Health, Preparations
Analogues and instructions "Respibron". Customer Reviews
Currently, not only elderly people complain about their shaky health, but young people as well - from the age of twenty to forty, that already talk about children. What is happening to society today? Why are there so many sick people? It turns out that the reason lies in the lack of sustainable immunity. Let's see what immunity is all about. What measures need to be taken to restore and improve it?
An important component of good health is strong immunity
A healthy person is a person whose body can fight a lot of new strains of bacteria and viruses constantly surrounding him, at the cellular level, to remember the enemies and not to allow them into a general physiologically healthy process of functioning.
What to do when illnesses visit your home too often?
Many of us have noticed such a picture, when children are sick in the house, then adults also can not do without the sick. Why? The thing is that constant excessive physical exertion, polluted ecology, stress, overwork, bad habits, unbalanced nutrition make us weak and susceptible to various ailments. In other words, they weaken our immunity so much that it is practically absent.
Watching the sad picture of what is happening, many doctors have sounded the alarm. Particularly clearly the lack of a protective mechanism in humans is observed against the background of colds, acute respiratory infections, ARVI and influenza.
A solution was found. And it consists in the development of a new perfect immunity of mankind through therapy with the use of immunomodulators. These drugs are designed for preventive measures with frequent colds and other diseases.
Modern immunomodulators: to trust or not?
Such drugs in the domestic market of medicines are many. Consider one of them - the tablet "Respibron" - a little lower. In the meantime, let us touch on the question of whether or not to trust immunomodulators? If you study in detail instructions to them, it becomes clear that these funds are aimed at strengthening the potential forces of the human body to fight the viruses and bacteria that cause colds and flu.
That is, a person does not wait passively until the virus strikes him and provokes a lot of complications, and purposefully builds a barrier - increases immunity to prevent illness.
The basis of the principle of the action of immunomodulators is understandable and simple, but does it give the expected effect? Let's figure it out with the example of the drug "Respibron" and its analogues. We mentioned it above.
New remedy "Respibron"
This immunomodulator has already entered into practical medical use, although it appeared on the domestic market relatively recently. Therefore, it causes so many questions. Many of them are given instructions. "Respibron" is an immunomodulatory drug, the reception of which significantly reduces the incidence of infectious respiratory diseases, alleviates the severity of their course, reduces the likelihood of complications. Also, the use of the drug for preventive purposes makes it possible to refuse antibiotic treatment.
As the new immunomodulator conquered the market, it began to be sold in a beautiful package that attracted attention. Physicians increasingly began to appoint him sick. However, not all patients rushed to buy the drug "Respibron", the price of which was too high for many. In this case, therapy for the development of sustainable immunity is quite long. Tablets should be drunk for more than two months. How much today is "Respibron"? The price of a blister of 10 tablets is 500 rubles or more.
Unique properties of the immunomodulator
According to the descriptions that contain the instruction, "Respibron" has unique characteristics. As mentioned earlier, it reduces the need for antibiotics, reduces the incidence of respiratory diseases and complications. The composition of the drug is not destroyed by food acids, getting into the intestine, so it starts to act immediately.
A medicinal product is produced on the basis of bacterial lysate, which increases the body's resistance to infections.
During the first two to four weeks, the drug activates nonspecific resistance - fast protection, after a few months of therapy, the specific immunity of the body is activated - protection for several years.
Indications and contraindications for the reception of immunomodulator
Let's take a closer look at the recommendations that the instruction contains. "Respibron" is prescribed for diseases such as acute respiratory disease, influenza, renite, including allergic and chronic, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary inflammation, and also as their prevention.
The immunomodulator is suitable for both adults and children. Treatment of children with this drug can begin with two years.
No side effects were identified with its use. As the instruction indicates, "Respibron" is transferred very well. However, it can cause hypersensitive people to have an allergic reaction to the ingredients contained in the formulation. This is the only contraindication to taking an immunomodulator.
Dosage for both children and adults - 1 tablet a day (absorbed under the tongue).
The opinion of physicians about the drug
Before spending money on buying another magic pill that will cure the whole family, you need at least a little reading about the immunomodulator "Respibron" reviews of competent specialists, especially pediatricians. The adverted drug, it turns out, is not so effective. On the properties of the remedy "Respibron" Komarovsky Ye. O. - known in Ukraine and in Russia pediatrician - responds restrainedly (maybe he was not paid?). He focuses on the fact that he can not hurt his health, but it is also unlikely that he will receive any help from him. To treat the ailments of the respiratory tract the doctor recommends, observing the optimum conditions of humidity, cleanliness and temperature in the room, and also give more time to walks in the fresh air.
Tablets "Respibron": patient feedbacks
To say unequivocally today that the drug helps to develop stable immunity is impossible. One person, according to reviews, he helps, they observe improvement in their state of health and are less sick, while others do not notice the effect at all. Everything depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.
Immunomodulator "Respibron": analogues
Substitutes for this drug are easy to pick up, as there are many. So, very many people use capsules "Broncho-munal". This immunomodulator is especially often used in the treatment of respiratory tract ailments in children of younger preschool age.
Instruction to the drug recommends taking it to children from six months of age. Since the drug is released in capsules, babies can not swallow them, so the capsules are opened and the contents are diluted with water in a spoon.
Many parents of preschool children respond positively to this immunomodulator. Especially it is in demand when a child adapts to a kindergarten.
Another analogue of "Respibron" is the tablet "Cycloferon". It is a combined immunostimulating agent that is useful in the treatment of complex forms of influenza, herpes, angina, HIV infection, acute intestinal inflammation, hepatitis. Children can take this drug from the age of four.
For the development of persistent immunity, therapy is also required for several months. This medication is from the most effective group, its unique property is the reduction of side effects after chemotherapy.
It proved to be very good, according to people's reviews, the alcohol tincture "Echinacea" is also an analog of the drug "Respibron". It can be taken by adults and children. This anti-inflammatory drug is used in the complex treatment of angina, influenza, acute respiratory infections.
The form of release immunomoduljatorov, as you can see, can be different, analogue select, proceeding from age of the patient and the recommendations recommended in instructions.
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