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What do they drink with absinthe? How to dilute it and in what proportion?

According to one of the versions, the birthplace of absinthe is Switzerland, although insinuated with wormwood in alcohol in ancient Egypt. Legends are written about this drink, they are afraid of it, in some countries it is forbidden. Due to the fame of Thujon, someone believes that his use leads to dementia and even schizophrenia. What is the color, and most often it's emerald. This is really a "green snake", although more often absinthe is called a "green fairy". The question of what absinthe is drunk with is of interest to many. It is worth highlighting the main points associated with the drink.

Drink for bohemia

Very much loved to drink it representatives of bohemia: writers, artists, poets. It was believed that intoxication from absinthe contributes to creativity. The drink is very strong, often contains about 75% alcohol. At one time it was thought that the psyche is suffering from absinthe, and a person in a state of absinthe intoxication becomes extremely aggressive, capable of killing. Later the drink was acquitted.

In the XIX century absinthe was very popular in France. Drank it just in huge quantities. The quality of alcohol was extremely low. And the excessiveness of consumption did lead to personality disorders. Absinthe is completely rehabilitated today, but the sediment remains. The potion is still surrounded by mystery. So what do absinthe drink? To answer this question, it is necessary to discuss those methods that were invented for its use.

A large number of different ways of drinking a drink

There are many different ways of using absinthe. There are real connoisseurs who collect recipes for a drink, cocktails from it. They know how to distinguish a fake, they know how to drink absinthe so as to maximize the aroma of herbs on which he insisted. These absinthe lovers call themselves absentia. So, how to use absinthe?

Czech, French and Russian methods: use of sugar

Here, for example, is the Czech method. On the edge of a glass with thick walls put a spoonful of absinthe. Put a piece of refined sugar on it. Slowly pour a portion of absinthe through the sugar, and then set fire to the refiner. We must wait until the caramel flows into the glass. After adding three servings of cold water.

The French method. This method is also called "sugar". To pour in a glass one portion of absinthe. Put a spoonful of absinthe on the edge of the glass. Put a piece of refined sugar on it. Pour into a glass through sugar three servings of water. The water must be very cold, almost ice. The spoon for absinthe has a lot of holes, so that the sugar syrup flows smoothly into the glass. A glass for absinthe and a spoon - a very good gift for fans of all sorts of culinary special effects.

What does absinthe drink on the Russian method? All the same with sugar. This way of drinking is less effective than French. Sugar is mixed with water in another glass, and then added to absinthe. The absinth-water ratio is 1: 3.

Mixing with water and using it in its pure form

The method of two glasses is based on the dilution of the drink. What is diluted with absinthe according to this method? Of course, with water. A small glass with absinthe is put in a wide glass. Then we start slowly pouring water into the glass. Water with absinthe is poured into the glass until the mixture becomes a uniform color.

Do not know what the absinthe is drinking? You can drink it in pure form, if you are a brave person. Preliminary it should be strongly cooled and to drink in portions of 30 g. It is good to eat a slice of lemon to kill a bitter aftertaste. Absentie with contempt refer to this method. So the French workers drank in the XIX century. Then alcoholism acquired the scale of the epidemic. And since grape wines at that time were very expensive pleasure, workers got drunk with cheap low-quality absinthe. Of course, the use of absinthe then was not accompanied by any ritual, so this method is somewhat insulting to absentia, who are accustomed to treating the drink with great respect.

Method of drinking a drink that young people prefer

"Citrus" method. What can you drink absinthe in this case? With lemon or orange. This method has recently become very popular among young people. He is rightfully considered part of the club culture. Preliminary it is necessary to prepare a mixture of cinnamon and sugar. A slice of lemon or orange (better than orange) roll in a sugar-cinnamon mix. Pour the absinthe into a glass with thick walls and set it on fire. In this case, the thickness of the walls is fundamentally important. You need to take a piece of orange with forceps and hold it over the fire so that the juice with caramel will drain into the glass. To juice is more abundant, the lobule should be slightly squeezed. Then you need to put out the absinthe. Hardly wait until it cools down, so that there is no burn, then drink. To chew the crystals of sugar with cinnamon.

Severe and barbarous methods

Harsh method. We take four parts of the cooled absinthe in a glass with thick walls. We set it on fire. We put a piece of the refined sugar on the absinth spoon. Spoon hold over the fire. Melted, and then crystallized on the bottom sugar should take a volume equal to one part. It is necessary to put out the flame and quickly drink through a cocktail tube. The essence lies in the transition from the ice drink from the bottom to the burning-hot from the surface. The volume of the glass is limited only by the courage of the consumer. But it is recommended not more than 100 g. For this method, the thickness of the glass walls is important so that it does not burst, and the quality of the cocktail tube so that it does not melt. And, of course, moderation in use.

"Programmatic" method. This way is a little barbaric. Absinthe in the glass is ignited. You should wait until it burns. A little wait to cool off. To drink in one gulp, to have a snack of anything, drink it with water.

The "parachute" method. This method completely repeats the way of using sambuki, where after drinking a warmed up drink, you still need to breathe a couple of alcohol and essential oils.

Does the drink cause hallucinations?

Generally speaking, the hallucinogenic effect of thujone is not proven. But still absentee believe that the use of absinthe slightly changes the perception of reality, causes excitation, and some have hallucinations. By itself, thujone in high doses can cause convulsive seizures. However, its content in absinthe is so small that it makes such an impact unrealistic. Absinthe is a very strong drink, and essential oils, which are contained in it in huge quantities, mask the taste of alcohol. Thus, everything again comes down to moderation of use. In other words, all of the above methods should be well considered.

To drink absinthe or not? What does France think about this?

In 2000, the French company La Fee provided the Senate with a full package of documents, which contained convincing evidence of absinthe harmlessness. The issue was considered within a year, after which the ban on production, sale and use in France was lifted. Before that, absinthe was banned for a hundred years. Now there is even a tradition to bring from a trip across France a bottle of "green fairy".

Now you know how to drink absinthe. I hope that this review helped to understand this issue. Everyone will be able to decide on their own how best to drink absinthe, guided by the above methods.

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