Homeliness, Building
The basic kinds of works on building of the house
Construction is a long and complex process that must be carried out taking into account all building requirements and norms. There are different types of construction work: roof installation, foundation pouring, wall masonry and so on.
The process of building a private house takes a long time. Initially, it is necessary to determine the land plot on which the house will be erected. Then you can start digging the foundation pit and pouring the foundation.
Filling the foundation
At this stage, builders should perform such types of work as: laying the foundation, pouring the necessary type of foundation, laying the basement. It should be noted that depending on the expected load on the walls, as well as on the type of soil, a belt or columnar foundation is installed.
Tape foundation is a monolithic construction, with the same height and width. When building a house on a slope, the height of the basement can vary. All types of work related to laying the foundation last about a week. These terms depend on the depth of the foundation, the soil, the chosen building material and the availability of appropriate equipment.
It should also take into account the fact that to fill the foundation on the slope it will be necessary to bring this construction to zero level. For this, as a rule, builders lay out the base, using the level. You can lift the walls of the house only after the foundation and the socle have dried.
Raising the walls
Each owner of the future house himself decides what kind of building material the walls will be erected. Someone thinks that red brick is better for this, some people prefer foam blocks or a cat.
However, regardless of the material selected, there are certain rules for its packing. So, for example, penoblochnye walls should be erected from the highest angle. Laying the first row is a responsible process, as this depends on the evenness of the future structure and all types of finishing works.
Brick masonry begins with the corners of the foundation or the plinth. It should also be taken into account that between the brick rows the distance should not exceed 15 mm, and the height of the beacons 6-8 mm.
Roof mounting
Roofing is an integral part of the construction of any object. Before proceeding with this work, it is necessary to determine the type of roof. Today, metal roofing is in great demand among the population. This material is durable and durable. Its service life is more than 50 years. When installing slate, it should be noted that such a roof in a couple of decades will require major repairs and even a complete replacement. One of the lightest by weight types of roofing is ondulin. This material consists of synthetic resins, cellulose fibers and bitumen, thanks to which the roof does not need additional waterproofing. Upon completion of the roof installation, you can perform all necessary types of work related to the finishing of the house.
Finishing work
There are internal and external types of finishing works. For exterior works, various building materials are used: facing stone, special tile, facade paint and so on. You can proceed to interior finishing only after installing the water supply, sewage and heating system, electricity and so on.
The construction of a private house is a laborious process, therefore, before proceeding with the task, it is necessary to decide who will perform all types of work. Naturally, the quality of the construction depends on the service life of the future structure.
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