News and Society, Environment
The colors of the rainbow are in order: it's that simple!
When a person is asked to list the colors of the rainbow in order, immediately in my head there appears such a friend from childhood: "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting". And accordingly, the first letters of this phrase are the colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. It's remembered
The order of the colors of the rainbow is associated with the refraction of the white color in the prism. The angle of refraction depends directly on the length of the light wave. And since light pierces two planes, different colors are refracted at different angles. Thus, a white beam appears in the prism, and a rainbow emerges. Such a nicole (that is, a prism) in nature can be a drop of water or
The colors of the rainbow are in order depending on the wavelength: the top is the longest - the red, the bottom is the shortest - the blue one. Both the palette and the arrangement of flowers all the peoples of the world were considered sacred, and the phenomenon itself was understood as the connection between heaven and earth, gods and people. In the ancient Indian epic "Ramayana" the rainbow is called the divine bow of one of the supreme gods of Indra, who throws lightning bolts from him, accompanied by thunder. In the ancient Scandinavian treatise "Bivrest" this phenomenon is interpreted as a bridge that unites heaven with earth in sacred moments. He is guarded by a guard. And before the death of the world and the gods, this bridge will collapse forever.
But in Christian times to all the people of the planet the rainbow became closer and more understandable as a reminder of the forgiveness of people by God at the conclusion of the World Flood. As the conclusion of the union and the promise that from now on the Most High will not punish the people so cruelly. The rainbow has become a symbol of the beautiful heavenly fire and peace. And colors characterized God: purple - nobility, orange - aspiration, blue - silence, green - foreboding, yellow - wealth, blue - hope, red - victory.
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