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Pregnancy with a spiral: is it possible

Thanks to the development of modern technologies today there are many methods of contraception, which the couple can choose according to their preferences. One such means is an intrauterine device or simply an IUD. The spiral is a kind of construction in the form of a large letter T, to which ends filaments are attached. These strands serve as a means of verifying the presence of the IUD and its correct location. Only a specialist can remove such a tool that provides a protected sexual intercourse.

The principle of the spiral is fairly simple. The device creates certain fluctuations that cause the walls of the uterus to shrink strongly, so that the sperm can not connect to the egg and fertilize it. It is customary to separate intrauterine spirals into two main types:

  1. Copper
  2. Hormonal

Copper spiral with the help of the metal structure prevents fertilization, that is, in the womb copper ions are constantly released. And hormonal spirals, in addition to its main mechanism of action, release hormone progesterone, which provides a double level of protection from unwanted pregnancy.

But it is worth remembering that, as with any contraceptive method, pregnancy with a spiral is quite possible. Most often this is due to the displacement of the IUD or its loss, since with an incorrect spiral, the woman does not feel uncomfortable and can not grasp this moment. Nevertheless, many choose this method of contraception, because it acts for a very long time and does not require additional efforts. As a rule, a good gynecologist puts the spiral on for 5-10 years and removes it before the term, only at the request of the client.

Choosing a contraceptive for a long time, you should know that pregnancy with a spiral of copper happens more often. According to statistical data, such situations arise in only 2% of all women using this type of IUD. But a pregnancy with a spiral, the principle of which is based on the release of a hormone, is possible only in 0.5 percent of cases. That is, although the hormonal IUD is not so durable, the period of its use is no more than 5 years, but still the degree of reliability is much higher.

How serious is pregnancy with a spiral? First, do not forget about the elementary care and attention. Therefore, if a woman is experiencing a delay in the menstrual cycle, uncharacteristic in her ordinary life, she should not be put off by a long box, but immediately it is necessary to make a test. But the most correct decision will, of course, be a consultation with a doctor. Often when diagnosing a pregnancy, the doctor puts the patient before a difficult choice: abortion or abandonment of the child with a share of risk. Since the presence of a spiral in the uterine cavity causes a rapid contraction of its walls, this process can provoke miscarriage. In some situations, you can remove the spiral with threads stretched from the vagina without risking the health of the future baby.

In addition, there are cases when pregnancy with a spiral resulted in the birth of a baby. In this case, the foreign body manages to get accustomed, and it does not interfere with the normal development of the fetus. Nevertheless, doctors strongly do not recommend putting a spiral on women who have never given birth, since there is a possibility of developing an inflammatory process. And this, in turn, can lead to subsequent problems with conceiving and bearing a baby. The best option is to install a spiral after pregnancy, when the child is still very small and soon additions to the family are not planned.

In any case, it is better to address questions of contraception to specialists, rather than publications on the Internet.

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