Arts & Entertainment, Films
Comedies about animals can bring their heroes a real benefit
Comedies about animals are very fond of small viewers. Often they are looked at by the whole family. The American funny and slightly sad movie of 2011 "We bought a zoo" was filmed according to the original script. The real story of his life was described first in the article, and then in the book himself the participant of events - the English journalist Benjamin Mi, in order to draw public attention to his own problems.
The plot is that, when buying a house in the south-west of Britain, in Devonshire, Ket and Benjamin Mi received a small provincial zoo in addition. The state refused to finance it. Pitying the animals, the family took all the trouble on themselves, completely unaware of what awaits them. Just before the opening of the zoo mother, wife and faithful assistant Ket dies (in the film this happens even before moving). Benjamin remains alone with a small son, daughter and a zoo (200 animals). My son's name is Milo (in the film Dylan), he was six years old at the time (in the film he's 14), daughter - Ella (Rosie), she was 4 years old (in the film she was 7). The scene also changed - it was moved to America, to California.
Having lost Keth, Mi's family was orphaned, but Dad did not give up. He tried for two, the children helped him, because they, in the literal sense of the word, lived in the zoo and felt responsible for everyone who was tamed. Caring for animals saved all members of the small brotherhood from severe depression.
But the battle for survival was not easy. Benjamin took loans in banks and began to treat animals, restore cages and equip the zoo, so you can invite tourists. To cover expenses during the year, the zoo was visited by 600 thousand visitors.
But suddenly a crisis broke out in the economy, and the banks demanded a refund. Then Mi remembered that he was not only the dad and the owner of the zoo, but also a journalist. Benjamin did not think about the film, the comedy about animals. He first wrote an article, and then a real big story about how it all began to attract the attention of people, public organizations, investors and get the funds. He really wanted to save his brainchild, which became for his family and maintenance personnel the most important thing in life.
It turned out even better than he expected. Hoping only for a column in the newspaper, where the journalist wanted to talk about the affairs of his menagerie, he became the author of a comedy about animals, a story for a whole Hollywood movie. He went on the screens of the world and was demonstrated with great success during 2011-2012. Therefore, as you can see, comedies about animals can bring real benefits. Under the contract, the Mi family had to receive 5% of all box-office fees for the maintenance of their park. Therefore, the more viewers came to the cinema, the better fed the animals.
Comedy about animals (the list of them all the time replenishes) never leave spectators indifferent. And this film also gives energy, teaches that never universal efforts are wasted, and work on a common cause will necessarily bear fruit.
Let the childhood of real heroes - Ella and Milo - not quite carefree, they have no time to play on a computer console and run with their peers - you need to feed the animals, but they will necessarily grow up to be kind, responsive and responsible people. To get such good results, you do not need to spend much pedagogical effort, you just need to buy a zoo!
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