EducationSecondary education and schools

Types of dysgraphia and dyslexia

Dysgraphy is quite a peculiar violation of the letter. It occurs in both adults and children. Not all parents know the types of dysgraphia and what characterizes this disease. That is why, faced with a specific violation of the letter, they take it for ordinary mistakes and abuse the child for not knowing the rules for writing certain words. It is recommended to familiarize in advance with the features of the dysgraphy, which are presented in our article. This will allow you to diagnose the violation as early as possible and get rid of it.

General information on dysgraphia and the causes of the onset of the disease

Dysgraphy is a specific violation of the letter. Most often it occurs in minors. Types of dysgraphia that can occur in children are characterized by problems in mastering writing skills. Such a disease occurs in a child with normal development of intelligence. Many parents do not immediately realize that the child has a violation. They often take him for an insufficient level of knowledge.

Violation (all types of dysgraphia) does not occur on its own. It can be accompanied by other diseases. These include dyslexia, general hypoplasia of speech or mental retardation. A child with dysgraphia makes the same mistakes. They are conditioned not up to the end formed by higher mental activity, which takes part in the process of writing. Types of dysgraphy that occur in children, they give a lot of problems, because of which they hardly master the written speech. The child who has this violation, it is not easy to teach to read.

The exact cause of the disease is difficult to determine. Many factors influence the formation of this disorder. One of them can be attributed to the uneven development of the cerebral hemispheres. There is an opinion that the types of dysgraphia and dyslexia arise in connection with a genetic predisposition. Such a violation also often occurs in children who live in bilingual families.

The following complex causes of the onset of the disease are known:

  1. Low level of intelligence. It is known that in order to learn to read and write, a child must have at least an average level of development. Otherwise, difficulties may arise with the perception of spoken language and the memorization of writing letters.
  2. Difficulties with sequencing. In this case, the child can not understand the correct arrangement of the letters in the word. He either writes slowly and correctly, or is in a hurry, but allows for a lot of mistakes.
  3. Impossibility to process visual information. In this case, the child is difficult to read. He can not quickly analyze what he sees.

Often the types of dysgraphy (neuropsychology speaks about this) arise in children, whom parents begin to teach literacy, not paying attention to their psychological unavailability. Violation can form after a brain injury. The disease can also be congenital. Often, for reasons you can refer to the vagueness and irregularity of speech of others.

Different types of dysgraphic errors can be observed in adults. Violation can occur after the transfer of craniocerebral injuries, strokes and some surgical operations.

Dyslexia. general information

In most cases, in addition to dysgraphy, the child has dyslexia. This disease is characterized by a selective disruption of the ability to learn reading and writing skills while retaining the ability to learn. It has a neurological origin.

Experts recommend that parents check a child for dyslexia before entering school. Signs of this disease include delayed reading with permutation of letters. A compulsory visit to a speech therapist is recommended for all children under 6 years old.

Dyslexia, as well as dysgraphia, arises from the uneven development of the cerebral hemispheres. Separately, these violations are not formed. There are the following types of dyslexia:

  • Phonemic;
  • Semantic;
  • Agrammatical;
  • Optical;
  • Mnestical.

A person who has dyslexia is easy to recognize. As a rule, he can have guessing reading, the difficulties of retelling, a lot of mistakes during copying, sharpened aesthetic taste and irritability. People who have dyslexia, quite unusually hold writing materials. If a child has at least one symptom, it is recommended to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

A group of children prone to dysgraphy

The types of dysgraphy with examples listed in this article will allow parents to detect a violation of their child as soon as possible. It is important to know which children are most at risk of developing the disease.

It is known that dysgraphy often occurs in those children who write with their left hand. However, you should not retrain the left-hander. Children, whose left hand is leading, but they write right because of the desire of their parents, also often face with dysgraphy. They are at risk.

Children from bilingual families may also face problems. As a rule, it is difficult for them to adapt and thoroughly study at least one of the languages. The probability of the onset of the disease increases if the child has other problems with speech.

There is a high probability that a child with impaired phonetic perception will have dysgraphia. That's why these children are at risk. As a rule, they confuse letters. For example, they write "com" instead of "home". They can also mispronounce words and record them with errors.

Symptoms of dysgraphy

Types of dysgraphy in younger schoolchildren with examples are not known to all parents. This disease is rarely spoken by children's doctors. That's why inexperienced parents are often not aware of the existence of such a violation. It's no secret that early diagnosis of any disease allows you to deal with it as early as possible.

Disgraphy is characterized by typical and repetitive mistakes in the writing process. They are not related to ignorance of the rules of spelling. Errors are characterized by the displacement or replacement of letters. There is a violation of the alphabetic syllabic structure of the word.

One of the symptoms is illegible handwriting. In this case, the letters have different heights and slopes. They can also be above or below the line.

Some types of dysgraphy and the nature of errors can be recognized by the violation of spoken language. It contains the same mistakes as in the letter. There is a frequent substitution of letters for similar phonetic features. Over time, in colloquial speech, words can be divided into syllables, and sentences into words.

Symptoms of dysgraphia also include the presence in words of new letters or the absence of endings. These signs are most common among schoolchildren. There may also be an incorrect decline in cases, births and numbers. Such signs arise when speech is not formed.

Symptoms of dysgraphy also include adding extra words to words. A person with this disorder has neurological disorders, poor performance and reduced care. Such children badly remember the information they received. Mirror writing of letters can also be observed.

Diagnosis of various types of dysgraphy. Symptoms of the disease, for which you can diagnose it yourself

Determining the type of dysgraphy is a rather difficult process. As a rule, only a specialist can recognize the disease. The sooner it is diagnosed, the easier it will be to get rid of it.

Predisposition to dysgraphia is established in preschool children 3-5 years. Most often it happens on a medical examination, which is necessary for admission to a general educational institution. To diagnose an existing, latent or obvious disease can be at absolutely any age.

Diagnosis of dysgraphia is necessary for the selection of treatment and correction. The specialist should be contacted if the child knows all the rules of spelling, but nevertheless makes mistakes. Diagnosis will also need to be carried out if the student spends letters while writing or replaces them with others.

For diagnosis, specialists also use speech cards. Thanks to them, it is possible to conduct a comprehensive examination and determine the types of dysgraphy Lalaeva present in the patient. In the speech card you will need to specify all the data about the child and his development.

There are signs of dysgraphia, according to which parents can diagnose a child's own disorder. It is important to know them. Due to this, it is possible to begin correction of the disease as soon as possible.

As we said earlier, with dysgraphy, the child has a large number of errors. Such children do not distinguish the following letters:

  • "B" and "P";
  • "Z" and "E".

They have an illegible handwriting. Under the dictation, these children write slowly enough. Often parents do not know that the child has a violation. They blame him for his inattention and illiteracy. They believe that the problems are related to the reluctance to learn. Teachers put such students in bad grades, and peers mock. That is why parents are required to familiarize themselves in advance with the symptoms of this violation, in order to know how to act in case of its presence.

The child is hard to cope with the disease. He becomes anxious. Such children begin to become isolated in themselves and skip lessons. Reading and writing do not bring them pleasure.

Varieties of dysgraphy

There are several types of dysgraphy. There are five main types:

  • acoustic;
  • Agramatic;
  • Articulatory-acoustic;
  • optic;
  • motor.

However, there are other varieties of this violation. Most often, specialists determine the types of dysgraphy in younger schoolchildren by Lalaeva.

R.I. Lalaeva identifies five types of this violation. They were systematized and studied by the Chair of Speech Therapy at RGPU Herzen, on which Raisa Ivanovna worked. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences identifies the following varieties of dysgraphy:

  • Articulatory-acoustic;
  • Violation of phonemic recognition;
  • Agrammatical;
  • Optical;
  • Violation of language analysis.

This list is used by specialists most often.

Many scientists independently studied and developed types of dysgraphy. However, they are not successful.

Description of species

Types of dysgraphy by Lalaeva are used by specialists most often. In this article, we describe all types developed by the chair of speech therapy of the Russian State Pedagogical University.

Often children have articulatory-acoustic dysgraphy. In this case, the child writes as he says. It is based on the reflection of the wrong pronunciation on the letter. Most often the child misses letters or replaces them with others. Often mistakes on writing remain after correction of spoken language.

With articulatory-acoustic discography, there are not always errors on the letter. In some cases, the absence of letters and their replacement are observed only in spoken language.

Children often substitute for deaf sounds "P", "T", "Sh" for "B", "D", "F" in written speech. Often replaced and hissing at whistling. In this case, instead of "F", "S" the child writes "Z", "C".

Types of dysgraphy with examples, which are described in our article, allow parents and speech therapists to choose the most appropriate correction of the violation. The cause of the disease on the basis of violations of linguistic analysis and synthesis is a difficulty in dividing sentences into words. Children with such dysgraphy also have problems with the separation of words into syllables and sounds. In such a case, the child misses vowels, consonant sounds, and a spelling of words is observed.

Often there is also acoustic dysgraphy (violation of phonemic recognition). This type of violation is characterized by replacing letters with similar phonetic features ("forest" - "fox"). It is worth noting that the pronunciation remains correct. Most often replaced by letters denoting the following sounds: ch-t, h-sh and others.

The acoustic appearance of dysgraphy is manifested in the incorrect designation of the softness of consonants on the letter ("pismo", "lubit"). In severe cases, distant articulatory and acoustic sounds can be mixed. Types of acoustic dysgraphy are most common in preschool children.

Another type of dysgraphy is agramatic. It is associated with the underdevelopment of the grammatical structure of speech. This type is manifested at the level of a word, phrase, sentence or text. In this case, in the written speech of children, there are difficulties in establishing logical and linguistic relations between sentences. Their sequence does not always coincide with the sequence of events described. There may also be substitutions of suffixes and prefixes ("swept over" - "swept over").

There is also an optical discography. In this case, the child can not write individual letters. This is due to a lack of understanding of their structure. Each letter consists of separate elements. A child with optical dysgraphy can not understand the process of their connection and writing.

There is also a mixed type of discography. What is it you can find out in our article. Mixed type diag- nosis is diagnosed if a patient has several types of disease at once. It is difficult to get rid of such a violation. Without the help of a specialist, you can not do.

Treatment of dysgraphy in a specialist

In some cases, it is pointless to criticize a child for errors in spelling and speaking. Parents are advised to learn in advance what the dysgraphy is. It is possible that the errors are not due to a reluctance to learn, but with a violation. In order to get rid of it, you will need to resort to the help of an experienced speech therapist.

The process of adjusting the dysgraphy lasts long enough. Unfortunately, it is impossible to do without it. Dysgraphy is always associated with the inferior development of one of the structures of the brain. Often, children are prescribed medication. Unfortunately, some pills will not fix the situation. The main part of the correction takes place in the speech therapist.

It is important to provide the child with support. Parents also have to participate in the process of correction. It is worth noting that most often the violation is detected at the age of 8-10 years. It is during this period that the child can fully analyze the heard and record it. Various types of exercises to eliminate dysgraphia (grade 5) can be found in our article. They will need to be performed regularly with the child at home.

Children with dysgraphia often experience because of their problem. They are afraid of making mistakes. That's why they skip classes and shy away from doing homework. Parents should treat this child with understanding and in no case do not scold him.

In order to start correcting the child, the speech therapist needs to diagnose the disease and determine its appearance. For this purpose, as we said earlier, a speech card is used by a specialist. He must fill the gaps in the child's skills.

After completing the adjustment course, the patient needs to undergo rehabilitation treatment. Physician appointed physiotherapy, massage, as well as hydrotherapy.

Almost always, children with dysgraphia have good visual memory. Therefore, the error correction exercise is inefficient. The child's skills will not improve. He will just correct errors in the text automatically.

Treatment of dysgraphia should take place in conditions that are comfortable for the child. In class, he should receive only positive emotions. In no case can you raise his voice and force him to rewrite the text several times. Such a process can cause dislike and unwillingness to write down anything.

Speech therapist and parents should in no case show excessive concern about the disease. It is necessary not to forget to praise the child for every little success.

Exercises for correcting dysgraphia and dyslexia

Types of exercises to eliminate dysgraphy (grade 5) and their implementation is an important stage in the process of getting rid of a violation. It is recommended to study them with the child every day. Thanks to this, you can get rid of dysgraphia and dyslexia in the shortest possible time.

There are many methods and exercises that allow you to get rid of violations in written and spoken language. Often experts recommend the child to emphasize problematic letters.

To eliminate dysgraphy it is recommended to work with special images. The child is given a picture on which the subject and structure of the word is present. First, the student should be called the subject, and then in turn to list all the sounds.

Children with dysgraphia and dyslexia are also encouraged to perform an exercise, the essence of which is to insert missed letters in words. Then the child will need to read the word out loud. Specialists also recommend writing dictations as often as possible. Thanks to this, you can significantly improve your writing skills.

Many teachers do not know the types of dysgraphy, and their correction in classes in general education institutions, as a rule, is not carried out. If the teacher complains about poor performance of the child, which is related to incorrect reading or writing words, parents should pay due attention to this problem and consult a specialist for diagnosis.

To eliminate dysgraphy, children are advised to train hand motility with the help of labyrinths - the child needs to continuously draw a line. Effective contour exercises are considered. In this case, the child needs to delete a given letter from the voluminous text.

Summing up

Dysgraphia is a disease characterized by specific disturbances in written speech. It is almost always accompanied by dyslexia. Identify these diseases is difficult. Often, parents mistakes a child for not wanting to learn. Thanks to our article, you have found out how many types of dysgraphia stand out in modern speech therapy and how they are characterized. This will allow anyone wishing to distinguish a violation of written and spoken language from illiteracy.

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