Health, Diseases and Conditions
Herpes in the throat of a child: how to treat, causes, symptoms. Herpes infection
When the baby begins to complain of a sore throat, not many parents hurry to seek help from a specialist. It seems that treatment can do with the use of special antiviral sprays. Meanwhile, it can be a herpes infection, which requires a completely different approach. If the child is naughty, refuses food, be sure to seek advice from a pediatrician.
What is herpes?
Herpes infection can affect any tissues of the baby. Most often, transparent vesicles appear on the mucous membranes. The disease can develop in various forms. The most complex of them is herpes meningitis. If you do not start treatment in time, you can lose a small patient. Less frightening is the baby's herpes in the throat. What to do with the pathology, can tell only a qualified specialist.
Why does infection occur?
So, the main cause of the disease - the lack of appropriate antibodies in the body crumbs, reduced immunity. Experts argue that if one day has already had to deal with the herpes virus, completely cure the disease will not succeed. It will be possible only to remove unpleasant symptoms. Under hypothermia, stress, or other factors that affect the immune system, the ailment may reappear.
What happens during infection?
The virus enters the body, usually through damaged mucous membranes. It is not accidental that it manifests immediately after a cold herpes in the child's throat. The causes are inflammation of the glands. Damaged tissue easily passes the infection. Further development of the disease depends on the performance of the immune system of a particular baby. In some cases, the ailment is manifested only by a few vesicles that go away without additional therapy. However, it should be borne in mind that if the virus already exists in the blood, the disease at any time can manifest itself again.
Relapse can occur because of the weakening of local immunity due to overheating, hypothermia or stress. Even a heat stroke in summer often provokes the re-occurrence of bubbles in the throat. In addition, the herpes virus has the ability to affect other organs and systems. Once the disease manifests as herpes stomatitis, another time unpleasant vesicles appear on the genital area.
Symptoms of herpes in the throat
Initially, a child can complain of unpleasant sensations in the area of glands. Most parents decide that once again they had to face ORZ and begin treatment without consulting the pediatrician. In fact, it turns out that it is herpes in the child's throat. How to treat it, can tell only a qualified specialist. The following symptoms will be said about what happened to this disease: rashes in the throat (small transparent vesicles), painful sensations, fever.
Diagnosis of the disease
Correct diagnosis is the key to successful treatment. It is not enough to determine what disease was encountered. It is necessary to identify the type of virus caused by the disease. The first thing that a qualified specialist will do is to inspect the baby. Small transparent bubbles will be indicative of a herpetic infection . Most often this symptom is manifested only on one of the glands. Further laboratory tests are assigned. The child has to pass urine and blood. Additionally, a smear can be assigned.
Drug treatment of the disease
Herpes stomatitis, which manifested itself for the first time, is easily eliminated with the help of topical preparations. A good effect gives the ointment "Acyclovir". With the help of a cotton swab, the affected areas are treated several times a day. After the acute phase of the disease passes, the bubbles turn into sores, they can be treated with an antiseptic. A brilliant green solution will do . An excellent effect also gives the "Stomatidin". Use it can be even at the stage of the formation of bubbles.
Recurrent disease requires more attention. The pediatrician can prescribe a course of antiviral agent "Viferon", vitamin therapy. In the most severe cases, you have to seek help from an infectious disease specialist who can prescribe a special anti-herpes vaccine.
Traditional medicine against herpes
Along with medicines from the pharmacy you can use the recipes of traditional medicine. However, here you can not self-medicate. Harmless, at first glance, plants can cause serious complications. Any action is worth discussing with your doctor. Chamomile has an excellent antiviral effect. You can buy ready-made alcoholic beverage or prepare a medicine yourself. For this, the dry plant is poured with hot water and held for half an hour. Obtained liquid must be wiped affected areas.
If the herpes virus is often manifested in the child's throat, treatment should be based on strengthening the defenses of the body. It is worthwhile to understand that the virus can not be completely "ejected". You can do it so that it does not show up. In the baby's menu it is worth including more seasonal vegetables and fruits. Vitamins are the enemy of any infection.
A little about the virus of the 6th type
We will have to face difficulties if, during the diagnosis, we managed to find out that the disease is caused by a virus of the 6th type. 1, 2 and 3 types are characterized by only rashes on the mucous membranes, as well as slight malaise. In most cases, the temperature rises to 38.5 degrees (no more). Herpes of the 6th type is very dangerous. In addition, the child may exhibit the following symptoms: a red and pink rash throughout the body, an increase in lymph nodes, swelling of the throat. The body temperature rises to 40 degrees, it is hard to get bogged down.
Often it is necessary to go to the hospital if there is a cold sore in the child's throat. How to treat a virus of the 6th type? The nature of therapy is the same as for other types of infection. Antiviral drugs, vitamins, antipyretics are used. The only condition is 24-hour medical supervision. High fever can lead to seizures. In addition, there is a risk of complications such as meningitis, encephalitis, myocarditis, etc.
Methods of prevention
Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to protect yourself from infection with the herpes virus. Especially if the infection was transmitted to the baby at birth. But to protect the child from the manifestations of the disease is real. Even if the body has a herpes virus, you can never run into a disease. All you need to do is regularly strengthen your immune system. It is necessary to temper the baby, regularly spend time with him in the open air, monitor his nutrition. The diet should consist of foods rich in vitamins and microelements, necessary for the full development of the child.
There is no reason for panic if there has been a herpes in the throat of a child. How to treat the disease, tell a qualified pediatrician. Trying to overcome the illness is not desirable. Self-medication is fraught with serious complications. In addition, a local infection can trigger the development of a relapsing form of the disease.
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