Arts & Entertainment, Art
How to draw Winnie the Pooh in pencil
How to draw Winnie the Pooh, if you have never touched the paper and pencils since the school drawing lessons? It does not matter, because there are no critics around who will pick and judge each "smear". But you get a great opportunity to diversify your child's leisure with something other than TV and DVD movies about Winnie the Pooh.
It will be necessary to return briefly to the basics of school geometry and to make sure, on own experience, that exact sciences can still come in handy in life more than once. The first rule of drawing says: in the basis of any object lies a geometric figure. Whether it's a house, a tree, a dog or a man, the artist looks at them differently than all ordinary people. First of all, he evaluates their shape, the frame on which the remaining details will be applied. To represent people or characters, a circle is most often used, but this rule does not always work.
Today, Disney's Winnie the Pooh serves as a model for us, and the shape of this plump sweet tooth is best characterized by a circle and an oval. So, we need to sketch the main lines of the teddy bear's body. It is important to determine in advance what your character will do, and indicate the main line of action in short strokes on paper. It is better to start with the position of the trunk, and then outline the area where the head and legs will be located. It is necessary from the very beginning to imagine where the head is located relative to the trunk. Maybe Winnie-the-Pooh stretched his neck? Or, conversely, hung his head on his chest and dozed off? Observe the proportions. In our figure, the largest part is the future belly of the bear cub.
You can find other step-by-step diagrams of how to draw Winnie the Pooh, but remember that our image should not contain sharp corners. Here we stretch our legs to the body in the form of smooth cones or sausages. Paws of Winnie the Pooh are attached from the outside, like any toy, so do not forget to designate it in the picture. Difficult at first glance pile of ovals - this is the future "handles" and elbows folds, try to repeat them with accuracy. The next picture will clear up a lot.
Here, we paint the bear's ears, denote the superciliary line and the oval of the nose. The most important step comes: we need to give the character recognizable features. Ask the child to bring a book with illustrations, if not sure how to draw. Winnie-the-Pooh is usually portrayed as a cheerful fellow, and so take care of his smile. Then you can move on to the rest of the jewelry work.
If you want to revive a bear cub and give it volume, you can only shade those parts that should "go deep" in the plane. It's not so difficult, just make some easy strokes with a pencil, and then shade the shadow in the right directions with your finger, a napkin or a cotton swab. Add depth to the shadows where necessary, pressing harder on the pencil.
Our Winnie the Pooh is completely finished and satisfied with life. Now he needs only some services of your younger apprentice with colored pencils at the ready.
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