
The drug 'Tiprapex'. Testimonials, testimonies

The drug "Cipralex" is an antidepressant. The active component is escitalopram.

The medicine "Cipralex" (the experts' reviews testify to this) is the drug of choice in the treatment of neuroses. The medication is used for generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia, panic disorders (with and without agoraphobia). The drug is prescribed for depressive episodes of any severity.

The medication is prescribed once a day. The use of the drug for food intake does not depend.

Treatment for depression starts with a dosage of ten milligrams a day. Taking into account individual patient tolerance, the amount of the drug per day can be doubled (up to twenty milligrams). It should be noted that this dosage of "Cipralex" means (reviews and comments of experts confirm this) is maximum.

Typically, therapeutic efficacy is noted two or four weeks after the start of the medication. After eliminating the signs of pathology, the drug "Cipralex" should be taken for another six months. Thus, the resulting therapeutic effect will be fixed.

Therapy of panic disorders (with agoraphobia and without it) with the drug "Tiprapex" (reviews and comments of doctors are unambiguous in this) begin with five milligrams. After a week, the dosage can be doubled (up to ten milligrams). In accordance with the patient's condition, the amount of the drug can be increased to twenty milligrams.

The maximum therapeutic effect is observed approximately three months after the start of treatment. The duration of therapy is several months.

Treatment of social phobia with the drug "Tiprapex" (doctors' reviews confirm this) it is advisable to start with a dosage of ten milligrams once a day. As practice shows, after two or four weeks there is a weakening of symptoms. In accordance with the patient's condition, the dosage of the medicine is adjusted (reduced or doubled).

Due to the fact that social phobia refers to pathologies with a chronic course, the duration of therapy should be at least twelve weeks. In order to prevent relapse, the drug "Cipralex" is recommended to be taken for six (or more) months, taking into account the individual patient's tolerance.

Treatment of generalized anxiety disorder begins with a dosage of ten milligrams once a day. In accordance with the patient's condition, the dosage can be doubled. The drug "Cipralex" can be prescribed for a long time (up to six months or longer). Dosage per day at the same time should not be more than 20 milligrams.

Patients in advanced age are recommended to appoint half the recommended amount and a low maximum dose. Thus, treatment starts from five milligrams, increasing to ten (no more).

When using the drug "Tiprapex" side effects, as a rule, develop in the first or second week of admission. Subsequently, the intensity of adverse events decreases. With the continuation of therapy, side effects occur less frequently.

The drug "Tiprapex" can provoke dizziness, sinusitis, sleep disorder, increased sweating, decreased appetite. When using the drug, constipation or diarrhea, ejaculation disorder, libido decrease, hyperthermia can be noted. In some cases, confusion, drowsiness, movement disorders, anxiety, and visual impairment are noted.

After prolonged use of the drug in patients can develop withdrawal syndrome. To prevent it, a gradual discontinuation of the medication is recommended (for one to two weeks).

Before using the drug "Cipralex" you should carefully read the instructions and consult a doctor.

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