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How to draw Snow Maiden: a handbook for parents

The idea of how to draw a Snow Maiden usually comes on the eve of New Year's Eve, in a family circle, so to speak, when preparing for "celebrations":
The Christmas tree is dressed, the toys come from the shelf, there are all kinds of flashlight balls, and with them - the dusty Santa Claus and the slightly crushed Snow Maiden - these are our native Russian New Year characters, familiar to us from childhood. And then the children ask: draw and draw a Snow Maiden! And you start to invent, draw, reinvent the "wooden bicycle". But in fact, nothing needs to be invented, you just need to carefully read the following manual!

A handbook for parents who forgot how to draw Snow Maiden

Some people think that it's easy to draw Grandfather Frost's granddaughter, some of them - that it will be rather difficult to do. And yes, and no, dear parents. Possessing some skills, it's easy. If, for the first time, you pick up a drawing tool, then it will be quite difficult. But in any case there is a certain instruction how to draw a Snow Maiden in stages with a pencil.

What is needed?

We will need drawing paper (or an album), pencils, an eraser for erasing blots (and they will be!). It is desirable to take the paper for watercolor, and not for drawing - it's softer to draw, pencils take the softest, the eraser should also be soft! Do not know how to draw a Snow Maiden? Of course, we also need all your imagination and savvy!


Begin with a simple: the head of the Snow Maiden (it should be oval!). Therefore, first (preferably at the top of our sheet), draw a small oval, which is divided in half by a vertical line. We are planning the eyes, nose and lips of the future Snow Maiden. Two more oval lines mark the girl's hat.

Torso and arms

We attach the cone-shaped body to the oval of the head. It schematically resembles a thimble, slightly widening downwards. We connect the girl's body with the head in two straight lines. Now we add arms to the body in the form of strips curved inwards. So far everything is working out, although it looks rather schematic, but it's nothing.

Exterior finish

We finish the snow girl's fur coat. Wide fur strip front, lower fur part, collar, finally! Draw an image of a warm hat of the Snow Maiden. Brushes girl hands do not necessarily. Usually they are covered by a wide muff. The legs of the figure are also hidden from the prying eyes by a long fur coat. Throughout the length of the fur coat sometimes draw a scythe, at the end of the braid - a small bow.

Detailing: how to draw a Snow Maiden with a pencil

Our Snow Maiden is already almost drawn - in general terms. It only remains to add some details of the image. You can draw lush cilia around the eye, the face will become much more expressive. You can draw on a fur coat patterns - ethnic motifs are now in fashion. You can also draw plaiting braids, so it will look more realistic! Folds on the folds of the sleeves of a fur coat can be drawn in zigzag lines. All in your hands - manifest and consolidate the imagination!

The final stage

And now carefully paint our Snow Maiden. For this we use colored pencils or markers. Pencils should be soft, bold, so that it's better to draw details. If markers, it is better on a water basis, without alcohol, since the picture is still meant for children!

Our drawing is ready. Now you know how to draw Snow Maiden. It only remains to add that in this way, Snow White, Cinderella, Mulan, and Belle are also drawn, as well as the image of virtually any princess, at the first request of your child! We hope that these valuable knowledge, obtained as a result of drawing lessons, will help you to bring up in your child a sense of beauty.

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