Food and drinkCooking tips

How to put out cabbage?

If you need to prepare a quick but tasty dish to feed the family or unexpected guests, you can make stewed cabbage. There are many variations of this dish. How to put out cabbage? It all depends on the products available. It can be done with the addition of additional ingredients or without anything. For this dish, cabbage of almost any variety, except for salad, is suitable.

How to put out cabbage quickly? So, the easiest way is as follows. On average cabbage head is taken two carrots, one onion, several tablespoons of tomato paste. Carrots rubbed on a large grater and fried until golden brown. To it in a frying pan is added chopped onions and one or two tablespoons of tomato paste. Some time, the roast is stewed, after which it is laid out in chopped cabbage. Add a little water so that it does not completely cover the cabbage. Extinguish this dish about half an hour before you turn it off, you need to add salt, bay leaf, spices.

Another, no less simple way, is a recipe called Bigos. Here you need to take in equal proportions fresh and sauerkraut. Before you finish the stew, add the sausage or sausages to the dish. You can add a few spoons of red wine.

Before you put out the cabbage with chicken, you need to prepare all the ingredients. Boiled chicken breast, cleared of bones (you can immediately take fillets) and is divided into fibers. The chopped cabbage is fried for a while on medium heat. At this stage, it should isolate the juice, so it is not necessary to interfere with it. After the pieces of the vegetable become transparent, the cut carrots and onions are added. Vegetables are stewed under the lid for about ten minutes, the last place is added chicken, tomato (if desired), salt and spices. This dish can also be used for a festive table.

Instead of chicken, you can use pork or beef. Then the recipe will look like this. The meat is ground into minced meat and fried with onions and carrots until golden. Sliced fresh cabbage in small strips is added to the pan, broth or vegetable broth is poured into the pan. The dish is cooked for about half an hour under a closed lid on a slow fire. On how to put out cabbage with minced meat, there are several opinions. Some people think that tomato paste is an obligatory attribute of this dish, others say that it clogs the rest of the ingredients. In any case, when cooking is to focus, first of all, on your own taste and preferences.

How to put out cabbage yet? It should be noted that there are a lot of ways. Here you can add seafood (mussels, squid, shrimp), as a result you will get not only a hearty and tasty, but also an original dish. Besides, cabbage is a storehouse of vitamin C, it remains in it for the longest time in comparison with other vegetables and is minimally destroyed during heat treatment. Therefore, the dishes with this vegetable are very important to include in the daily diet, especially in the winter and spring period, when the body lacks vitamins and other nutrients. Use for cooking can not only the usual white cabbage, but broccoli, color and other types of this vegetable.

If we talk about how to put out cabbage with vegetables, it should be noted that almost any vegetables that are in the refrigerator are suitable here. Potatoes, carrots, onions, various kinds of cabbage are cut, folded into dishes, put on fire and stewed with the lid closed until ready. Instead of using tomato, you can add a little lemon juice, it will bring the original flavor and aroma into the ready-made dish.

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