
"TAYVERB" (lapatinib): analogues, price. How much cheaper to buy Tayverb?

According to the latest data, in Russia every year 54,000 women have breast cancer. And this diagnosis, the beautiful half of humanity, unfortunately, hears more and more often. But medicine does not stand still. To combat a terrible disease, effective means are being developed. One of them is Tyverb. Instructions on the use of this drug, as well as its generic Tykerb will be offered to you further in the article.

Where can drugs Tykerb and Tyverb buy cheaper?

In Russia and the brand drug, and its analogue can be ordered and purchased on the site of a well-known Indian company with a serious reputation, WWW.ONKO24.COM . At the same time for the provision of services you will need the availability of documents confirming the need for treatment.

On "Tayverb" the price (for a branded product) in Moscow, for example, is now kept within 163 000 rubles. While buying a generic will cost you 40,600 rubles. As you can see, the difference is considerable. Therefore, for those to whom "Tyverb" buy too expensive, the generic Tykerb will be an affordable means by which you can save health and even life.

About the drug's generic

The generic drug described is Tykerb, manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline (India). It has the same basic active substance, and therefore, absolutely the same action. But for patients with such a serious illness and forced to spend large sums for treatment, it can be much more affordable at a price than the brand drug "Tyverb".

After all, it's not a secret for anyone that when a generic company is released, a company that has received a license does not spend money on development, testing and advertising, so the cost and retail price of such medicines are significantly lower. And this, by the way, does not affect the effectiveness of the drug.

When the drug is used

The main active substance of the said agent is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, lapatinib. It suppresses the action of mutant protein tyrosine kinase, because of which the healthy cells are transformed.

Such a protein molecule is represented by HER2 receptors. They are located on the surface shells of breast cells or inside them, and in case of overexpression, these cells are actively and uncontrollably divided, which makes the development of the disease particularly aggressive.

In such cases, the drug "Tyverb" is prescribed. It is usually combined with "Capecitabine" for patients with locally advanced or metastatic cancer, in whom progression of the pathology is observed both after Trastuzamb therapy and against its background. It is also an effectively described agent in combination with an aromatase inhibitor for postmenopausal patients in the diagnosis of hormone-receptor-positive metastatic cancer.

How to use "Tayverb": instruction

The described product is available in the form of tablets, which should be taken only as prescribed by the doctor, once a day, one hour before or one hour after a meal. The interval between medications should be 24 hours, and it can not be reduced.

When forced to miss the appointed time, it is strongly recommended to wait for the next dose of the drug.

The dose is determined depending on the type of disease:

  • Thus, for patients with metastatic pathology, it is 1250 mg of the drug Tyverb and 2000 mg of capecitabine.
  • In the case of a hormone-sensitive tumor, 1500 mg of the main drug with an aromatase inhibitor are taken in an amount of 2.5 mg.


The described agent is contraindicated during pregnancy and feeding. It is not prescribed for children, since there is no sufficient information on the effect of the drug on the child's organism. Caution is prescribed for violations of liver function, renal failure (for patients after 65 years) and in conditions that can lead to left ventricular failure.

Side effects

Drugs containing lapatinib can cause side effects. Thus, patients with the Tyverb tablets often experience general weakness, signs of anorexia, and a decrease in LVEF (which occurs mostly asymptomatically and is restored when the drug is withdrawn). There are also symptoms of diarrhea, a skin rash (passing on its own and not requiring a drug cancellation) and nail damage.

Treatment with this agent should be done only under the strict supervision of a specialist!

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