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Multivarka Lentel MXB-4LD11: reviews tell a lot about

Any hostess is unlikely to be able to resist the acquisition of such a miracle, like a multivarker. But always before buying us, doubts and certain questions get overwhelmed. Well, for example, what kind of kitchen appliances to buy? I want the price of the device to be acceptable, and in the kitchen he became a real assistant. The Lentel MXB 4LD11 multitower proved to be very successful. Reviews about her buyers leave the most positive. Those who use the model of this firm, attracts both the design and functionality of the magic pot.

A few words about multivarkas

This technique has appeared in our kitchens not so long ago. But she already firmly established her leadership there. In simple words, a multivar is a pot with a processor. It is also equipped with other details. For example, a steam valve and a sensor for temperature control. It is the microprocessor that is responsible for everything that happens inside the pan. You can simply put inside all the necessary ingredients, and the device will cook everything for you. The Lentel MXB 4LD11 is also no exception. Reviews about it emphasize the ease of use. This attracts buyers.

Meet the new Lentel

All multivarkers are designed to facilitate the work of housewives in the kitchen. They differ from each other only by their quality characteristics, volume, power and modes. For example, for a large family, the Lentel MXB 4LD11 multivarker is perfect. The description of the producers clearly confirms this fact.

Take at least its volume. If your family consists of three people, enough volume of two liters. Whether it's a multivark with a 4-liter bowl! It will allow you to feed delicious meals to a much larger number of households, besides unexpected guests will never be able to take you by surprise. This is the cup that Lentel has.

Indicative and its power, which is 700 watts. This also indicates that the new miracle assistant is able to cook food in large quantities.

Features of Multevark from Lentel

Among other delights, which this model can boast of, it is possible to distinguish a non-stick coating. It perfectly protects the device from all sorts of troubles and damages. The equipment is equipped with a bright LED screen, which simplifies the use process.

In general, almost all users speak about the advantages that the Lentel MXB 4LD11 multitark has. Reviews of manufacturers and buyers complement each other and are full of praise for a smart machine. However, some note a small inconvenience - there is no "Start" button in the Lentel MXB. The mode is usually started on its own, 5 seconds after its selection.

Multivark Lentel MXB 4LD11: software

One of the distinguishing features of all smart pans is the availability of certain programs. They can boast of a multitower Lentel MXB 4LD11. Reviews indicate that there are only 8 of them, but this is the plus of this kitchen equipment. Programs are the most necessary, they are enough to indulge in home delicious dishes. What can Lentel offer us?

Three main programs

  • "Bakery products". Experienced housewives argue that this regime is suitable in the event that it will be necessary to fry something.
  • "Double boiler". About the benefits of food, cooked for a couple, it is unlikely that anyone will argue.
  • "Quenching." Stewed vegetables preserve all the necessary vitamins, besides they are very tasty. But you can also extinguish fish or meat.

Three special programs

  • "Buckwheat".
  • "Porridge".
  • "Pilaf".

But there are a few more wonders that a smart pot can do. For example:

  • "Delayed start" mode. Such a function will allow you to prepare a dish not right now, but to the appointed time.
  • "Heating" mode. Thanks to him, you can quickly warm up the food or maintain the desired temperature of the ready delicacy.
  • The "Cancel" mode. If you make a mistake, you can cancel the selected program. In some multivarques this is not possible, since the lid is locked until the cooking process is finished. But Lentel allows this.

Multivark Lentel MXB 4LD11: instructions

Use this model is very simple. Electronics has long occupied a place in our kitchens, and all the housewives are accustomed to displays with a control panel. But still some rules should be observed.

  1. Before you start using the new multivar, you need to remove all stickers from the case, get all the accessories (bowl, spoons, grill for steam, measuring cups) and rinse them in a warm soapy solution. Then dry and reinsert inside the pan.
  2. To start cooking, you need to find the "Menu" button on the display. With it, the desired cooking mode is selected.
  3. You put in the pan the ingredients you need and choose the right program.
  4. Do not forget that you need to wash the multivark with a soft sponge that does not damage the non-stick coating. Do not use abrasive powders or hard graters. If suddenly the remains of food stick to the walls of the bowl, it should be simply soaked for a couple of hours.

That's it, the Lentel MXB 4LD11. Photo highlights the original design of the model. This miracle casserole does not cause any trouble, but it can cook awesome.

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