Self improvement, Psychology
What are the main features of interpersonal relations and to what levels are they divided?
In the life of any person, an important role is played by interpersonal relationships. Friendship, friendship, family, business communication - without all this it is impossible to imagine our existence. What are the main features of interpersonal relationships? What are their types and levels?
The concept and role of interpersonal relations
By interpersonal relations means the totality of all kinds of connections and ways of interaction of people. They can arise both between two individuals, and between large social groups. Interpersonal relationships are based on mutual or opposite goals of people and can be positive or negative emotional. In those cases where the interests of individuals differ sharply, an interpersonal conflict may arise .
Different relationships between people arise in all areas of our lives. Without them, the existence of man, his becoming as a person, is impossible. People constantly exert influence on each other, which can be both positive and negative. By means of communications of individuals rules and rules of behavior in a society are established. In addition, interpersonal relationships are the foundation for building complex communities, ranging from settlements to states.
Types of interpersonal relationships
Depending on these or other criteria, there are several classifications of interpersonal relationships. Based on the goals pursued by individuals during the interaction, primary and secondary relationships are singled out. The first of these arise, as a rule, independently and involuntarily. Secondary interpersonal relations are determined by specific functions and tasks of people in the process of communication.
By their nature, interpersonal relationships can be business (formal) or personal (informal). Business communications are based on the interaction of people about work and job responsibilities. They are official in nature and are governed by certain rules and regulations. What are the main features of interpersonal relations of a personal type? Unlike business, they are dictated by the feelings and emotions of people, their attachments and interests. Such relations are built on trust and mutual understanding.
From the point of view of the status and equality of people entering into relations, subordination and parity are singled out. In the first case, one of the participants in the interaction takes a leading position in relation to the other. In the second option, people communicate on an equal footing.
What are the main features of interpersonal relationships?
Interpersonal relationships are peculiar only to people. All animals in one way or another interact with each other, but this relationship can not be called this. Only a person is characterized by emotionality and a conscious perception of everything that is happening. What are the main features of interpersonal relationships? It is in the fact that they develop and develop, based on certain feelings of people in relation to each other.
There are also cases when a person does not feel any emotion in relation to the individual with whom he enters into interactions. An example can serve as communication with the seller, conductor, hairdresser. All long interpersonal relationships are accompanied by positive or negative feelings. To some people we feel sympathy, with others we communicate as necessary.
Levels of interpersonal relationships
Initially, before people began to communicate with each other, an acquaintance takes place between them. After this relationship can develop and move to another level or stop at this level. Most people with whom we have to interact, we can call familiar.
The next level of interpersonal relations is friendship. Here people already have common interests, they can talk with each other on various topics, offer or ask for help and give good advice. However, such interpersonal relations in the group do not imply absolute trust and disinterested support in any difficult situations.
At the level of companionship, interpersonal relationships become more solid. A person knows his comrade well, and their interests are very close.
One of the highest levels of interpersonal relationships is friendship. She assumes sincerity and openness, willingness to help in any situation, characterized by empathy and anxiety for her friend. As a rule, there are not so many real friends, and people try to appreciate those who can be considered as such.
The strongest and most reliable connection can be called marriage. At the same time, the partners strengthen their feelings with feelings and become really close to each other.
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