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Stroke is ischemic and stroke is hemorrhagic: what's the difference?

Stroke is a very common and dangerous disease, in which there is a violation of the circulation of the brain. As a consequence, the brain activity of some sites decreases or is completely absent.


Every year more and more young people, especially students, get to the hospital with such a diagnosis. This is due to the fact that study and preparation for exams take a lot of time and especially diligent students simply do not have time for rest. Stroke in this case is exactly the result of overwork.

There are two main types of stroke: stroke ischemic and stroke hemorrhagic. Before prescribing treatment, physicians need to accurately determine the type of illness. After all, the subsequent actions will depend on this. This is not so easy to do, since both species have a number of similar symptoms. In order to somehow alleviate the situation, it is necessary to examine each type in more detail.

Features of ischemic stroke

How to distinguish ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke? At the first there is a disturbance of blood circulation due to narrowing of blood vessels and formation of blockages. Oxygen and other substances necessary for the proper functioning of the brain cease to flow. Then the cells of the brain simply begin to die. This process is also called a cerebral infarction.

Complete dying off of cells without the possibility of their reanimation comes in 48 hours. Therefore, regardless of the cause of the onset of ischemic stroke, with timely diagnosis, the patient still has a chance to escape. Restoring blood flow allows you to adjust the brain and avoid disability or death.

However, if precious time is lost, there can be an edema of the brain tissue, it will increase in size, and as a result, death will occur.

Features of hemorrhagic stroke

Hemorrhagic stroke is less common than ischemic stroke. He is mostly exposed to young people. This type of stroke is most dangerous. In ninety cases out of a hundred there is a lethal outcome.

When a hemorrhagic stroke occurs a hemorrhage. This process can be accompanied by rupture of blood vessels. It can also proceed without compromising the integrity of their shell. When rupture of blood vessels flows under high pressure, forming hematomas and swelling. If a rupture does not occur, the walls of the vessels begin to stretch and allow blood to pass into the surrounding brain tissue. The consequence of hemorrhage can be numerous bruises and scars, growing into cysts.

As we see, the danger to human life is both ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, differences only in the cause of their appearance.

Risk Area

In the risk zone of ischemia are people suffering from diabetes mellitus, hypertension, people with a heart rhythm disorder, with low blood coagulability and having a hereditary predisposition. Also under threat are patients who are overweight. The last reason in modern society has become the most common. After all, the number of people suffering from obesity is growing every year. It is also likely that there will be an ischemic stroke after a hemorrhagic stroke.

In this case, hypertensive patients and people with obesity also fall into the main risk group. This type of stroke affects people with congenital abnormalities of blood vessels. A strong intoxication of the body can also be a cause of hemorrhagic stroke, and also avitaminosis, vascular aneurysms and other inflammatory processes.

Harmful habits in the form of smoking and alcohol also contribute to the development of a stroke.

Symptoms of the disease

How does the stroke show ischemic, hemorrhagic? Symptoms of the disease most often begin to appear in the evening or at night as a result of physical or emotional overexertion. The first signs appear very quickly and cause a sharp deterioration in well-being.

The patient has heart palpitations and stitching pains in the chest. A person feels weak, dizzy, nauseous. There is a disturbance of balance, speech and numbness of the face and other parts of the body, a feeling of heat, drowsiness, or sudden arousal.

Symptoms of stroke in men and women may differ.

Ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. Differences in symptoms in men and women

In a strong half of humanity, stroke is the fourth most common cause of death. With cerebral ischemia , they exhibit the following symptoms:

  1. A couple of days before the stroke, a man may be disturbed by severe headaches and dizziness.
  2. There may be a sharp deterioration in vision.
  3. Vomiting and clouding of the mind.
  4. For some time the patient may not be able to limb.

Hemorrhagic stroke occurs due to rupture of cerebral vessels, and, as a result, a man can fall into a coma.

Symptoms that accompany this type of stroke in men are as follows:

  • high pressure;
  • Loud breath and crimson complexion;
  • Vomiting;
  • Can be observed involuntary defecation;
  • The look becomes indifferent;
  • There is paralysis, in which asymmetry of the face is observed.

If a man with hemorrhagic stroke does not die within a year, he will definitely remain an invalid for the rest of his life.

The danger of a woman's stroke is that his first signs (loss of consciousness, nausea, vomiting, migraine, weakness, dry mouth, chest pain, breathing problems) can not always be associated with impaired blood circulation in the brain.

The likelihood of stroke in women is many times higher than the risk for men. Since the fairer sex is less stressful and often fixated on their problems, and this is a fertile ground for the development of this disease. Pregnant women in general should avoid stressful situations and unrest.

Before the onset of an attack, a woman begins to feel:

  • Severe headache;
  • Numbness of the face and other parts of the body;
  • Loss of coordination;
  • Impaired vision, hearing and speech.

Stroke ischemic and stroke hemorrhagic - these are very serious diseases for both men and women. And if you identify the first signs, you should immediately consult a doctor, because every minute is precious.

Which hemisphere is affected?

Symptoms of the disease may also differ depending on which hemisphere of the brain is affected. With left stroke there are problems with speech, lack of logical thinking. The right side of the face and body is taken away. An infarct of the left hemisphere is most often in people with arrhythmia and having excessive body weight. After all, this category is the most susceptible to the formation of thrombi.

With a stroke in the left hemisphere, the physical activity of the patient is restored fairly quickly. But with speech and memory things are much worse. The patient hardly understands another's speech, can not write, he has problems with the reaction. In this case, speech can not recover at all. An infarct of the left hemisphere is considered the most common.

To diagnose a stroke of the right hemisphere is much more difficult than the left one, because this side is responsible for feelings and emotions.

In this case, a person has a depressed state and paralysis of the left side of the body. People with this diagnosis remember their past very well, but forget the events of the current day.

In order to recover from such a stroke, it will take a lot of time. After all, the patient ceases to feel his limbs, and sometimes the whole body.

When the stroke of the right hemisphere can be observed and focal symptoms: dizziness, disorientation in space, a person ceases to sense the speed of movement and does not distinguish the shape of the object.


How is the diagnosis of ischemic, hemorrhagic stroke? In order to determine the disease, you can ask the patient to perform several simple manipulations:

  1. To smile. If the corners of the lips on one side remain lowered, then this indicates that this side of the face is no longer obeyed.
  2. Name the full name and patronymic. If speech became slow and lingering, the patient needs urgent hospitalization.
  3. Raise your hands to one level. With stroke, it is impossible.
  4. Stick out tongue. If it is asymmetric, it is also a symptom of the disease.

These signs may indicate an ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. Differences of one species from another can be detected only when conducting RMT. This will also help to exclude the possibility of other diseases and to assess the focus of the brain lesion.

If suspected of ischemic stroke, an additional examination in the form of an ultrasound of the vessels of the neck and brain, the X-ray of the vessels is required. An electrocardiogram should also be recorded 24 hours a day.

In hemorrhagic stroke, an ultrasound of the cerebral vessels and consultation of a neurosurgeon are prescribed.


How should a person be treated if he has an ischemic, hemorrhagic stroke? Treatment should be conducted simultaneously in several directions: general and specific. What are these types?

General treatment is the same for any type of stroke. It consists in the normalization of the cardiovascular system, the function of respiration, and the reduction of edema of the brain.

We found out how to determine the stroke hemorrhagic and ischemic. The difference between these types of diseases in addition to the symptoms will be in the specific treatment.

With a cerebral infarction, procedures should be performed to normalize blood circulation in the area of injury. Such measures can be performed both with the help of surgical intervention, and without it. And also it is necessary to maintain normal brain function. For this, various medications are used, which must be taken only under the strict control of the doctor.

With hemorrhagic stroke, it is necessary to reduce the permeability of the vascular wall and prevent the decay of the already formed thrombus. In order that there is no ischemic stroke after a hemorrhagic stroke, the patient's body is administered medications in parallel with a strict control of blood pressure. The most effective way to treat hemorrhagic stroke is surgical. Although doctors sometimes use other methods.

Stroke is ischemic and stroke is hemorrhagic. Preventive measures

In order to never hear this terrible diagnosis, it is necessary to take the following preventive measures:

  1. Get rid of bad habits, such as smoking and alcohol.
  2. Revise your diet and eliminate fatty foods.
  3. Lead an active lifestyle and watch your weight. Due to the fact that this disease is getting younger every year, exercise is best done under the supervision of a professional trainer or doctor.
  4. At high blood pressure, it should be measured twice a day and regularly visited by a doctor.
  5. With frequent mental stress, you need to find for yourself such an activity that would allow you to arrange a brain discharge.


Stroke ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke are two kinds of a dangerous disease. Fighting it is quite difficult. In most cases, people who survive a stroke remain disabled.

Every year the relevance of this disease increases. After all, life is getting heavier, and people are in a constant state of stress, and this is the most favorable soil for the development of this disease.

Of course, the answer to the question of what distinguishes ischemic stroke from hemorrhagic, can be more briefly: symptoms, treatment and consequences. But for those who really want to avoid this disease, it is just necessary to study its types and features in as much detail as possible. And in general information about stroke is useful to everyone. After all, having the necessary knowledge, you can help not only yourself, but others around you to diagnose the disease in a timely manner, and in this case it is a chance to live.

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