Food and drink, Recipes
Recipe for ravioli with a variety of fillings
Italian cuisine has long "overstepped" the borders of its country, because in the whole world they cook and eat pizza, pasta, lasagna and ravioli with pleasure. That's about the last of the listed dishes and will go today speech.
Ravioli is a dish made from thinly rolled unleavened dough with a variety of fillings. Of course, many peoples have similar dishes, for example, our "native" vareniki or pelmeni. But still the Italian ravioli have their own "zest".
Ravioli differ, first of all, in shape, they are molded in the form of triangles, square pads or crescents. Ravioli are never cooked ahead of time or for the future, this dish is served immediately after preparation. They can not only boil, but also fry in deep frying or in a frying pan. Fried ravioli are often served as a supplement to soups or broth.
So, how to cook ravioli? Let's start with making a dough for this dish. Cooking dough for ravioli is best in a cool, well-ventilated area, hands should also be cold (wash them before kneading the dough with cold water).
We sift in a bowl four hundred grams of flour so that a mound has turned out, in the center of which it is necessary to make a depression. Separately, we'll take four eggs and a half spoons of salt and two spoons of olive oil and let this mixture into a groove made in flour. We knead the dough first in a bowl, and then on the table. Here it is necessary to put some effort, so it would be better if the mixing of the test took on the representatives of the stronger sex. The dough will be ready when it acquires a dense elastic consistency and stops sticking to the hands. Cover the dough with a bowl or wrap it in a film and leave at least half an hour for proofing.
And we continue to prepare our ravioli. The recipe for the filling for this dish can be chosen according to your taste. After all, ravioli are prepared with meat, seafood, cheese, and vegetables. In addition, there are many recipes for dessert ravioli, for which sweet fillings are prepared.
Here, for example, a recipe for ravioli with mushroom filling. Melt in a pan about eighty grams of butter and fry it finely chopped onion. When the onion is soft, add four hundred grams of chopped mushrooms and continue frying until the mushrooms are ready. Add a mushroom filling a couple of spoons of sour cream, mix and remove from the fire. In hot mushrooms, put a hundred grams of grated cheese on a fine grater and mix. The filling is ready, we cool it and we make ravioli.
But the recipe for ravioli with cheese. For the preparation of the filling we need 200 grams of Adyghe cheese or brynza (if the cheese is too salty, it must be soaked in water beforehand), one egg whites, a clove of garlic, a spoonful of ketchup or any tomato sauce, as much breadcrumbs, greens.
Chop the cheese, mix it with chopped garlic, ketchup, whipped egg whites and chopped herbs. The filling should be tried and seasoned to taste. We make ravioli, boil them in boiling water for five minutes and serve, watering with melted butter and sprinkling with grated cheese.
But the recipe for ravioli, which can be served for dessert. The dough is prepared in the same way as described above. And for the preparation of the filling, we take three glasses of fat cottage cheese, one egg and two hundredgram tiles of white or milk chocolate.
Break the chocolate into pieces and melt it in a water bath or in a microwave. Then mix the melted chocolate with cottage cheese, we also add the beaten egg. We make ravioli, boil them and serve them, decorated with whipped cream and grated chocolate.
In a word, with fillings for ravioli, you can experiment as you like, choosing the most suitable option. Try different combinations, and it is possible that you will be able to create your own recipe for ravioli, which will be appreciated by your family and guests. After all, the main thing in the art of cooking is not the exact adherence to recipes, but creativity.
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