Food and drinkRecipes

Recipe: Meatballs soup with noodles and seasoned vegetables

Soup with chicken meatballs is prepared quickly and easily. It is also worth noting that this first dish is dietary. That's why such a tasty and sufficiently satisfying dinner is especially popular with those who are afraid to gain weight.

Recipe: Meatballs soup with vermicelli

Necessary ingredients:

  • Chicken fillets fresh - one and a half kilograms;
  • Small bulbs - 2 pieces;
  • Vermicelli "Web" - 50 grams;
  • Fresh potatoes - 2-3 small tubers;
  • Leeks - medium bunch;
  • Pepper ground red - 1-2 pinch;
  • Fresh greens - bunch;
  • Large carrots - 1-2 pieces;
  • Vegetable oil for pasting vegetables - 25 milliliters;
  • Iodized salt - a full dessert spoon;
  • Sour cream for decorating a dish - if desired.

Recipe: Meatballs Soup with Passy Vegetables

Preparation of chicken forcemeat

For the dietary first course, it is recommended to purchase only fresh chicken fillet. Poultry meat should be washed, cleaned of bones, peel and cartilage, and then chopped in a blender or in a meat grinder with the first head of onions. Next to the stuffing is required to add iodized salt, chopped leek and ground red pepper. After this, all products should be kneaded to obtain a homogeneous meat consistency.

Recipe: Meatballs soup with thin vermicelli "Spiderweb"

Vegetable processing and dressing

2-3 small tubers of fresh potatoes, a small onion and large carrots are required to be washed, cleaned and chopped into small cubes. After that, onions and carrots should be put in a frying pan with sunflower oil, and then salt, pepper and fry for 16 minutes until the vegetables are completely soft and covered with a brownish crust.

How to cook soup with meatballs: heat treatment of dish

To prepare the first lean dish, take a large saucepan, fill it in two-thirds with ordinary drinking water and bring it to a boil. After this, you need to take chicken minced meat in the amount of one dessert spoon, roll a neat miniature ball out of it and immediately throw it into the boiling liquid. By analogy, it is necessary to process all the remaining meat product. Next, the formed meatballs should be additionally salted, mixed, brought to a boil and poured into them potatoes cut into cubes. Five minutes before the vegetable is ready for broth, you need to add a thin vermicelli, which is also recommended to be slightly boiled. Then the soup should be removed from the fire, pour in it chopped greens and seasoned vegetables.

Recipe: Meatballs soup with seasoned vegetables and vermicelli

Correct feed to the table

The first dietary dish of meatballs and vermicelli should be served for dinner only when hot. Also, if desired, you can add a couple of spoons of low-fat sour cream.

Features of the dish

It is worth noting that the general preparation of such a luncheon takes no more than half an hour. In this regard, such a soup can be safely done when you have absolutely no time for other, more complex culinary masterpieces.

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