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How to draw a banana with a pencil and paints

Banana is a very common fruit all over the world, so you can often see it in various pictures with fruits and vegetables. Drawing them is simple enough, because at the heart of these items are geometric figures: a circle near an apple, a tomato, a cherry, an oval in a cucumber, a corn, a banana, a triangle in grapes and a salad.

And if you are also thinking about how to draw a banana, this article is very useful to you.

Performing the construction

If you are just learning to draw, then you need to be able to properly build. Perhaps the most difficult thing in how to draw a banana is to make the right design for drawing a fruit.

On a piece of paper, where a banana is depicted, a horizon line is drawn. Then with a hard pencil (H) we put a barely noticeable point - the center of the fruit itself. Next, using the pencil and your finger, measure from the middle the size to the left and transfer it to the paper, making a small note. Do the same to the right. Next, measure the height from the middle and make appropriate serifs on the paper up and down.

Now you can draw smooth horizontal lines, so we get a rectangle.

If the banana is planned to be painted open, a sketch in the form of ovals (a bent skin) is also made on the spot.

Steps for the execution of the picture "Banana"

Now we come to the question of how to draw a banana step by step. Since all the necessary training has already been done, the case remains small.

In the resulting rectangle, draw a curved semicircle. To make it easier to erase all the inaccuracies, take the hardest pencil. Then draw the island tip of the fruit and its tail.

If you draw a half-open banana, the tip will be rounded and somewhere in the middle there will be an open skin.

How to draw a banana with a pencil

To properly execute a drawing, you need to stock up pencils of different hardness. A hard one will be needed to draw a light part, and also for glare. Soft, you can do the whole picture with smooth transitions.

Now proceed to the process itself, how to draw a banana in black and white. Begin hatching with a soft pencil, starting with the darkest part. To make the transition to glare more smooth, press the pencil less and less. When you reach the lightest tone, you can take a hard and continue hatching. Remember that hatching of one part always goes in one direction, each stroke is applied separately.

At the very end, draw a falling shadow with the softest pencil. In order not to smear the whole drawing, you can put a small piece of a white sheet on your arm.

How to draw a banana with colors

If you decide to paint in color, decide on the choice of colors. It will be easiest to paint with gouache and acrylic. Oil paints are suitable only for drawing on canvas, but it's a pleasure to work with them. The most difficult option is watercolor. The palette of paints is very extensive, but here it is possible to put them no more than three layers, differently the paper under them starts to roll down.

So, let's get started. First you need to draw a background on which the banana is located. He can lie on a plate that stands on a table near a wall, on a tablecloth or completely hang on a tree. Coloring the background starts from the top down. If you do the opposite, you can smear all the layers that are at hand. Details of the background, except for the shadow of a banana, can also be drawn at once.

In the last turn, we begin to coloring the banana. If you painted a slightly open banana, then first paint its lighter part. To do this, mix the yellow with white or apply a thin, diluted with water, a layer of watercolor paint. When everything dries, you can color the saturated yellow part. Then, various veins and dark parts of the banana are drawn. When you finish all this, you can draw a falling shadow.

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