in a barn or other storage that serves to store grain, vegetables, flour or some other loose materials. In the case of flour, it is made from densely packed boards to prevent the spillage of supplies.

Depending on what is planned to be stored in the forest, its design can include inclined flooring or ventilation elements. This is usually done when storing potatoes and other vegetables, so that the lower layers under the weight of supplies and lack of air do not rot. So now we know what a soupyk is.

Importance of cereals

Surely when reading this article, many have already remembered different proverbs, sayings, and simply folk tales, where there is a suek. And it's no accident. This brightly reflects the extent to which this stationary wooden chest was important for our ancestors, since in it the grain or flour was stored most often. And grain, in turn, since ancient times and all over the world was highly valued and remained the supporting culture that farmers cultivated. So, probably, the barnacle in the barn was the most important part of this storehouse.

Wheat, rye and barley were and remain the most important crops. Especially those varieties that are distinguished by high (by plant standards) protein content, which, apparently, in ancient times became the reason for the popularity of cereals in ancient people and the beginning of their systematic cultivation. Not so long ago the entire diet of people could be only bread and bakery products, and flour was valued most highly compared to other products.

"... scraped on the scum"

Probably, most often at the mention of this word everyone remembers the fairy tale "Kolobok", where the old woman blinded the hero from the fact that she could scrape from the susek. Thus, to the readers, in addition, a graphic example showed that the old man and the old woman lead a very poor way of life.

This word is associated with many proverbs and sayings, for example:

  • Full of suseki, rich man.
  • Not the bread that is on the field, but the bread that is in the cider.

And this is not a complete list of them. So now we know what a soupyk is.

Also, depending on the regions, there are other words-synonyms of this facility for storing supplies. For example, zasek, close, stern.

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