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Summary of "Vasily Shibanov" by Tolstoy

The basis of the work of AK Tolstoy "Vasily Shibanov" is the real historical events that took place in the XVI century. Prince Kurbsky, fearing persecution on the part of the enemies of Ivan the Terrible, flies to Lithuania, where he asks for protection and protection from the ruler of Sigismund-Augustus. From there he writes an angry message to the Tsar, full of accusations. In the article you will find the ballad "Vasily Shibanov" (short content).


The work begins with a description of the escape of Prince Kurbsky. A faithful servant, Vasily Shibanov, follows him everywhere. The prince dies a horse, unable to withstand a long and tense journey, and gives his horse to the ladders, but remains with nothing, pursued by the army of Ivan the Terrible. Whether he managed to escape, learn, after reading the summary. Vasily Shibanov you have more than once met on the pages of the work.


Having successfully reached Lithuania, Kurbsky wrote a letter to the tsar, in which he accuses him of the useless deaths of his subjects. All night he hatches every word and does not even remember his faithful vassal, who, at the risk of his life, saved him. However, after a while, Basil appears, exhausted, but alive. By some miracle he manages to get away from the chase and get to Lithuania. From the very threshold of the ladder, he offers his help to the prince. Kurbsky, having thought, decides that he can not find the best messenger and sends Vasily to take the letter to the tsar. As a reward, the prince promises a lot of silver to the stranger, but he says that he does not need anything like that. He takes the letter and starts the journey. The episode of the meeting with the king (short summary) of Vasily Shibanov will show a man of great endurance, with a devoted heart.


Upon arrival in Russia, the stepladder immediately gives a letter to Grozny. In his message, Kurbsky writes about the cruelty and injustice of the king, that the day will come - and he will be rewarded for the committed sins. This is how the words of Kurbsky (their brief content) Tolstoy AN Vasily Shibanov stands and waits for the further reaction of Grozny, there is not a single sign of fear on his face. And he, having heard who wrote this message, pierces his stirrup leg through his stick with indignation. The farther Grozny reads the letter, the more serious and dark becomes his look. Blood flows from Shibanov's leg, but he is silent and does not show any emotion. Having finished reading the message, Grozny says in astonishment that the stirrup is not only a faithful servant of the prince, but also a loyal friend. The king says that Kurbsky does not appreciate the life of Basil, because it was he who sent him to a painful death. All the details of this important episode can not be revealed only through a brief summary. Vasily Shibanova expects a lot of trials in the future, which he will with dignity sustain.


Terrible orders to take Shibanov in prison and torture until he gives out all the accomplices of Kurbsky. Torture lasts day and night, but in response to all the questions Vasili only praises his master. Perseverance and courage prevent the hero from surrendering and betraying the prince. Oprichniki with surprise inform the king that the captive does not give out any name, despite the fact that his strength is running out.

The last two paragraphs were written in the name of Shibanov himself. He asks God for forgiveness from Kurbsky. Even torture, torture and death can not shake his loyalty to the master. On the verge of death, Vasily does not think that he can alleviate his suffering and stay alive, for this he only needs to tell Grozny who contributed to the escape of Kurbsky. Shibanov prefers to remain loyal to the prince.

Analysis. Ballad "Vasily Shibanov" (summary)

I would like to especially note the veiled evaluation of each hero by the author. Attitude to Kurbsky is clear from the first lines. He is a traitor, a traitor to the Motherland. Kurbsky sells his country to the Gentiles. The prince does not notice and does not appreciate Vasili's devotion, sends him to certain death for the sake of self-affirmation and satisfaction of his own ambitions.

The image of the main character

The attitude to Basil is ambiguous. On the one hand, the author admires his loyalty, dedication and willingness to help his master. Shibanov - a very brave man, because he was not afraid to remain alone and without a horse, pursued by the army of Grozny. He is not characterized by meanness and betrayal. Vasily does his duty, no matter what. On the other hand, the misunderstanding of the main character of the consumer attitude towards oneself revolts the writer. He sacrifices his own life for the sake of a man who does not appreciate him. In the stirrup traced features of a true slave of his master. This ends the analysis of the image (short content) of Vasily Shibanov.

Tsar of All Russia

The image of Ivan the Terrible in a ballad is also quite controversial. On the one hand, the author paints him with a cruel and bloodthirsty ruler, to whom no laws are written. During the reign of his reign, he executed a large number of people, including absolutely innocent people. On the other hand, it's Ivan the Terrible, not Kurbsky, who notices what a devoted friend and comrade-in-arms Vasily Shibanov is. A summary of the more detailed characteristics of the ruler of Rus you will find below.

Ivan the Terrible is a significant figure in the history of our state. He became the first Russian tsar and expanded the country's borders, during his reign Ural and Siberia were annexed to Russia. Also, Grozny was highly educated, he corresponded with many people, including Prince Kurbsky. During his reign, many reforms were carried out. Judging by the surviving reviews of contemporaries, for some, Grozny was a cruel and quick-tempered man, and for others - a just and wise ruler.


Thoughts, which the author wanted to convey to the reader, describes in detail the article (a brief summary of "Vasily Shibanov"). Tolstoy wanted to tell his ballad about true love for his country and devotion, which, however, should not be concluded in blind obedience and self-sacrifice. Defending the civic stand, high head and self-esteem are the qualities that must be inherent in every representative of the great Russian people. It is on such people that real and strong powers are held.

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