
Ointment "Fenistil": application, reviews, analogues

To modern antihistamines is the ointment "Fenistil", in the power of which to fight with various allergic reactions. Thanks to the antiviral effect, the remedy is used to treat herpetic eruptions in adults and children.

General information about the preparation

"Fenistil" (ointment) has a pronounced anti-allergic effect and is one of the most popular drugs from this pharmaceutical group. The main active substance is dimethindene - a substance that effectively prevents allergic reactions of immediate type.

"Fenistil Penzivir" is another drug from this line that is used to treat colds on the lips. A pathological phenomenon often occurs if the immune system is weakened by illness or a lack of vitamins.

Most doctors and patients trust this particular medicine. Numerous studies confirm its effectiveness and safety. The drug positively proved itself in pediatrics and is often prescribed for the treatment of allergic reactions in toddlers, including infants.

Forms of release

Due to different forms of output, you can choose the most suitable option for use.

The drug is presented in pharmacies in the following forms:

  • Drops of "Fenistil" are taken orally and administered mainly to children over 1 month to relieve allergic symptoms. The liquid is allowed to mix with breast milk or a mixture. 1 ml of the solution contains 1 mg of dimethindene. Dosage of the drug should be calculated solely by the doctor. In case of an overdose, side effects are possible.
  • Ointment "Fenistil". The agent for external application is often called an ointment, although in fact it has a gel-like structure. It must be applied to the skin in places where allergy or herpes are showing signs. In this form, the drug can be used for children from birth, but under the constant supervision of a specialist.
  • Capsules "Fenistil" have a prolonged action and contain 4 mg of the active ingredient. You can only use the medicine when you are 12 years old. Therapeutic effect after the intake lasts for 24 hours.

The most suitable form of release of an antihistamine should be selected by the attending physician depending on the patient's complaints, symptoms and age. In some cases, simultaneous application of two kinds of "Fenistil", for example drops and ointments, is necessary.

How does the remedy work?

The active component dimethindene refers to the blockers of histamine H1 receptors. Its action is aimed at rapid relief of such symptoms as itching with various dermatoses or insect bites, urticaria, skin allergic reaction to food and medicines.

Ointment "Fenistil" from herpes ("Fenistil Penzivir") has in the active ingredient penciclovir, which has a pronounced antiviral effect. Use the product is necessary only to treat herpetic rash on the face. The active ingredient also eliminates concomitant symptoms in the form of pruritus, tingling in the focus of the rash and accelerates the process of recovery of the affected epithelium. They release the product in tubes and boxes with a mirror and special disposable applicators to apply cream to the affected areas of the skin.

Indications for use

The agent "Fenistil" for topical administration is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Hives.
  • Itching of various etiologies.
  • Eczema.
  • Atopic dermatitis.
  • Insect bites.
  • Household and sunburn.

In other forms, the remedy will help with allergic rhinitis, skin diseases (dermatoses), accompanied by severe itching. Can be used as a prophylaxis of an allergic reaction during the period of hypo-sensitizing therapy.

Fenistil for the treatment of herpes virus

Herpes is a disease that both women and men face at any age. Exacerbation of the disease can occur at any time of the year on the background of weakened immunity. Outbreaks are mainly observed in the autumn-winter period. A distinctive feature of the ailment is a rash that is localized mainly on the lips, but can go to the nose, cheeks, mucous membrane of the mouth.

A medicine that would completely rid the person of the herpes simplex virus is not currently established. Existing drugs help to cope with the rash and accelerate the process of recovery. The oppressive effect on the DNA of the virus is ointment from herpes on the lips of "Fenistil Pencivir". The drug starts to act immediately after application to the affected areas, the complete disappearance of the symptoms occurs about 4 days later. Before using the ointment, you should read the instructions and contraindications.

Can I use Fenistil during pregnancy?

During bearing the ointment Can only be used from the second trimester and solely by the doctor's prescription. Most experts recommend taking more gentle antihistamines, which do not have a negative effect on the fetus and the development of pregnancy.

Fenistil (ointment) for children

According to the instructions, the antiallergic ointment can be used for children from the very birth, if the rash on the baby's body does indeed have an allergic etiology. It is allowed to apply the tool and with insect bites. It should be borne in mind that it is necessary to apply the gel-like substance only pointwise, to small areas of the skin. "Fenistil" has an easy cooling effect, which allows you to quickly rid the baby of itching and soothe irritated skin.

Despite the safety of the drug, it must be used with caution. If the dosage of the active substance is exceeded, local side effects may occur in the form of dryness and burning of the skin. Therefore, the ointment should be applied in a thin layer and not more than 4 times a day. It is forbidden to use an antiallergic drug for premature babies.

How to apply correctly?

Ointment "Fenistil" should be applied a thin layer on the skin, where the localized rashes. The product is well absorbed and leaves no traces on the clothes. The amount of application of the ointment during the day depends on the severity of the symptoms. In severe cases, you can use the drug up to 4 times a day. If the allergic symptoms are poorly expressed, it is enough to apply the ointment several times a day. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight on the treated skin in order to preserve the therapeutic effect of the medication.

In the case when local application does not bring the expected result, specialists can prescribe an additional intake of the drug in the form of drops or capsules. Dosage should be calculated according to the age of the patient. "Fenistil" in drops and capsules can cause such side effects as drowsiness, dizziness, increased excitability. Similar symptoms do not occur when using ointments. Do not combine the topical agent with other similar antihistamines.

special instructions

In some cases, it is necessary to abandon the use of the drug "Fenistil". Ointment (expert reviews confirm this) can not be used on skin areas with marked signs of inflammation or bleeding. Without prior consultation with a doctor, you should not use the product during pregnancy.

Long-term exposure to ultraviolet light can cause an allergic reaction in places where the skin is treated with a drug. If the patient is seeing an increase in the symptoms of the disease, you should immediately seek medical help.

The drug in the form of a gel is absolutely safe and can be used during lactation, but it is not recommended to apply it to the nipples and mammary glands. In the case of individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, a more gentle means should be selected.

Analogue of the ointment "Fenistil": how to choose?

For the treatment of herpetic eruption, in addition to the external preparation Fenistil Pencivir, the following preparations are used:

  1. "Acyclovir" - the active antiviral substance is acyclovir. Produced in the form of ointment, gel, tablets, powder for injection, suspension. The therapeutic effect is to block the development of the herpes virus.
  2. "Virolex" is a remedy effective against the herpes zoster virus and herpes simplex. It is also available in various forms and can be used to treat newborns and during pregnancy under strict medical supervision.
  3. "Gerpevir" - an antiviral agent is produced in the form of tablets and ointments, the active ingredient of which is acyclovir. Contraindicated drug during lactation, pregnancy and hypersensitivity to the components. In pediatrics it can be used only if the child's age is more than 3 months.

An analogue of the ointment "Fenistil" in case of an allergic reaction should be prescribed by a specialist. Most often replace the remedy with the gel "Dimitri". According to the instructions, the drug can be prescribed to children from birth and women in the position starting from the 13th week of pregnancy. Another analogue of "Fenistila" is the gel "Vibrocil".

"Fenistil" or "Psilo-balm"?

A powerful anti-allergic action is possessed by the gel "Psilo-balm" used for external use. The effect is due to the presence in the composition of a component such as diphenhydramine, which is able to remove swelling and flushing of the tissues. Ointment from the allergy "Fenistil" has a similar mechanism of action, and therefore "Psilo-balm" is often used as an analogue of the original drug. The gel can also be used for skin itching caused by allergies, hives, insect bites, contact dermatitis, minor burns.

The main difference between drugs is the manufacturer. "Fenistil" (drops, ointment, capsules) is made by the Swiss pharmaceutical company, and "Psilo-balm" is produced in Germany. In pricing, the analogue is somewhat more accessible to a wide range of people. For a tube of 20 g, you need to pay from 250 to 300 rubles. The cost of Swiss funds ranges from 230 (cream) to 450 rubles. (Gel and ointment).


You can hear a wide variety of reviews about the drug "Fenistil". Ointment is used as an antihistamine drug and basically brings considerable relief of symptoms, but in rare cases it may not have the proper therapeutic effect. Some patients note that an expensive remedy is absolutely ineffective with insect bites. Redness and itching do not disappear even after several days of use according to the instructions. In such cases, doctors advise to replace the external product with drops or capsules for oral use.

Ointment "Fenistil" for the treatment of allergic rashes in infants is used by many parents. Within a few days of therapy, redness begins to go away and stop bothering the baby. If there are a lot of rashes, it is necessary to intensify the effect of the drug from the inside with drops of "Fenistil", but only after consulting the pediatrician.

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