Homeliness, Gardening
Lemon at home. Cultivation
Among the florists has become very popular growing citrus plants in the home. Specifically for these purposes, breeders were brought out mini-varieties of orange, mandarin, grapefruit and lemon, as well as other species. In this article we will talk about the last of the above mentioned plants.
Lemon at home. Growing it can create a number of difficulties, since this small tree is very capricious. In order that tsitrus pleased you not only with its evergreen, bright leaves, but also with time began to bear fruit, it is necessary to adhere to some rules for caring for it.
The largest number of varieties of lemons are light-loving, except for only a few of them (Pavlovsky, Jubilee). For them, the northern and north-western windows of the apartment are good. The remaining plant varieties can be located near the solar southern and south-eastern windows. However, in this case it is worth pritenyat lemon: growing it can be complicated by direct sunlight, as the leaves can get sunburn. At the onset of winter, citrus should be placed in the brightest place in the apartment, but it must be remembered that this tree is wintering in the cool.
Pots. Substrate
It will be quite comfortable to grow a lemon in the home, the cultivation of which is best done in spacious wooden tubs, this improves the access of air to the root system. Soil for plants can be purchased in a store, it must be loose, but very nutritious. In order to make the soil at home, it will be necessary to mix humus, turf and sand in the proportions of 1: 3: 1.
Watering and humidity
Citrus fruits do not tolerate dry air, so do not put them near batteries. If there is no other suitable place for plants, then the battery should be covered with a wet rag. Like all citrus trees, in summer it is necessary not only to water abundantly, but also spray your water with a spray of your lemon. Cultivation of such capricious plants in the home always requires soft water: it needs to be boiled or defended within a day, even better - 2-3 days. Sometimes it is necessary to rinse the trees under a warm shower (small specimens) or to wash the leaves with water and cloth (adults and large plants). In the winter season, watering is reduced, as this can lead to stagnation of water and decay of the root system (an exception can be made if your trees have fruits at this time of year).
Top dressing
It will not be bad to produce fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. This should be done during the period of active growth of the tree, that is, from spring to late autumn. Addition of citrus is necessary not only for its healthy growth, but also for the beginning of fruiting.
Ovary and fruiting
If during flowering there is no way to put the plant outside, then pollination can be done by itself using an ordinary brush for drawing. To do this, gently take the pollen on a brush from one flower and transferred to another. So you need to do with all the colors. How soon will the lemon be produced at home? Cultivation took place according to all the rules - hence, you can wait for the harvest for the third - the fourth year.
It is worth remembering that fruit only grafted trees, only in rare cases it happens that plants grown from a bone, form ovaries. And then, most likely, it will be vapors.
Temperature conditions
Optimal for this plant in winter is the temperature of 12-15 gadusov. High it is considered already at 23 degrees, if the air is dry and hot - the leaves begin to curl up and dry up.
Transfer. Trimming
A young citrus tree is transplanted two or three times a year, given the growth rate, and older plants are transplanted every few years (usually 2-3). To do this it is necessary at the very beginning of spring, watching at the same time, so that new shoots and especially the ovary of flowers do not yet have time to form on the tree. When transplanting, you need to consider the location of the root system of the plant. The root cervix should be placed slightly below the level of the pot.
Like many other plants, good drainage requires a lemon at home. Cultivation of it is made, as already mentioned, in a spacious container, on the bottom of which it is possible to pour coarse-grained sand, put charcoal, small river or sea pebbles also fit.
With proper and careful care, this citrus will please you with its fruits annually, and with its bright green foliage - throughout the time of being in your apartment.
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