
Early caries of infant teeth

According to statistics, today only 20% of children do not know what caries and dental chair are. Parents do not take this disease too seriously because of its high prevalence. And really, why bother if all children equally walk with spoiled teeth. In fact, early tooth decay is a complex problem that requires a comprehensive solution. Today we will talk about the causes and measures of prevention, as well as on available treatment options. This information will be extremely important for all parents, as it will avoid a number of troubles.

What is caries?

This is the process of destruction of hard tooth tissues. There are many reasons for this, we will discuss them in detail today. This can be both external and internal causes, that is, it affects the general state of the body, immunity in the first place.

However, the main reason for the development of early caries is dental plaque, and to be more precise, the bacteria that live in the mouth. How do they get there? It's very simple, Mom and becomes their carrier. Licked the nipple, gave the crumb to eat from his spoon, so the teeth went to spoil, before they had time to grow properly. But that's not all. If the mother did not treat the teeth before pregnancy, the early caries to the baby is provided, because he will be initially infected.

How is the process of tooth decay?

We have already realized that there are bacteria in the mouth that are responsible for the development of this disease. But the early caries cause the products of their vital activity. It turns out a classic power circuit. Bacteria eat sugar and secrete acids. As a result, the acid-base balance in the oral cavity is disrupted.

This is the answer to the main question about why early caries develop so quickly. The enamel of the baby teeth is very poorly mineralized, especially in the first 2 years and 5 months of life. It is because of this that dentists recommend to give up sweets at least during this period of the child's life, not to give him too cold or hot food.

So, the acid that forms ishes out the minerals from the enamel, which means that the process of destruction is very fast. Early caries literally in a few months goes into complicated forms, in which dentists remove teeth. Imagine that at this moment the child can still be only a year old. At the age of 2 to 3 years, these processes slow down, but more often by this time it is too late, and most of the teeth are in a deplorable state.

Causes of early caries of children

Let's now discuss in detail why this disease develops. Many parents think that if they do not give the baby sweets, then they are completely protected from the development of caries. Actually, it's too early to relax. The list of reasons is much broader:

  • Improper hygiene of the oral cavity. Even if the teeth only erupt, they immediately need full-value care. This is rubbing the gums with a damp cloth, and later cleaning with a wet brush without a paste. When a child has 6-7 teeth, you can start using the first paste without fluoride.
  • Infection with pathogenic microorganisms. We have already talked about this, but it's worth repeating. There is a baby with a spoon, especially if you have caries in your mouth, you can not.
  • Genetic predisposition. This is a violation of the development of enamel, which is laid during the intrauterine formation, due to the smoking of the mother or taking certain medications.
  • The lack of vitamins and minerals, in particular fluoride and calcium in the baby's diet.
  • Prolonged breastfeeding, however strange it may be. By the time of formation of baby teeth, the baby is transferred to five-time feeding. But if the child continues to suckle the breasts without restrictions, at any time of the day or night, without hygiene of the mouth after this, plaque and carious cavities are formed.
  • Mixtures and juices, milk, sweet compotes - all this contributes to the development of caries. This factor is especially serious if the child does not part with the bottle day and night. After a year at night, he should only get water. In the afternoon after each feeding it is necessary to conduct hygiene of the oral cavity.
  • Biscuits and biscuits, sweets and pastilles that treat a child, is also an important factor, because the mouth constantly has food for bacteria. It is not necessary to completely deprive the child of sweets, but tell him that after the candy you need to chew the cud, rinse your mouth or at least drink water.

It is important to know everyone

Once again, summing up, I want to note that early caries in children occurs largely due to fractional and frequent feeding at the first request, as well as unlimited access to snacks throughout the day and, most importantly, nights. Replace all sweets with fruit. The fructose contained in them poses no danger. In addition, the diet should be enough calcium, the main source of which is cottage cheese and cheese. No less important is vitamin D, which we get from fish. In addition, the body can produce it independently under the influence of sunlight. The third mandatory component is fluorine. You can buy special water filters, enriched with this element.

Preventive actions

Early caries of baby teeth is much easier to prevent than treat. And first of all hygiene will help you. All the above measures (rinsing the mouth, rubbing the first teeth and then cleaning them) are also aimed at reducing the risk of developing the disease. If you notice the baby has bright white stripes on his teeth, then you need to contact the dentist as soon as possible. Soon enough they will turn into dark spots.

Early childhood caries can be stopped at the first stages, if you use drugs that increase the mineral composition of the tooth enamel. From birth to up to six years, doctors prescribe special gels, for example, "ROKS mineral". Mom will rub it into the gums, and the minerals will effectively strengthen the tooth enamel. After six years, "Remars Gel" is appointed, which also gives very good results.

Consequences of neglected forms of the disease

Often parents think that nothing terrible is happening. This is the milk teeth, they fall out and that's it. Photos of early caries in the advanced stages are quite an unpleasant picture, but you need to think not only about the aesthetic side of the issue. If the disease is not treated, then there is a general decrease in immunity. And how else, when in the cavity of the tooth grows the focus of reproduction of bacteria, which seek to capture and other organs. While the immune system is strong, it will contain the number of bacteria, but once it fails, hostile microorganisms take over it.

The child is often sick

What causes uncontrolled reproduction of bacteria? First of all, these are permanent problems of ENT organs. The closest are the tonsils, and behind them are the bronchi and lungs. In this case, parents face endless sore throats, coughing and other manifestations of ARI.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are rarely associated with tooth decay, but there is also a direct relationship. The child swallows a large number of bacteria of streptococcal flora along with the products of vital activity. It is clear that this affects far from the best in the digestion process.

Moreover, all this along the chain pulls for itself and orthodontic problems. Once the teeth hurt, and the respiratory organs are constantly in an inflamed condition, then an incorrect bite develops, the habit of breathing through the mouth. This is reflected even in the formation of specific features. You see how much the untreated tooth means.

What can I do?

In fact, parents can if not completely cure, then significantly suspend early tooth decay. How to get rid at home of a rapidly progressing disease, we will now talk. The first thing to remember is that in the early stages, home procedures can be effective.

You can determine it yourself. If the damaged tooth does not hurt yet, even when too cold or hot water gets, black dots are absent, and the caries itself looks like a whitish strip, then a number of measures should be taken to prevent the further development of the clinical picture. In principle, this is the prevention that was described above. If you remembered at this stage of the disease, then the photo of early caries in children will not differ much from a healthy smile, except for bright white spots. So:

  • Urgently choose a special paste and use it twice a day.
  • Additionally, treat the teeth with gels and compounds to strengthen the enamel.
  • Use the rinse aid.
  • Follow the diet. That is, substitute sweets for vegetables and fruits and enrich the diet with sour-milk products.

Folk recipes

First of all, this is the use of medicinal herbs and decoctions of them:

  • For these purposes, dentists recommend the use of sage. It destroys microorganisms and normalizes the acid-alkaline environment in the oral cavity. For this, 100 g of dry grass is poured with a similar amount of vodka. After two weeks, the tool can be used in the form of applications.
  • Rinses are often taken and infusion of finely chopped roots. This will require a glass of raw material, cut into pieces. They pour a liter of vodka and insist 7 days. After that, the tincture is used for evening rinsing, diluting with water.
  • Mint strengthens tooth enamel. For this, the leaves are cut and placed on a water bath for several minutes. To them you can add a little wine vinegar for better preservation. Used for rinsing.
  • Decoction of onion husks effectively kills bacteria.
  • Simple soda and salt perfectly inhibit the development of caries. For this, 40 g of a substance is added to a glass of water. Each time after a meal, rinse the mouth with this solution.

Further development of the disease

So far we have only talked about early tooth decay. To get rid of deeper defeats at home will not succeed. In this case, you must always consult a doctor. Even the surface stage is characterized by the appearance of defects on the enamel, which creates a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms. The middle stage is associated with the destruction of not only enamel, but also dentin. There are already painful sensations in contact with the cold and hot, with the use of sour and sweet. The deep stage of caries is a lesion of the internal cavities of the tooth. Now the ailment is selected for the nerve endings. Accordingly, the pain becomes more pronounced.

Instead of concluding

As you can see, caring for the mouth is, by and large, the task of the parents. It is you who can create all the conditions for making trips to the dentist rare and pleasant. In this article, we present a photo of an early caries of milk teeth, so that you can well imagine how it all starts. Do not wait until the teeth appear black spots or holes. If you start acting now, the chances of stopping the disease are much higher. And of course, without consulting a professional doctor, at least once every 6 months, you can not do it.

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