
Chinese (apple plum) is a paradise tree

Chinese (apple plum) is a tree that is often searched in the garden market. But they find it difficult to identify them. After all, Chinese fruit seedlings are not a specific kind of small apples. This is a separate species, characterized by polymorphism. It has many varieties and diverse forms. But most gardeners do not go into details, but remember only that the other name, which is Chinese (apple-tree is plum) is a district. It is also widely known for a beautiful and tasty jam, which is brewed from its fruits.

Chinese (apple plum or Malus prunifoli) in your garden

These trees are not only frost-resistant and unpretentious. They are still distinguished by ultra-high yield and extremely decorative appearance both during the fruiting period and at the time of flowering. Still these plants attract a huge number of bees, not only to their flowers, but also to neighboring apple trees. Thanks to this apple tree (Chinese golden) increases the yield of the entire garden. Still these trees are often used by breeders as a stock. If you cultivate chinese from seeds, it turns out to be very hardy and hardy. It can be planted with other, more fragile varieties.

The Chinese have their shortcomings. Firstly, this is a very large height of trees, which makes it difficult to harvest fruits. And waiting until they fall off themselves, is irrational, because because of the low weight begin to crumble already overripe or rotten fruits. Small apples, in addition, can only be stored for a very short time. After three weeks they are already unfit for food and for processing.

Chinese: apple-tree "golden early" and other varieties

In the old gardens you can find a variety from which the selection of these trees began. This is the "golden early" that Michurin brought out. The fruit ripening period is very early, weighing up to forty grams. But not more than a week can be stored. By the way, these trees are quite low. Their main disadvantage is that most fruits are located at the ends of branches. This leads to brittleness of shoots and injury to the tree.

In addition to the "golden early" one should mention such a variety as "Chinese Kerr" - winter hardy Canadian variety, small and small. He has very tasty and beautiful fruits of dark red color, which can stay on the tree until September and stored in a cool place until winter. In Canada, they are often used to decorate a Christmas tree and as stuffing for a stuffed Christmas bird. They can quite replace in culinary recipes "Antonovka". From the Chinese cook very fragrant compotes and jam, use in sweet pastries.

Home preparations from heavenly apples

This is not an ordinary jam. It looks like a puppet. Miniature apples seem to glow from the inside. Transparent syrup tastes slightly sourish and very fragrant. One kilogram of apples should take one kilogram and three hundred grams of sugar and three glasses of water. Fruits should be dropped into boiling water and immediately afterwards cooled in cold. Then chop and dip into hot syrup. Leave it for six hours, and then cook for two hours at low heat until it is clear.

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