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Menses during pregnancy

Pregnancy is the normal state of any woman. The duration of this period is from 38 to 49 weeks, during which the baby develops in the uterus. Many are inclined to the opinion that a woman is able to find out about her interesting position in the first couple of weeks. The first sign of developing pregnancy is the termination of the menstrual cycle. But, according to statistics, one in five women do not even know about their condition until 5 months. The reason for this is an uninterrupted menstruation during pregnancy. And indeed, if you believe all the same statistics, one in five women turns to a women's consultation with this question. But many people do not even turn around, and at the same time give birth to healthy children.

In order to understand if menstruation is dangerous during pregnancy, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with certain physiological features of the female body. The fact is that if fertilization occurs in the middle of the cycle, then, most likely, the fetal egg will not have time to get to the right place, because it takes from 7 to 15 days. This means that the hormonal background of the woman will remain in the same state and the body will not react to the changes, in view of which everything will happen in the usual way for him. That is, the monthly in the first month of pregnancy will pass as usual. Also, women often have a decreased level of estrogen during pregnancy. The reasons for this can be a great many, and the result is one - menstruation during pregnancy. This means that the hormonal background changes, pregnancy develops, and estrogens suddenly fall, and as a result, bleeding occurs. It should be noted that for various reasons a normal hormonal background is not observed in every woman, so some do not even know about their pregnancy during the first 3 or 4 months.

There is one more reason why a woman has an abundant period during pregnancy, although this happens very rarely. In some medical sources, there are cases when two eggs mature in the body, which are located in different ovaries. At the same time, one ovum was fertilized, and the other was rejected, causing bleeding.

If the pregnancy proceeds as expected, the menstrual cycle stops, because the fertilized egg continues its development. Nevertheless, some women may have reddish discharge, which are not monthly. The reasons for the appearance of these secretions may be different, but, as a rule, this means that the egg began to flake off. With a slight detachment, the female body will cope with this independently, and the further course of pregnancy will be normal.

Despite the fact that menstruation during pregnancy very often does not lead to irreversible consequences, if bleeding occurs to a future mother, it is best to consult a doctor who is monitoring her health during pregnancy. The doctor will conduct a thorough examination, perhaps, will appoint tests, on the basis of which he will draw conclusions. It is even possible that the doctor will prescribe the use of spasmolytic or muscle relaxants. It should be noted that every woman has a purely individual pregnancy, and having listened to the general recommendations, she can make an erroneous decision. In the event that a woman during pregnancy has a discharge that is similar to menstruation, you should not self-medicate, because this can adversely affect not only her health, but also the health of her unborn baby. In order for the woman's pregnancy to proceed normally, she needs to be examined regularly and at the first alarm signs to seek help from her doctor.

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