Self improvement, Psychology
Self-confidence is a reassessment of one's own capabilities
Self-confidence is a quality inherent in many people. The negative impact of her is that she inclines to excessive and unjustified confidence in her abilities, abilities, abilities, opportunities and in the presence of eternal luck.
Revaluation of their forces is a logical, normal state of human nature. It is thanks to this quality that discoveries are made, new spaces are mastered, records are set and worlds are conquered. Self-confidence lives a separate life and leads a person. She is a separate mind, who knows and knows everything, understands everything better than others.
Self-confidence comes from childhood
That is why it is considered that arrogance is recklessness. Usually this quality is inherent in children under 10 years old, who have not yet learned to doubt themselves, who believe that everyone can, and sometimes even try to fly. Smart parents can always unobtrusively explain, to prove to the child the opposite, in order to get him out of the fantasy world into real life.
Excessive presumption can be inherent in a young athlete who conquers new peaks. So, the coach's task is to teach the ward to focus energy on real opportunities, which will lead to victory, rather than a fantasy result inspired by self-confidence.
Self-reliance is a matter of psychological sciences
Self-confidence is the most common psychological problem. It is possible that it is internal conflicts that are the cause of its occurrence. Naive thoughts and, to some extent, exaltation of one's abilities are arrogance, a synonym for ignorance. She pushes a person who does not possess the necessary knowledge and skills to actions that he can regret in the future. Or, if the outcome of the event is positive, it inspires feelings that inspire her.
Criminal arrogance is a matter of life and death
This creates a new degree of psychological problems - criminal self-confidence. It is this quality of personality that carries a potential danger, and not only for the individual suffering from this vice, but for the whole society. A clear example is the arrogance of the doctor. Of course, if the doctor does not undertake to cure the most hopeless cases of the disease, then there will not be any progress in medicine.
But the criminal self-confidence of a doctor makes him rely only on his own opinion when making a diagnosis and choosing methods of treatment, which, unfortunately, can lead to death.
The above example from medical practice is the most striking, but similar shortcomings can arise in people of different professions. Perhaps their excessive arrogance will not cause such an early reaction, but it can reflect no less problems for themselves and for their environment.
Impunity is the cause of excessive arrogance
Probably, inexperienced self-confidence is the result of the absence of punishment. Thus, in committing acts, a person who does not know punishment, relies too much on only a positive outcome of what he has planned. This personality assumes that the force that it possesses will be quite enough, the plan of its actions is ideal, the only correct one leading directly to the goal. For such people, the only correct solution is always theirs. This is the main problem of their adaptation in the society.
Such people not only do not have friends who understand and approve of their behavior, but very often make mistakes. This applies to virtually all areas of activity: both personal life and professional.
That's what is the main reason that makes you struggle with this psychological problem. Here professional psychotherapists and daily hard work on themselves will come to the rescue.
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