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Analysis of the poem "Amid the Noisy Ball, by chance" by A. Tolstoy

AK Tolstoy - a famous Russian poet, who in his work more than once touched on the theme of love and passionate longing. His lyrics are rich and versatile, and poems are known for their sensuality and romance. In this article you can read the analysis of the poem "Amid the Noisy Ball, by accident".

History of creation of the work

Alexei Tolstoy was never a ladies 'man and a ladies' man, but in one compromising relationship he was involved. He meets Sofya Miller at a secular reception and falls in love with her without a memory.

And the poet was first of all impressed not by beauty, but by the brilliant mind and erudition of the lady. Unfortunately, Sophia is the wife of an officer. A brief acquaintance with an outstanding lady leads to a quick writing of the poem "Among the noisy ball." In it, Tolstoy conveys his impressions of his acquaintance with Sophia Miller. He was struck by the woman's behavior: at the ball she behaved alone, as if she were above the worldly vanity, and her face kept the imprint of sadness. Perhaps this is the trace of an unhappy marriage? At that time, the poet did not know about the shameful secret she carefully guarded. In her youth Sophia was in love with Prince Vyazemsky and was tempted by him, but Lovelace married a richer girl. Brother Sophia causes the offender to duel and perishes. And Sophia carries this burden in her heart all her life. Analysis of the poem "Among the noisy ball, by chance" can not be made without these facts. After all, at the time of writing, his poet idealizes Sophia.

Theme of the poem

The work, of course, belongs to the love lyrics. It can be called one of the best in the work of AK Tolstoy. In it, he fully reveals his soul. All the lines are permeated with a bright image of the chosen one, the purity of the moment of their meeting, the deep feelings that the poet experienced on the fateful ball.

Researchers of poetry note the similarity of this poem with some other works of Russian poets. Analysis of A. Tolstoy's poem "Among the noisy ball" allows you to see this. Especially similar to Tolstoy's verse with Pushkin's "I remember a wonderful moment." Themes are the same - at the ball the hero sees a charming stranger and falls in love without a memory. In the lines even there is an obvious roll call. Parallel can be done with the poem M. Yu. Lermontov "From the mysterious, cold half-mask".

"Among the noisy ball, by chance", A. Tolstoy: composition of the poem

The composition of the work is simple: it consists of two semantic parts. At first they may seem disjointed, but this is far from the case. Between parts of the verse there is a strong enough connection. In the first part of the poem the reader sees the ball, feels the poet's feelings at this social event. Here the first impression of the lyric hero from the beloved lady is also described.

The second part of the work takes the reader from a noisy ball deep into the thoughts of the hero. We see his mental torments, experiences and insights. The turning point of his life Tolstoy carries in "Among the noisy ball, by accident." Analysis of the poem allows you to look into his inner world. Tolstoy does not conceal his feelings, he opens his heart to his readers.

By the way, in the composition of the verse you can reveal the string. It is related to the past life of the lyric hero. The past, like the present, is described vaguely.

Expressive means used by the author

The hero of the work is presented by the author from different sides, while using a fairly simple syllable and expressive means. The opposition is most clearly represented here. With the help of contrasts, the author shows the depth of the hero's feelings. To emphasize the peculiarities of her chosen one, A. Tolstoy uses contradictory phrases, such as "sad laughter", "anxiety of worldly vanity". Emphasizes the lyricism and soulfulness of the work and its melodious smooth sound. The analysis of the poem "Among the noisy ball, by chance" reveals the use of cross-rhyme here. It gives the poem an organic sound.

Productivity of the work

The image of the verse can not be called original and original, but Tolstoy skillfully uses artistic means of expressiveness, which is not striking. The author uses complex sentences in his lines, they emphasize the depth of his thought. Analysis of the poem "Among the noisy ball, accidentally" reveals the main image of the work - the image of Sophia Miller (naturally not named here). Her image is full of concretization. It is real - without the vivid details inherent in romantic images. The author pays special attention to the eyes and laughter of the mysterious lover. At the ball, he did not see her face, noticing only the look under the mask.

The fate was favorable to the heroes, they met again. Sofya Miller admitted that she does not like her husband and dreams of divorce. Then Tolstoy and handed her the manuscript "Among the noisy ball, by accident." The analysis of the poem made it possible to understand what feelings had captivated the soul of the poet. Being in forbidden love relationships for seven years, Tolstoy and Miller still marry.

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