
Redemption of the bride in the style of "Let's get married": a script

Beautiful custom with the years has not lost its relevance. He is loved, carefully planned and lovingly beaten by the groom, the bride and all present. It is necessary to capture this event on a photo and video camera, in order to enjoy viewing later. Some young people worry, forgetting words and clinging. Do not worry, because the mistakes and the beauty of the tasks. It is now popular to make a bride price in the style of "Let's get married".

Initial testing

To get to the bride, the groom must overcome a number of obstacles, and the witness - to monitor the quality of the tasks. Original contests are held to surprise guests, to cheer up the young and all present.

At first the groom should perform the task "Chamomile", on the petals of which the following questions are written:

  1. How was the bride dressed on the day of her acquaintance?
  2. The size of shoes from mother-in-law?
  3. How many years old?
  4. Color of eyes favorite?
  5. Favorite meal of the future wife?
  6. Favorite color of the bride?
  7. Does she have a mole on her cheek?
  8. Ring size?

If you make a ransom of a bride in the style of "Let's get married", then at the entrance to the entrance or courtyard the witness should be given an empty package with the aim of filling it with money, sweets and wine. Otherwise, the groom will not be allowed to continue.

Then the witness is offered a scarf with peas, for each of which you need a drink. Instead of the first shot, you can pay a bribe, which is quite good for a dozen. The groom, the witness and their friends take part.

Near the door of the house of the future wife

To organize a ransom of a bride in the style of "Let's get married", you can choose a job from a variety of options. Among them - to recognize the leg of your beloved. The groom saw her in boots, model shoes, slippers, so I must decide. Because of the door of the house or apartment, the bride with her friends shows the legs.

Then you need to complete the task with a white piece of paper, on which the lips are printed, painted with lipstick of different colors. The groom must determine which of them belong to his beloved.

Near the door of the bride have a sheet on which the rhymed endings of the lines are written. The groom must come up with the missing part of the poem. After the assignment, the future spouse and friends pass, but the bridesmaids stop them at the door . They hold empty cups in their hands, which need to be filled with wine.

Favorite tasks with photos and apples

Another obstacle is to show the groom several children's photos. On one of them he must know the future wife. Every mistake is punishable by a fine from an all-seeing witness.

The task "Caught the moment" is held with photos. They depict the bride and groom in the cinema, zoo, cafe. The future spouse should tell interesting stories about the days shown in the photo. If the answers are correct, the witness passes him on, and he pays for mistakes, as the bride-buying scenario in the style "Let's get married" suggests.

Description of the task "Apple of discord" is as follows: the fruit must be tied to a thread hanging from the ceiling. The bridegroom must not be touched with his hands. It is required to have a bite a thread, having kept an apple.

You can perform the popular quest "Compliments", the more it will be very interesting for the bride to watch the video. The witness gives the future wife an apple with matches stuck in it. The groom should take out the sticks until the shortest of them appears. With each new match you need to call your beloved a gentle word. If the future husband thinks for a long time, then he should pay a fine.

The bridegroom and the witness perform together

Before the door of an apartment in a multi-storey building, you can organize the execution of the task "The reason for getting married." On each step put a heart or a trace with the inscription:

  • For love.
  • Mom said.
  • It's scary to sleep at night.
  • I do not want to cook myself.
  • The time has come.

The groom must overcome the ladder, stepping on the step with the right reason. Of course, the inscription "For Love" is located above the rest. The idea of the contest is that the future spouse should ask the witness to transfer it.

In the contest "Bride's bouquet" the groom and witness are given balloons, from which it is necessary to make a flower. He should be worthy of beauty to take a place in the bouquet of the bride. The witness determines whether the flower turned out to be a good one, and by results passes on or requires payment.

Contests for the witness

To organize a ransom bride in the style of "Let's get married", do not ignore the witness. Especially the task of "Dense veil" like any man. At the door of the bride's room you need to hang more than 10 balloons. The witness must shoot the balls with darts, and with a successful throw, call a positive property from the character of the groom. If the witness misses, then he is forced to pay a fine. He must free the doors from the air curtain completely.

Competition "Camomile" can be held in a slightly different than described at the beginning of the article, the key. The witness tears off the petals on which the words are written:

  • Sock.
  • Table.
  • Window.
  • A hammer.
  • A cup.

For each petal it is necessary to tell what the bridegroom will do in the family life:

  • Put socks in place.
  • Repair the table.
  • In the morning, open the window.
  • To hammer nails with a hammer.
  • In the morning, do your wife coffee in a cup.

A few more ideas

The script for buying a bride in the style of "Let's get married" can be varied at your discretion. For example, it's interesting to dress up a "fake prizewinner". It must be a person unfamiliar with the real groom. Two festively dressed men approach the bride's house and try to stop by. The witness does not let them in, saying that this can not be. To find out which of them are real groomsmen, it is suggested to take part in the contest with chamomile. The future spouse responds correctly to the questions, and the dummy guest is constantly twisted. As a result of the competition, the fiancé is banished.

Task: to test the artistic abilities of a suitor. To do this, he is blindfolded and suggests drawing a portrait of his future wife. The purpose of the contest is to find out how well the bride remembers the bride.

If the future spouse served in the army, then he is invited to pass along the hallway or the corridor of the apartment as on the minefield. On the floor lie chamomile and shells, cut from cardboard. The groom can only step on the flowers. But there are more mines on the floor than chamomiles.

Final competitions

And for this task you need a real shoe of the future wife, as well as a children's sandal and an old man's shoe. The witness with concern reports that the bride has lost the shoe from the new kit, and now she can not go anywhere. The groom should choose the item of shoes correctly. But for guests to be more cheerful, you can make a mistake.

The script for the bride's purchase in the style of "Let's get married" assumes the fulfillment of the task "The heat of love" after the groom has overcome all obstacles. The future wife is given a glass of ice with rhinestones. In it, the key to the bride's room is frozen, which should be obtained as soon as possible.

Tips for redemption

For the success of the event, recommendations should be guided:

  1. Do not need the groom to demand big money. It is best to ask to pay with coins.
  2. The witness necessarily helps to cope with all tasks, he too can be tested.
  3. Competitions should be fun, but you do not need to complicate them. The groom should have strength after the ransom. Do not continue the rite for more than 20-30 minutes. Now, on average, a couple of assignments lasting for 5 minutes and a slightly larger number of questions for which it takes about 2-3 minutes are arranged.
  4. After each mistake, the witness and bridesmaids must express doubt that the groom is worthy to become the husband of his beloved. And offer him a fix for the money.
  5. Redemption bride in the style of the transfer "Let's get married" suggests that with the right answers the groom should be praised, congratulated and encouraged.
  6. A prerequisite is to shoot the event on the camera and capture on a high-quality camera. For this, it is best to use the services of professionals.

With the help of these tasks, you can organize a fun and memorable event. If you make the ransom interesting, then the mood of the groom, the bride and all those present is noticeably raised. For the success of the event, you need to think in advance of all its details, because the holiday pledge of an excellent start to the day - a successful ransom. "Let's get married" - a favorite favorite for many, thanks to which you can create different scenarios for weddings.

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